CZ 75b First Firearm Purchase

I'm thinking about getting the CZ 75b as my first gun, but before I make the purchase I wanted to ask the experts.
What do you guys think?
anything I should know about before purchasing?

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>anything I should know about before purchasing?
trigger return springs break buy extras, the slide stop will also break but thats after a reasonable amount of rounds.
they are very prone to rusting. the barrel has no finish, the black coating chips off.

Post yours user, you sound like you have a lot of personal experience with the brand.

if you're dead set on getting a CZ, get a good model. Minimum an SP01 but all of the target/competition models are good. the regular models like the B are not very good. At that point, you might as well consider getting tanfoglio

>Post yours user, you sound like you have a lot of personal experience with the brand.

>inb4 he owns nothing but a garbage rod

>. At that point, you might as well consider getting tanfoglio
What's wrong with tanfoglio? I've had mine for 15 years and not a single issue. In fact, it's one of my favorite guns.

reread my post. I recommended tanfoglio

He doesn't even own a gun. It's seriously all shit memes from weekendgunnit. If I handed him my CZ75BD he couldn't point out where each of these flaws even are. He just saw it somewhere and likes regurgitating it.

Good purchase for a a Good solid gun enjoy it and practice with it

Shut the fuck up faggot

I see that.. I thought they were pretty much identical. Just not sure what's not good about either

will those break during use, or is there a preemptive sign to tell when to relapse those?

Really? i thought the B was a good model, what makes the SP01 better?
also what type of tanfoglio would you recommend, im not familiar with them

im doing this cause i know cz defense force will be oh muh cz is perfect cz can do no wrong. ive shoot one thousand rounds and its never failed once. to those people shut the fuck up if your cz hasnt failed you havent shot it enough. its okay to accept a gun has flaws and still enjoy it. stop tying your ego to the gun.

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It is a good model the sp01 is just a newer model
He's talking out his ass about the tangfolios

the B is just a bone standard service pistol. it's stock, it doesn't have a very good stock trigger, the sights are whatever, and I am not a fan of the stock ergos.

The SP01 has improved all of those, will hold it's value better and truly has a fantastic stock trigger. plus if I remember correctly the SP01 has a higher capacity magazine which makes it a lot more fun to me to shoot with.

It all depends on your budget, but every witness elite or hunter model I have experienced are fucking awesome to shoot. It's just a product improved CZ. Plus I trust the italians to make a better gun than a bunch of slavs but that's just me.

Do not get a rami, I had one because I always thought they were really, really good looking guns but that thing was hot ass. I shot about ~1k rounds through mine and it had about 10 malfunctions in that time, the ergos were crap and the factory night sights left a lot to be desired.

they're close, but the tanfo has a few improvements over a stock CZ75B

>will those break during use, or is there a preemptive sign to tell when to relapse those?
slide stop is around 15k. this is fine. this is predictable
trs is fuckin random. which is why its shit and czs are range toys. you will know when it breaks cause the trigger fails to reset.
recoil springs are another thing you might want to keep spares of that will wear out before the slide stop breaks but is long enough that it doesnt matter.

do the same problems occur for the SP01?

>czs are range toys
Now I know you dont know shit

it's 2019, embrace polymer. CZ's make great fucking competition guns though

yes all of the metal framed cz75 pattern guns share those flaws. theres also another thing with the rollpin breaking firingpins and locking up the gun but i think thats overblown.

>it's 2019, embrace polymer.
And the glock fag shows his true colors

>implying glock
don't be so defensive about your prized brand. All guns have problems, glocks usually just work. I don't have anything against them, I just prefer a different brand. either way DA/SA is a harder skill to master as a new shooter and a plain jane CZ75B is a meh gun compared to even other guns from CZ or what you can get for the price

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I've literally learned to fire on a m9 when I later used a glock and cz after that and found the cz to be a better gun out of the three
It's still a widely used gun by many police depts,militaries, etc delta even has then as an approved pistol for their operators to say they are just range toys means you don't know shit or a fucking fan boy

>sp01 has improved ergos over cz75b
Should I be laughing this hard?

post your cz you fuck.
fucking idiots read gunsmith cats and think its perfection.
its a dated design with minor flaws. plenty of other handguns do a better job in reliability. cz excels at being metal and ergonomics. they were never known for outstanding reliability. average reliability for that type of metal gun sure not bad not great.
if im carrying something i want it to be great for reliability. if it jams multiple times or breaks something that cant be immediately fixed then its relegated to range toy.

what are you trying to prove? different people prefer different guns. Weight is a real thing

Eat a dick faggot I never mentioned gunsmith cats
And if you wanna go by flaws have you forgotten the glocknade meme? Or how berattas slides are shit? Or how sig aren't drop safe? Every gun has its flaws if you relegate one as being solely a range toy even though it has a proven track record makes you retarded

>It's still a widely used gun by many police depts,militaries, etc delta even has then as an approved pistol for their operators
anyone who has a choice in the matter doesnt want to carry cz. just cause its metal. its heavy and more maintenance intensive cause rust. nobody wants that. the people still using cz are poor. hell even the czech republic avoids using them.

I'd go with the Omega if you ain't got the scratch for the SP01 or something. They simplified the trigger mechanism (read, removed spring) and most come with tritium sights and a better finish. Mine is only two years old, seen a lot of use in that time though and I'm pretty happy with it as it was like, 400 bucks.

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So delta is a bunch of poor fags and other police depts in the us or other elite units? You're a fucking retard

The point tha cz75 is not a range toy you stupid fuck
Steel guns are not that heavy you fucking spy boi

if you dont relegate a gun to a range toy despite it having failed on you multiple times you are extremely deluded. you want to carry your cz go ahead. i dont give a fuck what happens to you. for me its a range toy. being a range toy is ok. i still enjoy the gun despite its flaws and ive bought spare parts to fix it up when it fucks up.

Glocks get free blowjobs from every mall ninja for reliability but are just about the easiest thing to limp wrist and stovepipe under stressful situations. I have seen too many cop bodycam videos and have seen it too many times at the range to believe otherwise.

>trigger return springs break buy extras, the slide stop will also break but thats after a reasonable amount of rounds.
>they are very prone to rusting. the barrel has no finish, the black coating chips off.

This is Jow Forums lore: the post. None of this bullshit will happen to the average CZ owner.

it weighs a pound more than a glock 19. that's a considerable amount. Like I said, stop taking this so personally. Be happy with the guns you have but understand not everyone feels the same way about it.

range toys are great. That's what my q5 is for and is what I will relegate the Jericho 941F I am buying for.

It's weekendgunnitlore

the paint falling off and the barrel having essentially no finish is what?
you can see it.

Exactly glocks are very finicky in form and under a stressful situation it's hard to maintain perfect form

Omega user here, there's also a convertible model of the Omega that can be switched between a manual on frame safety or a decocker to go from SA to DA. I prefer the decocker myself, as it's just one less thing to remember if I need to draw it as it is my carry piece.

I owned a CZ-75BD, a PCR, and currently own an SP-01. The 75BD and the PCR ran very well for the 2 years I owned them, but were sold since I started favoring pistols with rails.
The SP-01 , although I've only owned it for a short time doesn't lock back reliably on an empty magazine. I haven't been able to replicate the issue with unloaded magazines and dummy rounds and this only seems to happen after it's been shot with live ammo. I've messed with my grip as well and I'm definitely not hitting the slide stop.
It might just need to be broken in further or maybe the stock mag springs are trash but it's certainly something that's affected my opinion of the gun.

That's about the only issue I've encountered personally. I still like shooting it since it's easily the most comfortable and shootable/accurate handgun I own, and it shoots all the cheap brass ammo I've fed it but I'm fine with relegating it to a range gun.

Experience trumps what strangers online say at the end of the day so I encourage you to rent one and see how you like it. Also consider a Glock 17, an HK P30/P2000/USP, and a Beretta 92fs.

>Jow Forums

expert checking in

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its probably the recoil spring sp01s come with ithink 18 or 20.
normal fullsize cz is 14.
anyways the extra lbs combined with weak ammo might not push the slide back far enough for it to lock.

it ships with the strong one cause omg sp01 its over buit fuck yeah. we going to shoot nato rounds or +p cause sp01.

Come to think of it I have been working through a couple cases of 115 grain blazer brass, so you might be right about that. Thanks user, I'll try something a little heavier next time I take it out.

you can drop a lighter normal spring in the sp01 with no issues if you feel like it.

Yeah I think I will if the ammo turns out to be the main culprit. Thanks again user.

Love my CZ comp, but gonna replace some springs and rollpin to be on the safe side.

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no problem. unlike the rest of these guys i actually shoot my cz and have dealt with things like minor compatibility issues. far from an expert on cz though.

What type of 9mm bullets can you use with the cz 75b?

any 9x19
stronger shit may reduce the lifespan of your gun
super weak specialty rounds might not cycle.
this is true for any 9mm though not cz specific.

I've shot blazer brass and federal fmjs no problem. I use my CZ for work atm (might switch to P229 soon) and it uses Hornady Critical Duty +P flawlessly.

CZ fanboys are the most insufferable fanboys in the gun community. They’re worse than Glock fanboys, they’re worse than HK fanboys, they’re worse than Gucci AR fanboys. I own CZs and I love my CZs but CZ fanboys who blindly and fervently defend every single aspect about the guns are the most annoying fucking people in the world.

Have sex


Its a great choice for a first gun. As a new shooter, the single action trigger will help you with accuracy, the double action will give you confidence in keeping it with a loaded chamber, and the soft shooting nature of the 75 design will help you get rid of your flinch more easily. The weight and the finish will make you really appreciate fumbling with it at home. I would recommend that you consider the SP01 Shadow model, 680vs 500 dollars, but you get a nicer trigger, nicer sights, 3 magazines, and a rail for attaching a light. More tuning options too i believe. I have 1200 rounds through my Shadow with literal 0 malfunctions of any kind. And i fired anything from 100 grain +P to 150 grain subsonic's.

The trigger return spring breakage that people talk about happen after dry firing it 20 000 times. The roll pin breakage that people mention also happen due to dry fire after 5-10 000 trigger presses, but the Shadow model doesn't have that pin so its not an issue. In any case, these are 5$ parts. Barrel wont rust as its stainless steel, and the body won't rust as its polycoated on the outside, and you keep it lubed up on the inside. The poly-coat finish will scrape of in time if you work with a kydex hostler a lot, other wise its will stay put for a decade.

You can see a full screen 360 view here

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What the utter fuck is this bullshit?

You're full of shit.

Incel post.


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slide stops breaking is common knowledge.

idk anything about cz75 rusting, first i ever heard of that. I had a cz75 stainless for quite awhile i recently sold for a cz75 short rail/ first model. Theyre good guns.

They do break, but only after a substantial number of rounds. And from what i hear, when they go, they don't actually jam up the gun. Slide just doesn't lock back.

this, I've shot both recently and sp01s are awful, and they're fucking ugly.
just get a B or DB, op.

basically anyone trying to talk shit in this thread on the cz75 or say "but this will happen or that" you need to just ignore and buy the gun dude youre not going to have any problems with it. Maybe the stock finish sucks ass on the regular B, k-var has a sale on the matte stainless models rightnow for 750.

>slide stops breaking is common knowledge
Yeah, if you're from Jow Forumsweekendgunnit. I suggest you go back there and stay there.

Where's the timestamp anyway?

Ignore the retards in this thread, OP. The 75b is a very good gun and will provide you many years of loyal service. Just a tip, it does have a steel frame, so it is a bit heavy and is probably not an ideal carry gun. If you're looking for a CC piece I'd look for something smaller and lighter. But if you just want a basic handgun to learn and/or practice the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship with you really can't go wrong with the 75b.
Also, some people don't like the stock plastic grips, you might have to change them out for rubber ones, but that's just a matter of preference.

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you seem upset. probably also a dumbass.

Are you allergic to capitalization?


grasping pathetically... ur a loser d00d.

I'm thinking about this as a first gun, but the lack of firing pin block is slightly concerning- should I be?

>but the lack of firing pin block
Dude what?

The sp-01 shadow doesn't come with a firing pin block. The regular one does, but they remove it for trigger-feel reasons on their "competition" guns

I have owned 3 CZs. An SP01, P01, and 75b SA. The SA is newer to me but I absolutely love it, the SP01 I shot only a couple thousand rounds, and the P01 I shot upwards of 15,000. No failures across the board of any kind ever, or parts breakage.

I was a self sponsored police academy recruit and all I had at the time was my P01, which got me a ton of funny looks especially by the range masters. That little P01 kept on trucking while Sigs, XDs, and one Glock all operated by other recruits had numerous and various failures. The only issue I ever had was CZs OEM 10 round CA mags (the bottom would occasionally start to pop off). Easy fix with 10% springs, though annoying.

I trust CZs 100%. I have never owned a standard B model but if you do get one I recommend the extended safety as the absolute first upgrade to give your thumb something to actually hold onto OP.

Cz makes like half a dozen polymer models.

Not really. The only thing that prevents is a negligent discharge in extreme cases. Such as a bad car wreck, or dropping your gun from a great height. And even then, the gun would have to be struck with extreme force in a specific direction, at a specific point to go off. Such scenarios have a tiny tiny possibility of happening when conceal carrying, having the gun pointed at your balls all day...but SP01 is not a carry gun. It's really too heavy to not be annoying for carry. There is probably 0.1% chance that you would ND due to a lack of firing pin block, all ND's are related to putting your finger on the trigger when you should not have.

If you consider carrying, then you should consider the P01 rather than SP01. It's a compact model, and the steel lower is replaced with an aluminum. It's considerably lighter, and therefore viable for CC, while still being nice for the range. Tho not quite as nice as the Shadow. And it has the firing pin block. The nice thing about the lack of it on the shadow besides not being possible to break, is that its easier to disassemble the firing mechanism as you don't need to punch out the pin.

Polymer offers no advantage ro the shooter except for weight reduction, which only matters to weak homos who don't eat meat.

>mall cop
Into the trash it goes.

Love my Shadow. Many rounds and no malfunctions, added wood grips and a CGW stainless guide rod.

I have to wipe it down religiously after each outing as I have the dreaded sweaty hands and I don't want to test my luck with the finish.

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Doesn't even offer that. look up the weight of P01, and P07. Or the rami, and the discontinued polymer version of the rami.
In all cases, its the same. Glocks are lighter, not because they are poly, but lighter. Poly only offers low cost and rust protection.


Most modern handguns are good quality, the ones that aren’t get shit on usually. Don’t buy Taurus, Kel-Tec, bursa, S&W, hi-point, or anything related to a 1911. Certain models from some companies like Glock, and Sig should also be considered shit. Also don’t buy .40 S&W unless you’re some sort of retarded boomer, or a cop. Cops get to have it because they live the boomer tradition.

What grips? Really like them.

Damn that's a lot of shitty info.


Holy noguns. Or bait. Whatever I'll reply.
Taurus makes a few good guns currently. Pt92, Tx22, G2c are some examples. The S&w M&p line are cheaper, but better glocks. Also their revolvers are still good to go, despite the hillary hole. Hi-points have been Jow Forums approved for years. The c9 is a pistol anyone can afford and have most likely killed more people than any glock. The hi-point carbine is also fucking great and a lot of fun at the range. Bersa was iffy in the early 2000's but currently they are some of the best budget pistols you can buy. The Thunder .380 and Tpr9c are extremely reliable and a great budget option. The 1911 is still a great gun if you get it from a good manufacturer. Ria makes a budget 1911 that is as reliable as most high-end 1911s. If not more due to the tight tolerances of custom 1911s.
>Certain models from some companies like Glock, and Sig should also be considered shit.
Again, wrong. Glocks are fine, just overpriced. Same with Sig. The problems with the 365 and 320 were fixed ages ago.
>Also don’t buy .40 S&W unless you’re some sort of retarded boomer, or a cop
I agree that .40 is phased out, but seeing as you can get them for 30% less than pretty much any other common caliber, it's worth looking into. I got a Usp in .40 for $380 that was pretty much brand new, when a 9mm Usp would sell for around $700.
Tldr, you're a retarded zoomer with no knowledge of firearms and you should noose yourself.

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Better than being an agent of zog you fucking faggot.

OP none of this will happen to that gun. My personal experience with my CZ75BD was excellent. One of my favorite pistols I have owned to date and was also my first! Only thing i would recommend is buying the version with the decocker and not the manual safety.

The manual version is far superior imo

>at least it’s not the guberment!
You keep telling yourself that when Scrooge McDuck has you gun down teenagers because they walked too close to his Cadillac, Paul Blart.

So, for someone who wants a CZ75, what model do you recommend? I currently own Sig 226 and 228 (both from 80's - so, they're actual German quality and not current shit quality). I love that they're metal frame and reliable. Only contention is a lack of a safety.

The 75b comes with a manual saftey

heres a basic overview of metal czs
cz75b normal has safety
cz75bd normal has decocker
cz75 omega has either safety or decocker can swap between them with parts bought separately, less aftermarket so if you want to upgrade avoid omega. if you dont care about upgrade potential its the same.
cz75 compact rather bad generic term that applies to a bunch of different guns hard to tell what you will get.
cz85 same shit as 75 but ambi.
cz75 sp01 has rail partially ambi has larger beavertail heavy cause rail adds mass
cz75 p01 lighter frame more compact has rail and beavertail
2075 rami the jammi but hey fuck it you want the smallest cz and you already decided cz is the best your going to complain shit all over this post and ignore this warning

personally i dont like the highend/race gun czs. so im not mentioning them. yes they are noticeably better triggers than the base models however cz fit and finish is still a thing. other brands that you pay the same amount for do a better job for the price. dont own any but have borrowed and shot them.

If you want a "best value" gun: SP01 Shadow.
If you want a bullseye range gun: Tactical Sport orange.
If you want fuddy five: 97B
If you plan to carry it: P01

The only problem is that it's a CZ

Not who you're replying to, but if you're the type of person that reaches 5 digit round counts like some of us, then it very may well happen to you. It's well known enough that people on brianenos forums recommend carrying an extra slide stop and TRS for matches. Supposedly CZ improved the TRS in the past few years though.

Good guns. I've had a CZ 75B Stainless since 2014, put about 5k rounds through it in that time for certain; probably more but I'm positive of 5k, not sure how much higher than that. No complaints. I've only had two stovepipes, both with shitty aluminum cased blazer ammo. Every other type of ammo has run perfectly. I bought the hogue grips for mine, but the stock grips were pretty good too. There will be people who will scream about "muh slide stop" or "muh trigger return spring" and bitching about the finish. If those failures do happen, the parts are cheap to buy and easy to fix (well, not the finish. Though cerakote > all other finishes) I have a stainless gun so I don't have to worry about the finish, and as for the others if those do break it hasn't happened to me yet. I have spares on hand anyway.

Other good first guns to consider:

Beretta 92: fairly cheap, mags are plentiful, good guns, good ergos (though the bore axis is a little higher than the CZ)
HK VP9: If you want a nice polymer gun this is great out of the box and is in the sweet spot for CC and enjoyable range time.
Glock 19: It's.. boring. It's common. It's unpolished and kinda shitty out of the box if you have any experience with firearms, but they werk. easy to limpwrist and if you do it WILL jam. The Glock autists will screech how it's still perfect and you're the problem though xD That said there's something to having a common firearm that you can modify as you see fit.

Good god what have you done to that poor gun. Do you take that shit care of all your stuff, or did you buy a CZ to abuse just so you could go to internet forums and screech like an autist about how much you hate them? Have you ever heard of taking care of your equipment? Jesus fuck you're dumb. OP disregard this glue huffing simpleton.

CZ makes a polymer SP01 now.

CZ shadow 2 if you're taking czoi boi pill

Consider a P-09 (fullsize) or a P-07 (compact) as well. They tend to run cheaper than the old-school CZs. Also, be aware that you need snap caps to dryfire these guns if you'd like to do so without beating up your roll pin.

I want a CZ75, but I don't like rails. Are the SP01s and Shadow 2s that much better? Is the Omega any better than the Bs and BDs? What ways can you get around the supposed finish/rust problems?

Shadow 2 is on a different, superior level. It is nitrided and then cerakoted so rust is unlikely

CZ-75B was my first firearm too, OP. Had mine for 5ish years, around 1000 rounds through it, no malfunctions. Feels great in the hand, shoots like a dream. No complaints.

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