Would it be a clean invasion or would the Brazilians put up a fight?
If anything, if there ever was a time for America to invade another country now is the time desu. Is trump considering it?
What would happen if America invaded Brazil?
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It would be Mississippi but bigger.
>Is Trump considering invading the cartel-filled hellhole of a nation run by a South American populist counterpart who does nothing but add some validity to Trump's own presidency on the global stage.
Brazil is larger than Alaska.
The US would leave it half assed like vietnam and the middle east when the war becomes politically unfavorable after 5 digit casualties (half of which would come from jungle diseases)
CIA controls the drug fields and that war would begin a decade before and last decades after.
>Would it be a clean invasion or would the Brazilians put up a fight?
Brazilians here, y'all would return home in a few months with Zika, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya Fever, Malaria, Yellow Fever and another whole assortment of fucked up African mosquito-borne diseases.
And candiru
>Zika, Dengue Fever, Chikungunya Fever, Malaria, Yellow Fever and another whole assortment of fucked up African mosquito-borne diseases.
There's shots for those Vietnam is just as bad, but of course a bunch of grunts will still get it.
Samefag here, also there's nothing here worth commiting 300K+ plus servicemen to occupy this god forsake shithole, invading is an even more retarded idea than annexing Mexico to fight the drug cartels. Lastly, but not least, it's our fucking forest, fuck off, it's not the lung of the world, blue algae from the oceans are, and in a few months the rain season begins and the fires will subside. Also, the federal police is already investigating the origins of the fires so expect a lot of people being arrested within the coming months.
>brazils greatest weapon is the mosquito
aye dios mio
we no speak spic, we speak portuguese
Im from az I cant fuckin speak portogeese lamo enjoy your bugs dude
>sending your troops to get fucked by jungle diseases and favela niggers just for a bunch of trees.
Oh shit
You poked the south american ethnic strife hornet's nest. You didn't kick it unless you start mentioning indio shit
kek, this whole post legit got me in stitches
Happened before: banana republics
Well the brazilians could resort to jungle warfare to repel the... oh they burned the jungles.
You better take care of your trees or I’m gonna take care of you.
> brbr's fighting a guerrilla war in the Amazon rainforest
Pretty fucking lit I'd say. Vietnam but even more intense
You gonna get head patted
I don't understand how that works.
We would be better off colonizing mexico.
what a waste of quints
candiru is the fucking deal breaker id rather be shot for desertion than sent to a place where a fish will go in my pp
>not just leveling the main population centers and leaving the trees be
Truly more stupid than the Vietnamese
Honestly this warrants an international intervention to safeguard the Amazon forest 100 times more than muh WMDs
>sending thousands of young men do their deaths because another sovereign nation let some of their trees burn down
Wilsonian interventionism truly will be the death of the United States.
There's no difference.
>thousands of young men to death
The Brazilian army is a joke
>some of their trees burn down
They have been cutting it down for years, and the damage is global. Would you prefer Brazil to turn into a desert and 200 million people trying to get to the US border?
Seethe more, Apezilian
It's their fucking jungle, jew. Let them do whatever they want to it.
So fucking what, shit goes extinct all the time. it's not our fucking problem. We're not sending men to die because your of your nerotic desire to make every nation on earth do the "right thing".
>their jungle
I'm sure at some point you might've somehow realized we live on the same planet or something.
>It's their fucking jungle, jew. Let them do whatever they want to it.
So Australia could just destroy the great Barrier Reef, Italy demolish Venice and turn it into an industrial arbor and so on?
>So fucking what, shit goes extinct all the time. it's not our fucking problem. We're not sending men to die because your of your nerotic desire to make every nation on earth do the "right thing".
When there is a monkey with a machine gun you take away the machine gun
>take away the machine gun
Nice try glow nigger
>We speak Portuguese
No you don't.
t. Actual Portuguese
The 2nd Amendment only covers humans
>‘The right of the people’
“The” people, not just people. If you can operate a firearm you have the right to. If the fucker runs out of ammo and doesn’t know how to reload that’s his problem
Sure. Let nations do whatever they want with their resources. It would be sad but it's not fucking yours. It's theirs. If all of France decides it wants to demolish the Eiffel tower then it's no one's job to stop them. You don't rule the world just yet, Jew.
If the machine gun in question is the Amazon forest the fucker doesn't know how to reload, and it's firing wildly into the sky
>Sure. Let nations do whatever they want with their resources
It's not "their resources". Destroying the forest would have a significant global impact
Also lol at calling me a Jew when you're ok with letting apes destroy something irreplaceable because of >muh money lol
You don’t seem to understand the concept of national sovereignty, minus some Simon Mann-tier bullshit happening (and succeeding this time), Brazil can and will do what they want with their land. Even if humanitarian faggots get involved with all the red tape it’ll be fucked by the time they make any difference
>It's not "their resources
This is a VERY jewish post.
>You don’t seem to understand the concept of national sovereignty
No such thing. It's a dog-eat-dog world and if Brazil's action damage the rest they should be put down
t. a jew which would sell oxygen if he could
>hurr durr what's yours is actually mine
>hurr durr who cares if he's dumping radioactive waste upstream to my river, it's his land after all
American soldiers would rape nigger women and become even more muttied than they already are, resulting in the white factor to drop from the current 56% to about 44% white.
>If Italy wanted to turn a sinking pile of rocks into an industrious and productive port, we should invade them and stop it
If Americans(or an other white country) brought back all the illegitimate children they created all of America, Britain, The Netherlands, France, and Spain would be Asian, Native American, or Black.
Every country in the world belongs to America.
Iraq was invaded for less.
Brazil is trying to piss us off
Sorry, that forest is a public good.
Is it okay for Russians to launch all their nukes into one of their deep sea trenches to try and blow up the earth?
Is it okay for Americans to do it too?
In both cases it's people doing their own shit on their own property but it's everyone else's business because it might destroy civilization.
That's why we need someone to put their foot down. Invade Brazil now.
>Is it okay for Russians to launch all their nukes into one of their deep sea trenches to try and blow up the earth
Holy shit, you're a dumbass. Stop talking.
yeah I don't think Trump is that retarded
Can Brazil even invade The Falklands?
Could probably not even take French Guiana
They are though. Here in the civilized world forestry is done properly, so things are done in sections on a 30 year rotation. At no point is a forest just clear cut and left to fallow
Go fuck a stump Lorax
>Favella fighting
Those natives who still live there would disagree with you
It uses sight to select host and the only "case" of candiru parasitism was debunked.Your penis is safe user.
user,bananas aren't trees.
Natives are irrelevant
Do you realize that the destruction of Amazonia has worldwide consequences?
>people who live there are irrelevant
>Let nations do whatever they want with their resources.
If it has ramifications outside of their country they make it other people's business. If a country build dams and diverts a major river that feeds through several other countries, over fishes someone else's waters, or starts testing cobalt bombs near their border they should get their shit pushed in.
Daily reminder:
-most of the fires are in Bolivia, not Brazil
-the fires started over a month ago in Bolivia
-only now has their government done anything about it or even accepted international aid, and leftist jornalists have praised them for it
-Bolivia's president Evo Morales signed a decree legalizing burning the jungle for farming a month ago
-the fires are mostly in areas that did not vote for him
-despite this being well known in the local news, international media has shifted the blame to president Bolsonaro of Brazil
-the Brazilian government has been investigating intentional fires for months and actively fighting them, including those related to a Norwegian NGO
-the Amazon rainforest experiences fires every year as part of a natural cycle, these are not specially large
-the size and number of fires has steadily decreased over the last 20 years
-despite the blame shifted onto right wing president Bolsonaro, the Amazon has recovered under his policies while it suffered damage during left wing presidents Roussef and Da Silva
-President Macron of France and other G7 leaders demanding sanctions on Brazil is an act of political extortion and a leftist ploy to undermine a sovereign right wing nation
US is 74% white
So are Brazilians
Then why has no one invaded Russia?
"Treepublics" doesn't sound the same, tho.
Nukes, of which Brazil has 0
The Brazilian military would never attack American soldiers.
But the Rio de Janeiro giant-assed trannies would
Brazilian obsession with asses is chimpanzee teir
>who cares about muh environment
Filthy fucking corporatist that can't see past his coloured kike paper. Fucking shortsighted selfish nigger.
At least they're well shaped asses unlike the Kardashian abominations Americans are into
Cause they wouldn't see them until they're getting bombed
>Americans are into
It's really just niggers that are into that
It really is an interesting question.
A portion of Brazilians are still "savage" in the good sense of the Word but the problem is that most of those "savages" are America-worshiping retards who would be shocked and confused if God America attacked them.
America is a nigger country, even the whites are niggers now
This shit is a political move and yall niggers are buying it like a kid being given a lollipop. Do not trust the shit they're saying, its all REALPOLITIKS and the fires and other shit that you see are being exaggerated. I'm ex-military, from Brazil, I've worked for a few months in border security and have been indirectly involved with some land-owners while paving roads. The man-made fires happen every year and they serve real agricultural purpose. This year fires are nothing but average, from the last 20 years and there isn't nothing really being lost that hasnt already been. National NGOs are internationally controlled and (((they))) are just trying to fuck with Bolsonaro since he is much more resilient in regards to international influence in any subject. If an invasion would occur, it would be bloodier than Vietnam, as most of the soldiers here are extremely well trained specifically in jungle warfare. It would be an attrition war with explosives and constant engagement-disengagement. Literal hell.
>I'm ex-military, from Brazil, I've worked for a few months in border security and have been indirectly involved with some land-owners while paving roads. The man-made fires happen every year and they serve real agricultural purpose.
You might as well mention Australia as an example. Like the Black Saturday fires:
tl;dr environmentalists forget that if you don't clear the bush, when the fires come(and they WILL come) you're making it worse. Rainforests aren't like pine forests, they grow fast, dry up and become tinder.
It depends on the region, there still big german comunities on South for example
Thank you for complimenting my response. It's just fucked that this is a weird concept for most normies; you gotta burn it a little bit so it doesn't burn so hard everything dies, FOR REAL.
A single square mile of rain forest is worth 100 welfare queens
It's important that anyone who actually cares about the environment, if not for their very lives and those of their countrymen educates themselves. Right now the media and the twitter normie retards are obsessed, completely fixated with this "carbon footprint", they think all trees are sacred objects. and that we will actually, literally asphyxiate if there aren't enough trees. It's a pathetically simplistic and child-like understanding of nature.
Meanwhile a volcano going off can release more CO2 than the entirety of the human species dating back to the industrial revolution ever had in a couple days. The whole carbon footprint bullshit is a huge con by countries like China or India that do not want to nor can be made to comply with environmental rules and just propose them to undermine their competition. They spill their garbage into the rivers and oceans, highly toxic chemicals into the land and air and their disgusting, germ infested products flood our markets. Things that make CO2 look like air refreshener. They stay silent about that, about the enormous swirls of Asian garbage forming an actual continent in the Pacific, or how every coastline in the Indian sea is nothing but literal shit and plastic.
Oh, and those same people also oppose Nuclear energy, god forbid we harness the cleanest energy ever discovered and became fully independent from Arab oil. And despite the recent technological advancements making even fucking coal a relatively clean energy, it's never enough so long as humans live at all, because they're misanthropes.
I'd only support the decision to nuke that part of the world. An invasion would only result in the loss of zoomer lives by the thousands. I think the Brazilians would give them hell, think of vietnam on steroids.
So are you cutting down the trees to prevent them from burning?
God tier post
You guys realize most Brazil is urban right, there are maybe 5000 people living in the jungle permanently and that includes the hundreds of tiny primitive tribes with a dozen people each. Its more likely to be skyscrapers and favelas than trees and water borne diseases.
What the hell, do you think people who want to invade America train to invade the grand canyon, yellowstone and that mountain with faces on it???!!
These numbers were a lot higher when the commieschweine were bending over to international influence and no one batted an eye. The world only has a problem with it now because Bolsonaro is not letting them profit off of it, and instead, is reaping the benefits of something that can't be stopped exclusively for the betterment of our finances(which are in shambles because of literal commies, again). I will repeat myself, this is a political move more than anything. We're an agricultural powerhouse, if (((some people))) don't get their cut, they get truly upset. I'm not arguing against the environment, just trying to share awareness that these people really don't give a FUCK about our planet, I'm a bit of an eco-nigga, but they only do care when it suits their wallets and/or affects their influence.
One thing is if deforestation is high but decreasing, like in the past years, another is if it is relatively low but increasing, like now
Where would they invade from without making it extremely obvious for us to foresee it, then, if not by land? The US has still to fight 'real' soldiers using guerilla tactics, it would be a fucking bloodbath for both sides. We would mine the entire coast and make it very costly for a naval invasion, also, major centers would not only have REAL soldiers, but also cartel niggers with weaponry enough to make a dent. A good part of our factories are deep in-land also. It's a logistic nightmare to invade Brazil, much like it is to invade the US.
It is barely increasing more than at the same time past year, the graph literally shows that. Every single year there is a sudden increase in both deforestation AND forest fires during the middle of the year, when most places are the hottest(which causes some forest fires). Also, a lot of the deforestation is Brazil is ACTUALLY ILLEGAL, and thus, made without the knowledge of the authorities by big shady contractors which are, when discovered, jailed for environmental crimes. The media is really pushing and exaggerating this like it's gonna be the end of the world. This will continue to happen no matter what, even the chinese are involved in some of these operations, much like they are involved in illegal fishing and shit. It's the same as the drug war, it is not possible to stop it with the snap of two fingers, only reduce it and fight against it.
>Volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans
No they don't, that's a myth.