HK416 Edition: Post your 416 or dont post at all


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OTB 416 PDW Edition

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Not a 416, please exit thread.

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Can someone explain LMT to me, why on earth would you want a mono rail and swappable barrels, seems like a gimmick

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>seems like a gimmick
Yes, thats LMT for you.

Kinda like gas piston AR platforms

I can't be only autist who's irritated by selector switch at half mast can I?

onegun here, got an ar-15 recently and have had a blast with it. i'm interested in home defense and as such the most important factors to me are hearing loss and overpenetration. i'm thinking my next purchase might be a sbr with a suppressor. i don't think i want an ar pistol (i think i'd want foregrip and stock, and getting a can means dealing with the atf anyway) but i could be wrong. any recommendations?

i paid $685 for the bcm upper and $170 aero precision lower receiver (minus stock). besides the tax stamps, what would a sbr of equivalent quality cost?

what ammo should i use? right now i only have 55gr fmj.

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Once you go forty-five throw other safeties blow.

>Can someone explain LMT to me
it's nothing RIS II doesn't do better, and swappable barrel is who fucking cares tier

Bcm mk12 mod 0 upper... Why do I want this.l?

Might be asking the wrong people, but does anyone know if .350 Legend uses the same mags as normal .223 ARs?

Because mk12s are cool

416s REALLY don’t like mud

Looking to mill an aluminum 80% for fun, I have a drill press and a handheld router but I want to make something I can actually use and not waste (too much) money.
Do you prefer billet or forged? I know forged is (typically) stronger and they're usually 7075 instead of 6061, but does it really matter?
Pre-anodized or bare? Is home anodizing as sketchy as it sounds?

I know, right?

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Forged is perfectly fine.
Home anodizing is too much work when you can just purchase the product already done for a small amount of money. IMO.

Is there any proofs New Zealand bought LMT replacement barrels along with their MRPs?

Replacement barrels? yes
Spare barrels to let people swap between 14.5" and 10"? no

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Ammo depends on the twist rate. What is your ratio?

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Its nice but skip it, it doesnt have the correct cut for an ops collar. Do a adco or pri mk12 upper.
>Forgive me buffoni, I have sinned.

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no i too despise the way a 45* throw safety looks

So our good friend Mark tells me aimpoint is saying it’s going to be a solid 12-14 weeks for comps or T2s. I am now sad.

Is there an ar binary fit for combat use?

Also, please reccomend me a good manufacturer of 300 blackout pdw parts kits

with a monorail you can mount an optic as far forward as you wanted to, if you for some reason wanted to mount your optic that way. also, swappable barrels would make cleaning the barrel surface a fucking breeze. the latter is primarily the reason i would buy an LMT, but it's just too much $$$$ to justify for a convenience.

What's your favorite grip /arg/ do far I like the fagpul k2+

the BCM KAG is about as good as it gets

Not a fan of the grip angle on those, I just recently got the moe+ for shits and giggles, so far I’m liking it. If that changes, I’ll just go back to the moe.

BCM Mod 3

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how mount surefire switch to rail ?
Cloud? Ranger band? Help

Am I late for the LMT posting?

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It's never too late to post about less modular trash.

Thats the spirit!

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Knights A2

BCM Mod 3
That goes for both pistol grips and vertical grips

Did you manage to break the rear iron?

Threadly reminder that A2 is gay and fucks trannies.
Threadly reminder that A2 hates LMT
Threadly reminder that therefore hating LMT makes you a gay tranny fucker too.

No I just didnt really need it. I just like having the front for when I turn the light on and my eyes lose the dot for a couple seconds. The front helps me keep track of/find the dot, and the housing of the compm5 works kinda like a big ass ghost ring at indoor distances.

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That’s nonsense

>Wannabe HK battle grip
Ok retard

Understandable. Folded rear, fixed front is my go to.


solid choice. I just noticed I wouldnt use the folding rear much at all and so skipped it.

In this episode of /arg/, user has an unhealthy crush on Emy and is trying to cover up his colossal amount of faggotry by pointing out others who like buttpussy.
It's getting sad, user.

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Fags and Dickgirls get the rope.

>Fags and Dickgirls get the rope.
Is that what you call it when your erectile dysfunction kicks in?

>actual mad gay/dickgirl detected

I wanna build myself an AR-47. Is that retarded?

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The excessive amount of actual faggot shit in here makes my time in the infantry seem almost heterosexual.

Research and see if the feeding issues have been resolved, then there's your answer.

No it doesn’t. T.artillery

the fuck you know about the infantry

You’re all massive faggots and absolutely nothing posted online could compete with IRL infantry faggotry

alright, yeah, you're not wrong

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To add on to this,
>be at bar in Asia off a grunt base
>local women are servers and some Asian thots dancing with marnies
>grunts with us start talking to one Asian female
>girl grabs grunts dick
>they start dancing, he realizes that the girl isn’t actually a girl
>says fuck it
As far as I know; he took “her” back on base and no one objected.

Bases be a harsh and lonely mistress. Sometimes these things happen.

>let’s dump just a little bit of mud

Didn’t get dirty enough. How’s it feel to one the worst variant of the stoner design?

Anyone got pics of A2/A4 style uppers with collapsible stocks?

Kind of want to do an A4 build with a CAR 15 aluminum stock.

Here you are leaf.

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Not into leaf guns but that's technically what I asked for I guess.
Pretty neat.

What spring weight and buffer weight are you using and what's your ejection like?

Dude that’s not mine. Idk if anyone here did that. It’s a leaf colt C7. Just go look up specs for their shit and go from there.

funny how you didn't get any on the piston part, just on the upper with a closed dust cover. Hmm, i wonder what would have happened if you got the piston? Oh, yeah we already know.

>Colt Canada

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Mapleniggers use H2 in their C7s with collapsible stocks.

>H2 on rifle length


Post AR

They use carbine length buffer tube with carbine spring and an H2-weight carbine-length buffer.

Canadians should get the rope. We annex the shithole and turn it into one big ass national park.

come and take it then
we have a rifleman behind every maple tree

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That would be my second act as president. Right behind glassing Israel into a parking lot.

I actually would be in favour of getting some sweet rights enshrined by the Constitution -- as long as the Canadian territories can keep healthcare

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Did you read the part about hanging Canadians? There is no Canada territory. There’s just more US National Park. Or Alaska Two. I haven’t decided yet.

>seems like a gimmick
Kinda like KAC's finish, aluminum barrel nut /rail combo, and tyfys mil pedigree inflated pricing?

There are some pretty reasonably priced anodizing services out there.

>$250 fixed irons
>LAW folder

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Its not attached to rail
>piston part
because it wouldnt do anything but throw the mud around in the rail
>with a closed dust cover

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No my man I’m asking how do I go about sticking a surefire mini switch on the rail? Should I spring for the $70 cloud mount or good old fashioned double sided tape and a ranger band?

I wasn’t aware that KAC did any non standard finish. The “gimmicks” KAC gives are the better gas system and E3 bolt.

If mid length really is soooo superior, why is the military not switching to mid length when they re-barrel their rifles as part of the M4A1 program? It's not that hard to buy a slightly longer gas tube and tell FN/COLT to drill those holes out a little farther.
Is mid length, dare I say it, a meme?

The gimmick is that they adhere to milspec finish and it is trash. The bolt and gas system are legitimate improvements, most likely.

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Is there a good resource to learn dos and donts before building an AR? I'm doing tertiary stuff on my work breaks right now.

Hello boy, Eurofag reporting in. I'm on a market for another AR. I currently have a 20" Colt, pic related, but am looking to get something much shorter (12-14.5" would be optimal). I can't put a can on it because it's illegal in my country.

With that being said, the options are pretty limited, I'd honestly prefer to build my own rifle but the prices in Euroland are too high for individual parts for that to be economical and that would also require at least 2 loicenses (which aren't difficult to get but I'd rather just use the one I have sitting at home and be done with it).

What would you suggest in terms of barrel length? I intend to use this rifle for training, CQB courses, running and gunning, etc. I don't really care much for IPSC so I don't want a race gun.

Some of the options I found so far, the prices are what they are unfortunately...

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Do buy a BCM Upper and an Aero lower. Don’t buy Anderson or PSA unless you’re broke. Also, don’t be broke.

Double sided tape wont hold but ranger band + L3 velcro kit will hold up well. Or it does for an insight switch
>waaa my fingers no like feeely and I dont understand why the military has specific ano specs
Look at this pic and use your knowledge to determine what parts have a milspec anno

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Where are you that lets you own sbr M4's but not a can?

The night vision goggles?


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The Former Yugoslav Republic of Croatistan

The legislation here is bonkers, don't even ask

Thanks I'll just use that until a holiday sale and then I'll grab the cloud.
I figure I don't need dual pads because I cant afford nods, and if I ever can I can afford to buy a new switch. And constant on is a meme, thats why ranger bands exist.

Stupid question but what's the difference between Aeros M4 and AR15 lowers other than the trigger guard?

If I’m not mistaken aero makes a poor mans MARS lower.
I don’t like all that meme shit, I’d say go with their normal ones but that’s up to you.

If KAC made a mid length drop in version of their RAS, i'd buy it.

Apparently the SBa3 uses a carbine buffer tube.
I should've just gone with a pistol. God dammit.

Except my 11.5 kac shoots as soft as my 16 bcm

Wait wait wait wait, if I purchased a complete BCM lower, and it was transferred to me as 'other/firearm', can I then put a pistol brace on it and do what I want? Or do I need to buy a whole brand new lower?

Yes build it into a pistol 'first' and then it can always be switched back and forth between pistol and rifle config. Check out the SBA4 as well.

The benefits of the gas system and bolt aren't to recoil impulse from what I understand, but are more about durability.

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i haven't picked out a sbr yet. that's why i'm asking for recommendations on a gun as well.

Oh my god I am stupid.
Okay since I'm definitely doing this then, should I just go with an 11.5? I like the 12.5 but bcm doesn't offer much in that department.

I believe they are different buffer tube sizes, but don't quote me on that.