Is this guy actively trying to sound like Hickok45?

Is this guy actively trying to sound like Hickok45?

Every single thing he does and says when he's shooting is straight from the Hickok45 mannerism playbook, right down to the "Alriiight, good stuff good stuff" when he's out of mags.

Attached: 22Plinkster-1200x768.jpg (1200x768, 105K)

Yes, he's been very transparent about this from the start. Where the fuck have you been?

So copying Hickok is his gimmick?

No, .22LR is his gimmick.

Then he's a turd for biting Hickok this hard.

>Is this guy actively trying to sound like Hickok45?
I doubt it.

They sound the same because they're both hicks from the same part of the country. Your question is sort of like asking why do people from the same city have similar accents or use similar manners of speech.

>copying the most useless "reviewer"

>>she thinks "useful" is the point
>>not views or money

>everyone from the Tennessee area has the same speech patterns and mannerisms

Hickock stole the "let's smoke some pot" line from me.
I have evidence to backup my claim.

I didn't say everyone had identical mannerisms. I said it's hardly surprising when two people happen to. Understand the difference between the two.

>He stole the word "the" from me

I told have evidence

Even if they're from the same area, he's obviously copying Hickok.

>be from Tennessee
>sound like another guy from Tennessee

holy shit OP youre a genius.

accent =/= mannerisms and speech patterns you dope

They're both from Tennessee, they both live in the same area, they're both friends.


Attached: 1566498350045.jpg (372x340, 27K)

What is this, 22plinkster's internet defense force?

Nope, just from TN. I live about an hour away from them.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Tennessee.svg.png (2000x1200, 65K)

The accent isn't what I'm talking about.

I know, we can read here, unlike in Kentucky. Lots of people in TN have similar mannerisms to Hickock and 22Plinkster

How much does he pay you to advertise for him? Or do you do it for free? If you e celeb dick riders spent half as much time shooting as you did inhaling the farts of "better men", then maybe you'd be a halfway decent shot. No one gives a fuck about your kike tube videos. I don't give web traffic to the most un-American, anti 2A corporation in existence.

>earning money from a demonitized platform

nope, just people that can change their opinions when presented with new information.


you're right, lots of yankees have infiltrated the area. Only native volunteers sound like this guy

>hurr why do people from close regions who shoot guns have similar accents to those who also shoot guns


Who the fuck cares?

>tfw no dragonball on your state flag

found the chink

Attached: Yang.png (700x700, 445K)

22 plinkster? More like 22 stinkster

Who watches these absolute faggots?

> Sup Youtube
> xxXXBigFagetXXxx here

Stop bumping a stupid thread with even stupider posts please

stop watching youtube, retard

Attached: 08_1940-Pony-Post-580x337.jpg (580x337, 58K)

i'm like 98% hickok was his like his carpentry teacher in high school he has actively done a few impersonations guntubers doing impersonation of other funtubrs is not at all common enough btw

they are like from the same mountain dumb fuck

You people are dumb.
I'm a language professional who speaks 5 languages, and he's clearly just mimicking Hickok.