What should everybody stock up on before the next democrat president?

What should everybody stock up on before the next democrat president?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2013-01-17-at-9.24.38-AM.png (926x566, 188K)

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You should stop stocking up on air DESU

>paying $700 for a single magazine
for what purpose?

>MSRP x2
>cheaper than dirt

ammo and spare mags for your current firearms

Pretty sure that was post-sandy vag

The last democratic president didn't push for any stricter laws that weren't already in place, he just wanted to enforce them.

He did push for stricter gun laws, but there was republican house and Senate so he couldn't actually pass any
If there was democratic majority we would have gotten another AWB

Democrats *generally* only scream about gun control to get elected and then do nothing while in office.

Republicans *generally* only scream about gun rights to get elected and then sign in gun control laws while in office.

Sorry name field left from a different thread

Did you miss the whole post sandy hook boogaloo where we escaped a new permanent AWB by like 5 Senate votes?

Dems would go for a ban without grandfathering the already bought stuff demanding forced destruction or turn ins . They'll say Trump did it with bump stocks and call for the same.

yes, he did

What kind of revisionist bullshit are you trying to peddle here?

Link me bros, I need to learn


The Manchin-Toomey Amendment was a bi-partisan piece of legislation that would require background checks on most private party firearm sales...voted on and defeated on April 17, 2013 by a vote of 54–46. It needed 60 votes to pass.


...the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013, failed on a vote of 40 in favor to 60 in opposition.

Why doesn't it show exactly who voted for or against it

Attached: 64FA42E0-18C6-40A2-9BDC-E46C8D75AF85.png (1242x2208, 2M)

you should really learn to use a search engine


Professional retard detected.

To protect the leftists that voted against it to save their jobs my dude.

Suppressing the fact that Democrats voted against gun control is just a form of political blocking and tackling.

Most people have the attention span of a goldfish, so they don't bother hiding it except on highly trafficked websites.

>the MSRP is that high for a $3 item to manufacture

show me how to manufacture a c mag for $3 pls

Agree. Wikipedia is an obvious place to do it though.

wtf do I care. it's 5 years until an election



>he thinks drumpfy is gonna win again

who will beat him dumbass, biden is sinking like a rock and warren sanders harris are all gibmedat socialist retards

He should be able to win, but being overconfident can definitely cost the election. See 2016.

>Best argument for trump winning is others candidates are less popular
You realize Jow Forums is fucked ether way right? Trump passing so much gun control he no different at this point.

I don't think he wants to win. Big recession coming up (market cycle), means he is going to look bad.

Trump is all about apperances.

i'm kinda petrified he's going to fuckup and sign some shit that at the last minute democrats hide a sentence in banning assault weapons or something similar to that democrat new jersey fag who sneaked in the automatic weapon ban on Reagan

>What should everybody stock up on before the next democrat president?
I'm more worried about Republican presidents, that's always been when most heinous gun control legislation is passed. That's how the Kosher Sandwich works, you will be betrayed on the most important issues no matter which side you vote in. Reminder that the president isn't real, our actual leaders are a plutocracy of wealthy billionaires that work from behind the scenes. Used to not be so bad back when they were all WASPs but after the wars the Jews rose to power and they just outright hate everyone.



Getting expelled 109 times will do that to you.

>2019 and people still don’t know there is enough breathable air in the atmosphere for 1000 years

Or for trump
He ha passed more anti gun laws than obama did in his 8 years

>Trumpo has always been a liberal
>Puts on Republican airs for votes
>Pushes gun laws

b-b--but /OUR GUY/!!!!

Neither passed any gun laws
Both rewrote interpretations of existing laws
Trump replacing RBG with a constitutionalist could save 2A
If we lose Thomas and a Dem replaces him we will have another AWB

Trump never cared about gun rights, he just deferred to NRA and sacrificed bumpstocks as appeasement
I don't agree with what he did at all, but I'm still voting for him again

Buy magazines this week.

On September 4th the House of Representatives is going to mark up a bill that bans magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Once they start holding hearings on the magazine ban expect panic buyers to purchase everything they can get. And expect sellers to raise their prices.

mags and ammo

You're going to have to register your mags next and your ammo purchases will be limited to like 100 rounds a month

Screenshot this

The local fudd stores are still trying to sell bricks of 22 for $40

I haven't bought anything off Cheaper than dirt since that shit went down.

Just bought 10 30 round gen 3 pmags on top of the 10 I already have and an 80% lower. Stationed in South Korea at the moment so have to buy everything online. What's the best place to buy 223 bulk?

Fucking this! How the fuck has no one been talking about this is beyond me.

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does this have a real chance of becoming law?

>I'm more worried about Republican presidents, that's always been when most heinous gun control legislation is passed
That damn Republican Bill Clinton and his Assault Weapons Ban.

>Republicans *generally* only scream about gun rights to get elected and then sign in gun control laws while in office.
Gun laws under Bush: 0
Gun laws under Trump: 0
Gun laws under Clinton: AWB

Reminder that while it's easy to hate and blame Drumpf, ultimately it's Congress that's writing the laws to fuck you over.

Main problem with the supreme court is that Roberts does not want to take up anything other than pet project civil liberties, or he gives cop out reasons for things that should be rather obvious.
It's the main reason why certain EO threats from Trump only stays as twatter ramblings because they're not confident on the SC ruling in their favor. Because if there's been one constant throughout his presidency, it has been everything he does getting tied up in the 9th circus.

If it ever passes in the House, it's still likely dead in the Senate, depending on the mood of certain turncoats.

What gun control has Trump passed besides the gun stock?

Last assault rifle ban happened under Clinton, a Democrat. Latest attempt to ban assault rifles was made in 2019 by House Democrats.

>the house is gonna make a grandstanding anti-gun bill! blow your paycheck on mags!

If Democrats win the presidency, they will also win the Senate back. In that case, there is nothing stopping another awb.

National Firearms Act signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt a Democrat
Gun Control Act of 1968 signed by Lyndon B. Johnson a Democrat

the House can put forth a bill but it still needs to pass the Republican controlled Senate as well as be signed into law by the Pres

plus they need 2/3 majority of both houses to override a veto

You do know what a legislature is, right?

So when Democrats controlled all three chambers under Clinton, the awb was passed.

Attached: Combined--Control_of_the_U.S._House_of_Representatives_-_Control_of_the_U.S._Senate.png (1442x706, 205K)

Do you only read headlines? A recession means lower GDP growth for two consecutive quarters. When you're doing good, you can still be doing good in a recession. Our economy is posting record numbers in comparison to recent times, so a market correction down necessarily will be a recession.

If a football team wins 13 games in a 16 game season, then wins 12, then 11, they're still a damn good team.

Learn to read, and then look at the post I was quoting.

>Main problem with the supreme court is that Roberts does not want to take up anything other than pet project civil liberties, or he gives cop out reasons for things that should be rather obvious.
That's the problem with the court now, but Roberts only gets to make that decision because he's most moderate which makes him the tiebreaker, replace a liberal with a conservative and we get rid of the tie

Because jewer than dirt

>eo Bumpstock ban
>"Take the guns now, due process later"
I'm a trumptard to but come on now at least actually pay attention to what he says and does

With Trump you have to ignore what he says and pay attention to what he does
He speaks in hyperbole but he doesn't act without thought

Anything semi automatic that takes detachable magazines

>implying trump isn't worse then obama and a gungrabber stealth liberal

>tfw there will be an assault weapons ban in your lifetime

With the current demographic trends I bet we get one within the decade

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Big luau soon fren

>tfw there will be an assault weapons ban in your lifetime
You must be 18 to post here

bokake soon

>gee, I wonder why republicans never go past Clinton for gun control
> Trump kills NPA and bans bumpers
Keep believing in Zion Don. He's not a gun grabber from New York. He is a billionaire that really cares about poor people being armed!
Shill Harder

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Fucking red flag laws, are you serious? Banning firearms accessories and signing red flag elements has singlehandedly done more in a year for antigunners than Obama and Bush did in 16.

Correct, so get the fuck out.

to give the covenant back their bomb

I'm not confident Ginsberg is ever going to run out of baby steaks and voodoo pagan rituals.

>Shill Harder

>muh jooz
Literally this is happening because you incels can’t stop shooting shit up

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What is it with everyone being either a nazi or a leftypol shill lately? I'm pretty sure some of the leftypol shills are pol false flags and vice versa. I just want to grill, for chrissake.

It looks like you forgot Ohio antifa guy, how convenient.

Red flag laws will never pass.
I'm talking about actual executive orders or laws.

>if you ever like anything related to antifa, you are antifa

just as bad as assuming all gun owners are in the NRA.

There are no red flag laws and if there were they'd be ruled unconstitutional.

gunbot dot net will give you a rundown of websights and tell you what they're asking for upfront as well as a link to the website. sportsman warehouse was selling WPA .223 for like .20 cpr about a week ago.

In no particular order:
>AR lowers
>AR parts (possibly due to news articles yapping about the evils of making an AR at home)
>foreign made AKs
>any evil high capacity clipazines
>ammo in general, especially 22lr

I'm sure this man would disagree, but that's whatever.
>hurr it's a libshit state that's not the same!

Someone should probably sue against that law then.

Cheers user

you could say that about any unconstitutional law, try it yourself and see how much good you'll do while going bankrupt with legal fees

>post a historical fact
Y-you incels!

>Just spend hundreds of thousands of dollars suing the government lol

Attached: Okay Retard.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Yes, let’s go further back than Clinton then.
>Bush Sr (Republican)
Passed assault weapon import ban.
>Reagan (Republican)
Passed FOPA, protecting interstate travel with guns and restricting the ATF’s ridiculous interpretation of the GCA. A Democrat from NJ (Hughes) attempted to sink it with the full auto manufacture ban at the last moment but it was passed anyway.
>LBJ (Democrat)
Passed the GCA, wanted to go even further with universal licensing and registration.
>FDR (Democrat)
Passed the NFA.
I mean, there’s infringements from both sides, but it’s clear which is worse.


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Retard, the AWB expired in 2006 so if you didn't have it in your lifetime, you're only 13.

Armatac is better.

1994 AWB expired in 2004
If there wasn't an AWB in your lifetime then you are 15 or under

He was in SRA and they even released a statement on it. Besides, antifa prides themselves on 'horizontal organizing' so many act individually separate of a formal organization.

Greatest shield

The dude was photographed at an antifa rally looking exactly like his black block comrades, I'm pretty sure that's a good sign he's one of them.

Kikes pushed for Affirmative Action and other laws that forced themselves into the workplace and colleges, pushed for aboslutists free speech and then once they were in power, enforced a Laws for me and Laws for you.

Videogames for example, didn't turn into total horrendous garbage until they had secured total control and had no extant opposition any more, where they controlled everything as hard as they did in Hollywood.