How powerful were fintlock rifles compared to modern firearms.
Was it at least close to a modern .22 LR round?
How powerful were fintlock rifles compared to modern firearms.
Was it at least close to a modern .22 LR round?
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A common load for a 50 cal would be
>180grain round ball
>90 grains of powder
>1850ish fps
>1380 ftlbs at the muzzle
its about as powerful as a 55gr 5.56 nato round.
i dont know about davey crocket squirrel guns though
They were black powder.
There's no way the average 50 Cal round ball was 180 grains. Think closer to 300
Also they fired pretty much exclusively unjacketed soft lead rounds. They expanded and deformed fairly dramatically which was not helped by the poorer standards of medical care at the time.
It was black powder, but a fuckton of black powder along with a VERY big bullet. Energy was probably somewhat similar to what we'd call an intermediate cartridge today, but 400 grains .50 caliber will still gore you.
Is rather get shot with a .22 than a musket. The wounds from them were horrific and life changing if you survived. They didn't break bones, they shattered them.
The sheer size and mass of the lead balls striking and deforming/fragmenting into their targets often lead to shattered bones and severed limbs. The wounds inflicted by these guns were absolutely horrific.
While they aren't necessarily "powerful" by today's standards, they were and still are very deadly weapons.
They were actually comparably powerful in terms of raw muzzle energy, but had vastly different ballstics and it meant much lower effective range.
Eventually this conversation will boil down to a speed vs weight argument.
But for the purpose of answering your question directly, mohameedmen and the swahili hunted all game in Africa with black powder rifles.
Try that with a 22lr or even a 223, 5.56 and you will get eaten. Modern black powder bullets and powder close the gap even better.
yeah my bad, I was looking at a bunch of ballistic tables. My 50 cal cast balls are ususally right around 325gr
I know putting smokeless powder into a BP gun is a massive explosive no-no.
But there must be a ration that I can do it safely with right?
If my hawken maxes out safely with 110 gr of BP then shouldnt I be able to put something like 30gr of smokeless powder in my rifle and get the same preformance?
No. Black powder has a much different pressure curve than smokeless and you can seriously damage both your gun and yourself. Do not attempt this.
30 grain of smokeless is a lot of smokeless
is it an antique or reproduction? Becuase I modern black poweder gun should be able to be fired with reduced loads of smokeless powder.
A gun a gun
Technically .45-70 was designed for BP
Look up Savage’s smokeless muzzleloader, there is a reason why its not made anymore
>55gr 5.56 nato round.
Lol no, a 5.56 nato round goes trough a car like butter.
Any regular car from today would be considered a bullet proof tank on the days of the black powder.
While this thread is alive and we might as well keep it going, can anyone with muzzle loader experience explain the different types of powder for muzzleloaders, like f, ff, fff, pyrodex or other black powder substitutes?
A modern projectile fired from a black powder rifle will penetrate through a car door as well. And the fucking fat slob behind the wheel. The fat slob in the seat beside him. And exit the vehicle.
Absolutely do not do this.
Black powder has a relatively slow, consistent burn when compressed and tamped down
Smokeless powder is much more powerful and burn rate varies wildly with varied compression
You can control this very precisely within a metallic cartridge, but not in a muzzle loader
Even though it *can* be done doesn’t mean it should be. You could get away with doing it a hundred times, then blow your face off on number 101
This. It's not about magnitude or "power", it's about the shape of the pressure curves being totally different.
There are "black powder subsitutes" you can use, like Pyrodex.
>can anyone with muzzle loader experience explain the different types of powder for muzzleloaders, like f, ff, fff, pyrodex or other black powder substitutes?
Sure. The F's refer to how fine the powder is. F is quite coarse, FF is finer, etc. You match the grade to the bore size.
Cannon is the coarsest and is used guessed it...literal cannons.
F is for large-bore rifles/shotguns
FF for most rifles and shotguns
FFF for most pistols and small-bore rifles.
4F is used for priming the pan on a flintlock, not as actual propellant.
There are various substitutes like Pyrodex and 777, etc. The advantage of the substitutes is that they have a different legal classification so they are cheaper to ship/store. Most shooters agree that they provide worse performance than genuine black powder does. Common problems are difficulty of igniting the charge, which might call for magnum percussion caps or hotter primers. Others report corrosion issues. I can't comment on the validity of that, I've never had trouble getting real black powder so that's what I use.
do you just not understand physics?
>Not understanding the difference between ballistics and energy
Fucking retard, that's because we have a greater understanding of penetration and sectional density, not to mention we're not using literal balls for projectiles.
I bet you a 50-140 Sharps lobbing a 600gr projectile at +1500fps would do a number on most any car door.
That’s for all intents and purposes that’s a 3” 12g 1 1/4oz slug, but with a better BC and sectional density
The Brown Bess is a75 cal. 50 is more percussion guns and a Minié ball
flintlocks ranged from fucking tiny pocket pistols up through wall guns, Jindals and whatnot.
>T. Failed hs physics
Flintlock aside if you put a modern revolver up against a cap and ball today the difference to the person on the losing end would be negligible.
I figured we were talking about the common military/hunting shit. The military pistols were 50cal mostly. But yeah, they’ll come in whatever.
IIRC, Davy Crockett didn't have any different gun for squirrels. He'd just shoot the bark right next to them
this is top tier fudd lore
Nonsense, everyone knows that Davy Crockett was such a good shot that he'd load his gun with salt because he'd shoot his game from so far away that he needed to preserve the meat before he got there.
git sum
>Da Shoulder Snapper
Ya just aim for the head ifn you can shoot with a damn.
IIRC there were genuine recorded cases of that happening, hence why the British navy stopped using them.
Imagine a unit equipped with these. Simply run up, melt the enemy and fall back to reload or push the melee if the enemy is routed.
More powerful than a 22LR.
Ur dum.
>It's not about magnitude or "power", it's about the shape of the pressure curves being totally different.
He called it "barking" them.
Goddamn I love it when nogunz try to be cool
he's right. round balls are not as heavy as conical projectiles.
no theyre not
imagine being so gullible that you would believe something as retarded as this unconfirmed fudd lore. I mean to really honestly believe that a round ball would be able to transfer enough energy into bark to make it into shrapnel capable of killing a squirrel takes an exceptionally low IQ
>Davy killed a large number in the way by which he made a reputation: he "barked" them by shooting between the squirrel and the limb on which it sat, generally killing it without a scar. When the scalps were counted it was found that Davy's side had won, and their opponents furnished the materials for the barbecue, and provided music for the dancing that followed.
literally "and then every one clapped" tier retarded.
ah, to have a brace of flintlocks strapped to your chestplate as you raid the local National Guard armory.
A man can dream
Thanks user
I'm building a Kentucky rifle from a kit and am hyped to shoot it but kept finding conflicting information on powders
Imagine being such smooth brained faggots that you don't understand the point wasn't to turn bark into "shrapnel", but to stun the squirrel long enough for it to fall out of the tree and die.
I'm gonna take a guess and say the most time either one of you niggers has spent outdoors was when you watched your dad drive away for the last time?
Squirrels don't die from falling out of trees. They friggin bounce and run the fuck off.
For fucks sakes I've fallen out of trees and run the fuck off. What magic prey tell do you think Crockett had? He just loaded with light shot light everyone the fuck else you numpty. Just like a modern shotgun. Fuck it.
This right here is the "brilliance" of the southerner. A knife pattern that literally does not exist, but was "designed" for fightin! A marksman so good he literally defies the laws of physics and common sense. You just cant argue with stupid.