Civvie explosives

How would a cillivin go about getting explosives? Also is it still legal to make your own?

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No idea constable.

You'd need a permit for high explosives,which is pretty hard to get for a regular person.
There are plenty of recipes online but most of is very dangerous to make.
Acetone peroxide is a popular choice among towelheads because it's very powerful and relatively easy to make (but still very dangerous to make at home btw).Make sure you don't order a lot of the ingrediants at once because the feds keep track of those things.It would be best to buy small quantities over a few months.

Seems like if you have to ask you don't need to know.

You're going to have to do the legwork yourself and piece it together. The resources are available and free to study. Long ago openly trading the exact info in question on this board was pretty safe not anymore.
Not that I have any exact plans. I just have some semesters of chemistry and can tell you that all the information needed for something simple like that is easily accessible.

It must be your first day. Fuck off back to training rookie glowfaggot

I literally asked if it was legal or not retard

You're fucking scum and I won't let this happen again, you better give your dog to your parents

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If you are in the US you can always legally make tannerite, which is fun for removing stumps and fridges. Otherwise, you're kind of SOL unless you're willing to jump through a bunch of legal hoops and shell out serious coin.

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you have entire libraries full of information about this. having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card.

get good

Yeah I really got lazy, shame on me.

Go away, NSA

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The max charge you can get away with and not have it be a destructive device is ΒΌ oz of high explosive.

Binary explosives are legal lmao

Thanks, no of these fags have been helpful so far

ar/k/, do/k/ument, and murder/k/ archives. Also the Improvised munitions army manual (TM 31-210)
Other than that, have fun blowing your hands off

Didn't the murderkube get censored to hell and back?

My Father had a construction business when I was younger.
ATF permits.
Was fun blowing up beaver dams around the farm as a kid.

Ammonium nitrate

glow nigger gets dubs

Tell me more user, sounds like you had a fun childhood

Being completely honest, why would the FBI try to ask about explosives, there are many worse things on this site