>be me >doing laundry on day off >kids are playing nice, good day >cars driving by outside >car blasting rap music stops at my house >figure it's for neighbor >keep loading washer >door handle turns, dog starts going off >rush into living room >concealed .44 ready to draw >manlet with a ponytail walks right in >here we go .jpg >right as a unlock the holster, wife says "hey -name redacted-" >"I'll be back, grabbing the girls school stuff with -name redacted" >look closer >nephew I havent seen in years say hi >mfw I almost blew away my nephew because hes a wigger and didnt knock. I'll admit I'm shaken up, I almost turned a normal ass day into a tragedy. Thank god I looked for my wife's reaction before pulling, she was expecting him and I didnt get told. Fuck. I need another day off...
> get ready to shoot someone without confirming he's a threat whatsoever > almost shooting a family member cause you're a retard Sell your guns, you are mentally unstable. And also clearly untrained.
Easton Wright
sounds like you're an unstable white person, listening to loud music doesn't make you a wigger it just makes you a young person.
Anthony Cruz
You don’t always have your doors locked?
Tyler Cook
Yeah, I feel so fucking free being ruled by Jews and megacorps who have ruled that that we all need to become trannies or be culturally enriched.
Cameron Flores
A hammer looking for a nail.
Connor Cook
someone rolls in without knocking who doesn't live there should be aware of the possibility they might be shot.
Tyler James
She's fucking the nephew. I'm sorry bro but you need to accept it and move on. "Shopping for school stuff" is classic excuse for a good romping.
Just playing, I know this story is fake because you're an anti-gun leftist that wants to discourage firearm use and ownership. I'm taking some of my 'hipster' friends from highschool shooting this weekend. Can't wait to grow the gun community! Get fucked idiot
Cameron Brooks
Back to pol now that summer is over faggot.
Justin Morris
Way to out yourself as being new here
Joseph Reed
random schizo outbursts about jews and trannies are not encouraged on Jow Forums
Indiana literally made it illegal to protest Israel or boycott them. Like, not just to spread info about BDS or endorse it. It's illegal to intentionally not buy products from Israel in Indiana. Let that sink in.
So you're perfectly fine with unknown (to him) people just walking into your home? Even when I'm expected, I always knock and wait to be let in.
Cooper Carter
what products does isreal even import other than galils and matzah?
Evan Nguyen
import = buy export = sell Porn and 5g technology
Ayden Bailey
>Porn and 5g technology
oh, you're one of those guys.
John Torres
You're like half-right. Indiana passed a law that forces anyone doing business with the state to not be part of BDS. Still a fucking travesty, but not quite as bad as you put it. idsnews.com/article/2019/03/the-anti-bds-law-suppresses-free-speech There are quite a few companies that are Israel-based and many of them sell and/or resell products in the US. I believe SodaStream is Israeli, as well as a few other large-but-not-massive companies.
Camden Jones
>I came to Jow Forums and expected to not hear about things I dont like you are one of THOSE people
just because YOU use greentext to put words in peoples mouths doesn't mean its le Jow Forums culture, it just means you're shit at arguing.
John Turner
The only rights Americans have the strength to cling to are the ones prescribed by their constitution, and even then they have difficulty. What's worse is that MUH RIGHTS don't extend beyond what's on that piece of paper according to an American.
Also, peabrains can't even comprehend that private entities can be utilized to shadow ban the fuck out of their rights.
Let's say if all the banks in the USA suddenly refuse to do business with the gun industry.
MUH CONSTITUTION won't be fixing that.
I think Europeans are much more understanding of how government operates, because their systems of government aren't predicated upon the idea of an massive land mass with unexploited resources and low population density.
Anthony Martinez
IIRC, Intel has a massive Israeli R&D center.
Anthony Collins
I am not arguing with you. I am calling you a fucking faggot
Brandon Martin
>t. seething yuro who doesn't know about the 10th amendment
They gov isnt going to take your rights, they will just declare you unfit to use them. See "red flag"
James Adams
5g bad is literally the most boomercore caveman shit, literally the only people are freaking out about it is because it's something new so obviously they have to distrust it for all the wrong reasons even though they're completely fine with technology they use on a daily basis that by the same paranoid logic would have been just as suspicious when it was new
Robert Bailey
The American legal system is wasted on americans. I think we've conclusively proven at this point that we are unable to uphold any of the ideals we preach nor do we actually believe in them anymore. I've met Europeans that believe in American ideals more than actual americans. The USA had a good run, it's over. We don't deserve our legal system anymore since we won't consciously take care of it. It's time to pass it on to another people who actually deserves and believes in it.
Brody Taylor
how to not get red flagged: be sociable
Ian Powell
>dude just dont offend anybody ever and let everybody walk over you. Otherwise they call the police and have your guns taken away
Won't save you if they're hell bent on fucking you over, like if you're competing with some bitch for a promotion. Also what happens when the low hanging fruit that get themselves narced on run out? They're still going to need "potential shooters" to thwart so they'll go after your purchase records, which are already stored in multiple databases, next.
Evan Sanchez
what will they do, say you've bought an unconstitutional amount of ammo? you're literally just inventing headcanon to be afraid of.
This. There's no way in hell I would just walk into somebody's house unless they specifically told me to, and even then I would knock and loudly announce myself.
Logan Allen
>unconstitutional amount of ammo >you're literally just inventing headcanon This is already happening in cucked places like Maryland and NJ you clueless spud. But I don't care, because as long as the red flagging methods remain user we can abuse them like instant SWATTING.
David Allen
>be sociable >ex red-flags you because she got mad
Sebastian Gonzalez
literally reclaimthenet.org/man-guns-confiscated-arrested-sharing-meme-red-flag-laws/ >“I purchased 4 30 round magazines and 120 rounds of 300 Blackout ammunition for firearm training. I plan on building an 80% rifle kit which I purchased online from Ceratec, in California. I plan on completing the 80% firearm at my friend Alex’s house in Easton. I did not have the intention of committing any mass shootings at all whatsoever,” he added.
>bin that meme
Landon Wood
Actually yes, that's a possibility. Buying too much ammo, "tactical gear", or guns themselves is a warning sign to them. >"Perhaps it's not unusual for a person to have a weapon, but it might be alarming if that person is acquiring a large amount of ammunition, tactical gear and a bulletproof vest." archive.is/xS6ZA
Then they can intersect it with other databases, particularly of the marketing variety to really drive the probability they calculate for you to be a shooter way up. The funny thing is even stopping these behaviors can be considered a "warning sign" to them since it indicates that you are rapidly withdrawing from your normal activities and are therefore suicidal and more likely to commit a mass shooting. It's over, we lost.
Charles Ward
>sharing memes on facebook
what the fuck did he expect? i see he also got charged with having illegal high-cap magazines so good on him for being double retarded.
Daniel Russell
>It's over, we lost. We can break it by using it user. Once the law is active,plant evidence and redflag grabbers Play by their broken rules and watch them scream in horror at the monster they've created
Gavin Kelly
based schizo
Ryder King
>How dare he use the first amendment rights. The state must infringe on his second amendment rights top goy
Evan Ross
fuck his rights, he posted a meme
Easton Wood
Rights and law only mean something if you believe in them. Americans don't anymore.
There is a growing amount of people nowadays who appear to have no idea what the 5th amendment is or what the whole "innocent until proven guilty thing" is all about. I saw this firsthand the last time I went to jury duty.
I know a few of them were trying to get out of jury duty, but there were a select few eloquently arguing with the judge about the concepts encompassed in the 5th. The line "there's a REASON you get accused", so you're pretty much guilty if you are was thrown around a lot. It got to the point where a few of them made it onto my jury since if the judge were to dismiss everyone who "couldn't wrap their heads around it", there would not be enough people for a jury.
These people are literally begging to have their rights stripped from them. The Constitution is dead, and we killed it.
Adrian Morales
this desu, if they have the ability to monitor your activity they'll abuse it to flag you as a terrorist. just look at the EU where they recently passed a guideline where purchases of >10,000 rounds have to be reported.
many countries already have a ridiculously low limit on how much ammo people can buy and possess because the law makers and police somehow think it's self evident that there should be a limit, and they think no one needs more than like 100 rounds at any given time.
fact of the matter is politicians and cops have no sympathy or understanding for gun owners, they have their own preconceived ideas of what makes you a terrorist and if they could they would take your guns away for literally anything, this extends beyond just gun rights because they would do the same for any of your rights in the name of "public safety"
Chase Jones
The system represents the people that it governs and I can tell you right now, outside of the Anglo-sphere and Europe the ideas that Americans expose aren't something that populations aspire to.
Japan, a very high IQ country people in it's own right, had to have their liberal ideas enshrined in a constitution during military occupation.
Honestly, with the way America has ended up, I don't see a future for these ideas either. The confederacy was right.
Landon Wilson
They make a lot of bandaids and similar products.
Joshua Barnes
I shitpost at southerners and love Jackson but I wish they had won.
Charles Reed
>These people are literally begging to have their rights stripped from them. The Constitution is dead, and we killed it.
What did you expect from a nation of perfect consumers.
Ayden Robinson
maybe pulling people away from their daily life so they can spend 4 hours in a waiting room just to eventually get kicked off a jury then go home with a check for 20 dollars makes people not the best jurors.
Josiah Rogers
When I want to talk about jews and non-gun politics I go to Jow Forums. When I want to have a discussion about weapons I go to Jow Forums. Why is it so hard for people to keep these things separate?
Easton Diaz
Because this isnt reddit and Jow Forums boards arent subreddits.
Jacob Hall
the issue is that blinding swallowing redpills is simply a part of Jow Forums culture now. outside of the very strictly moderated boards like /u/ you'll be hard pressed to find people who aren't constantly talking about jews or trannies or niggers because that shit is just always on their mind now.
Christopher Davis
I fully expect the glow agencies to report that they've rolled out some kind of machine learning/AI system for flagging people, and the population will swallow it wholesale without knowing how it works, even the college graduates who took basic statistics. I fully expect that the concept of "false positives" will not factor at all into the system, just an inflated probability calculated by abusing Baye's law. Once they use a computer to flag a bunch of people they will go down the list every time there is a mass shooting to claim they're "doing something", even bragging about how it can detect the "potential shooters" that show no warning signs. The population will believe it's "objective" since it's a computer god and they have no idea, nor have any desire to learn, how it works; if they did they will quickly see how it can be turned against them one day.
The ones trying to get out would indicate they disagree with the 5th with as few words as possible. The ones who would eloquently make arguments actually think the 5th is bullshit.
Kevin Hall
Austin Ward
woah user, everyone is a sheep but you.
Cameron Ortiz
That's all red flag laws are: a way for corporations to control their consumer population. People who like guns, history, and shooting sports are not "good consumers" and cannot be marketed to, so all that's left is coercion.
California, home of big tech, recently changed the people who could red flag you from just immediate family and LEOs to:
>An employer of the subject of the petition. > A coworker of the subject of the petition, if they have had substantial and regular interactions with the subject for at least one year and have obtained the approval of the employer. >An employee or teacher of a secondary or postsecondary school that the subject has attended in the last six months, if the employee or teacher has obtained the approval of the school administration staff.
First 2 are clearly intended to give the advantage to tech companies, legalizing SWATing as a method to keep potential whistleblowers (remember how they called a bomb threat on an ex-employee who was to testify before congress the night before he was supposed to testify?) and unmarketable consumers under control.
Politically aware people know something is wrong. They may have different ideas about what is wrong and solutions to fix it, but something is certainly wrong when the President of the United States seemingly cares more about the borders of Israel than he does his own country.
It shows where the power resides.
Daniel Bailey
>People who like guns, history, and shooting sports are not "good consumers" and cannot be marketed to
are you kidding me? gun owners are some of the biggest consumers out there. do you not consider yourself a consumer when you panic buy dozens of magazines/lowers/boxes of ammo?
This. They're "paranoid" so they won't give all their data to tech to sell to marketers, nor will they willfully put invasive listening devices like Alexa in their own homes so they have to go.
Nolan Collins
>im not a consumer! consuming is for LIBERALS! >*burns through a hundred dollars worth of ammo* >woah better buy more AR mags before the gubmunt cracks down!
Camden James
It's more of the implication of what those guns/ammo could potentially be used for.
Private citizens in the USA, if they all pooled their resources, probably have an armory of small arms that dwarfs the inventory of most countries.
Carson Stewart
Even wanton wastage of ammunition gives some level of experience to the user. They have to know how to manipulate the firearm and keep it running reliable enough to waste that amount of ammo in the first place.
Alexander Nguyen
electionfag please leave
Connor Bennett
>im not a consumer because of arbitrary reasons i am just now making up! >you're only a consumer if you buy things i don't like!
Lucas Hill
>"N-n-no u"
Jonathan Foster
It easily dwarfs the inventory of the US military.
How many AR type rifles are in the military? 3 million?
Is the x-products cannon superior to F5 manufacturing cannon or is it just a middleman?
David Martinez
We're barrelling towards a dystopia and it's because everyone in power that can stop it is a Boomer that has no understanding of the implications of what they are allowing.
You think Zuckerberg doesn't know about the negative affects of what they peddle?
The big founders of other firms purposefully limit their children's exposure to the product that they create, because they understand what their devices to do children.
Apparently the idiot has left the company since, but surely he isn't the only one who thinks like that.
Luis Hughes
>It's what products they consume and for what purpose.
since when? you're still moving goalposts to conveniently exclude yourself from the 'consumer' side
Jordan Bell
sounds like you need to work on your reading comprehension. listening to loud music may not make one a wigger, but rap certainly does.
Oliver Green
>but rap certainly does
what kind of music do YOU like?
Oliver Adams
When were you a teenager?
Ryan Robinson
>their systems of government aren't predicated upon the idea of an massive land mass with unexploited resources and low population density. We need to go back.
Wyatt Stewart
Since people started to identify with products to create meaning in their lives.
Case in point: the self image of Harley Davidson riders.
THAT is a perfect consumer, because no matter how sub-par the product is, because the idea of the brand is cemented in their minds, it becomes valuable.
Someone who consumes for the utility that a product gives, and doesn't give two shits about anything else, is a very dangerous thing. It's harder to sell to an educated consumer than it is a dumb one. And an educated consumer even questions the existence of a product itself, like replica meat.
Samuel Adams
>Since people started to identify with products to create meaning in their lives.
you mean gun owners? you mean Jow Forums?
Brayden Barnes
Christian Torres
To a degree, yes. But again, it's what purpose that consumerism serves.
If all the gun collecting in America is simply another form of collecting comic books and people will never utilize them to defend themselves/their rights, then it is just mindless consumerism with no purpose.
Guns may as well be banned at that stage, because they will have no meaning what so ever.
Nathaniel Butler
>people will never utilize them to defend themselves/their rights, then it is just mindless consumerism with no purpose.
all the people who say they will defend their rights also realize they will most likely die doing so, and most people nowadays would prefer to live than to die fighting what might be a losing battle. a lot of people on Jow Forums talk about how they want to die fighting but honestly i think that's just because there are a lot of depressed people on this site who are too big of pussies to kill themselves and want to die for a cause because it makes them feel like a hero instead of a loser. its why you're seeing an increase in white terrorism.
Noah Gonzalez
This is some really bad fiction. You Shareblue fuckwits finally figured out greentext, now you need to figure out how to get the details right to make it believable. You were too focused on checking the dogwhistle boxes for racism, at the expense of veracity. Whoever wrote your script really sucks. Anyhow, have a nice day.
David Sullivan
>there are a lot of depressed people on this site who are too big of pussies to kill themselves and want to die for a cause because it makes them feel like a hero instead of a loser. its why you're seeing an increase in white terrorism.
Say what you will but disenfranchising the one demographic of the population that has historically been the most efficient at warfare is not going to end well for anyone.