I made my dog body armor

It's capable of stopping 9mm and 45 as well as being capable of mounting a level 4 plate and trauma pad

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Next project is a puppy PASGT

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Your project is ugly and shit like your dog

>inb4 people make fun of the dog
That’s cool, OP. I hope your pupper never needs it.

Too late.

Not sure how practical but could slow down an atf agent for sure.

No, you tore Apart an east German relic.

you need coverage for his front/chest

This is actually kind of interesting and if those alphabet boys ever decide that owning a AR-15 makes you literally Satan your dog is guaranteed to survived. I could actually see some people wanting to buy this for that exact reason.

>confused ATF screaming

Literally why I made it.
Still a prototype.
Literally the reason why lol

The ATF is gonna start carrying 5.7s

Based. Can you make one for my bunny?

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This is stupid a simple 5.56 rifle has more penetrative power than the five seven

It can mount a rifle side plate.

I would but I can't guarantee he will survive the half inch backface deformation from 9mm and 45 in the armor.

>t. mad atf agent

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She actually. I just think she'd look cute in one with a blue naval camo pattern.

Honestly one of the best things about this is the amount of meme potential of the feds not being being able to kill your dog

>What now atf?!?


>Your move mister law man

That's a cute doggo

he needs a helmet!


Why would you armor your dog? If it starts biting someone there would be no way to stop him you fucking moron. I bet he cant wear it all the time though you sjould take it of at night ok?

What kind of pupper is that?

This. That old pile of shit is going to die before that faggot finishes his project. He's essentially the equilvent to a 35yr old cat mom.

Shoot your dog to see if it works, livestream if possible

He needs a good boy morale patch.


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Body armor for dogs is retarded. Body armor for small dogs is even more retarded. If your dog gets shot up by someone, admitting the armor stops every bullet, your dog will wish for death when it gains back its consciousness. Backface deformation will break his small weak ribs as he squeals in pain. Your dog will either die anyway or live a very painful life. You're stupid.

why do you need it? expecting a visit from the ATF?


You need to add a tripod on top of doggo now in case of emergency need for precision fire


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>Why would you armor your dog?
>If it starts biting someone there would be no way to stop him
Answered your own question

based pupper

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This, I recommend misspelled foreign patches as they're always the most hilarious.

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That's fucking adorable mate, what's his name?

He has nicely trimmed hair. I want to touch it

thats a rat, not a dog.

I hope you get banned.

If someone is going to shoot your dog they're likely going to shoot it in the head or chest from head on. A sniper isn't going to zero in on your dog from its side. You're the target, they're going to shoot you and probably just expect your dog to run off. Nobody is targetting a dog unless it's coming at them, which it probably won't do in a gunfight. If they start shooting it out with you your little shit brain is going to run away.

But how do you wear him?

Go away glownigger

I remember there being some kevlar vests made for hog hunting.
Searched and most pictures of dogs wearing them are nigger dogs, the kind that likes to eat owners, babies other animals and everything in between.

Make one for cats now

Attached: catarmor.jpg (600x600, 82K)

ATF plz go

is your dog planning to shoot up a walmart? why would you NEED dog body armor? this is why we need common sense dog body armor control.

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fuck off ATF

Only non-whites hate animals

Fuck you

Fuck you shitbird

weaponize it?

Needs space for the armor to deform without injuring pup, then...maybe a hard hat-style harness seperate from the panels?
>added benefit of airflow around torso to avoid overheating
>straps are adjustable, less need for sutomization

fuck you animals are better than people

the bullet has so much energy and that dog is so small that even if the armor stops the bullet, the doggo will almost certainly die from internal trauma.

so don't do this to your dog. it will only slow him down for no benefit whatsoever.

They already make armor for dogs. Hunters use them, I do mostly waterfowl so dog doesn't get up until bird hits the water, but I assume it's for the hunting where you have dogs either kicking up the animal or chasing the animal

You have no idea how durable dogs are

>OP makes armor for dogs
>posts "dog"
That's not a dog, that's a rat. Cute though. Get a real dog.

Make him a suicide vest so he can take the ATF agents with him

>the ABC boys faces when they see a fucking cougar
>their faces when it wears plates and a helmet

Probably save more money by just buying a replace

Super cute