Kel-Tec thoughts?

What’s the consensus on the SU-16?

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Other urls found in this thread: Incorporated/DEL-TON DT SPORT - MOD 2 223 REM | 5.56 NATO

Neat if you need a survival gun or don't want an AR. Ultimately a meme.

flimsy piles of snap that dont inspire confidence. on the other hand they are light.

As ri-goddam-diculous as they look, they do also look pretty fun.

How is it a meme?

The snap? Well don’t fucking bend it, I doubt it “just snaps”

its a gimmick gun

just go hold one and you will instantly understand. dont blindly defend it.
it feels like it has the build quality of a supersoaker or nerf gun.

The gimmick being it can fit in small places and doesn’t weigh 10-15 pounds? Sounds like a good gimmick to me

It does. I have one. Google "su-16 cracked receiver"

an ar can do the same shit though. hell with the upper separated from the lower its actually shorter than a keltec. though a pound or so heavier.

>10-15 pounds
Nigger what the fuck are you putting on your AR that makes it 10 pounds?

Ah ok, so they are gentle, what would be comparable out there in weight, .556

I realize it was a typo, so I'm not going to bully you, but still. Imagine.

>feels over reals
mine shoots great, easy to fold up and take anywhere and it only ways like 4-5 pounds. It’s not like I have 10k rounds through it, but I don’t through my AR or AK either.

A lightweight AR build can get to around the same level.
I'm a leaf, so I got it because I wanted a light NR .223, and it does the job fine. I just taped the receivers together, so no more folding, but also seems sturdy enough, I don't feel the need to send it in a wait forever for warranty service.
My one other major complaint is that the optic rail is molded into the plastic upper, so the POA/POI shift when you lean the gun against anything is massive. It requires a very light touch to shoot accurately off any kind of rest.
I'd say if you don't need a non-AR for legal bullshit reasons, just get a lightweight no frills AR.

You can’t shoot an AR with the upper separated from the lower though

Sorry, 7 pounds I’ve shot an m4 carbine a few times and I don’t wanna shoot at targets for multiple hours with a 7lbs gun. Don’t own a rifle yet, why I’m asking about the su-16

you can make an AR lighter than 7 pounds you know.

they shoot ok i had one too and sold it off. just felt like i had to baby it constantly. did i break mine? nah. did i feel like i could at any moment if i tried? yes.

And it’ll cost as much as an su-16 to add all the parts? I’m not gonna throw 1.5k into a gun

Also, it has the chunky recoil that comes with a giant heavy-ass long stroke piston bolt carrier. Noticeably more sight movement than any AR.

I think they’re great, user!

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you can get a 6 pound ar for 500 bucks Incorporated/DEL-TON DT SPORT - MOD 2 223 REM | 5.56 NATO

pretty much anything with a pencil barrel and basic ass furniture hits that weight limit.

lightweight ars only cost a fuckload when your trying to hit 4lbs.

Then piece together a lightweight at for 700ish it's better. Like fuck a 14.5 pencil barrel and reasonably light weight furniture should get you in the ball park

If you're worried about budget then buy whatever is cheap on psa and deal with the extra 1-2lbs, it's really not a big deal, even after hours of use.

how many here actually own one? or is everyone just into the ar fad

its not just that the ars a better gun. its more that the su is really a gimmick and not that good. if your dead set on it get one but even owners of it admit its meh.
kel tec doesnt make good guns keltec makes super cheap guns that feel cheap or gimmicks. the gimmicks are neat things that you cant get anywhere else like ksgs capacity but it is a gimmick.

Thoughts on P3AT? Are there lighter, more reliable brands?

makes sense user, i am new to this, so how much does it cost to reduce recoil of an ar?

nigger im 6'4'' my hand aint gonna fit that

you shouldnt be having recoil problems with an ar or su16. its 5.56 theres barely any.
that said recoil effects lighter guns more. if you are recoil sensitive why do you want the lighter gun?

Buy an adjustable gas block
turn gas lower until it fails to cycle, then turn it up 3 levels

a chinese special muzzle brake is like 25$

If you want something lightweight that isn’t gay get an m1 carbine

ah ok... again, ive never owned a rifle, just have my trusty mark IV and a nova tactical at the crib

The answer kind of depends, start off with a midlength if you're going the 16"ish barrel length route.

after that; an adjustable gas block, heavier buffer, muzzle brake all can play a part and all have options that come in at different price points

oh and weight will also reduce recoil, you mentioned.

You've so far mentioned you want it to be light, cheap, and low recoil beyond a basic bitch ar, pretty soon you're going to give up one of those things, and how the hell did you get from from su16

nigger i wanna eat, im not buying a 1k gun, fuck that

>how the hell did you get from from su16

but light and cheap are the two preferable options, hence why i gravitated toward the su16, but then this thread is informing me too, so

if i had to guess he found some magazine from 2006 or around there claiming the keltec is the best gun cause it only costs 299 and all ars cost 1000 dollars.

1k for a good gun is not bad and should be manageable for anyone with a job

or i went to gun show recently saw a strange looking gun, watched youtube reviews and then came here.... whats your take on a springfield m&p?

im a big boy i got bills, and a mortgage making 3k a month, with 3,200 on my credit card... im not spending 1k on a gun and taking out a loan like some nigger, im smarter than that

>whats your take on a springfield m&p?
the fucks a Springfield m&p?
m&p is s&w if its the pistol is ok. glock clone is glock clone. if rifle not a bad budget choice for a complete ar but it goes against you whole light weight idea. those have heavier than normal barrels.

Typo meant smith and Wesson. So to you what would be the ideal ar style rifle?

my ideal ar has no place here cause its abnormal a1 clone with collapsing stock on it. i like it but wouldnt reccomend it to a noob. m&p is ok but you said you wanted light and m&p isnt that. your m&p sport is that 7 lb rifle you straight up said you dont want.

i bought my first gun a year ago, mark IV at a gun show on a whim, bought a fast fire 3 or something for the rds and I shoot it occasionally, dont live on a farm where I can shoot all the time or else i would almost every day. i want to diversify and get a "tacticle style rifle", so is what I am asking for limiting my choices a bunch?
reliable - under $700 - light weight

any basic bitch ar that offers a lightweight or pencil barrel and isnt the m&p sport or polymer receiver. if you want lightweight avoid magpul furniture too the whole sets like half a pound heavier that your basic furniture.

dont buy the polymer receiver ar yes its lighter but no just no.

Those look like they'd fill a good niche role but I like their pocket pistols more out of practicality and AR pistols exist for compact light rifles.

Mine is 9 unloaded because heavy as fuck 15" quad rail. It does make it easy as fuck to keep stable though.

What's a good alternative? The LCPII seems twice as heavy.

It's gay and stupid and only gang members with no knowledge of guns get it because they think it looks cool.

Security 9 feels nice, I’m a ruger fan

Can't put a suppressor on it

The only serious problem is the plastic receiver which flexes under recoil and does not always return to the same position thus ruining accuracy for long shots

A 24 inch bull barrel? Also, it's an AR 10

It's good but it's a disposable weapon.
Ide buy one on the black market or via private sale. Get the one that holds extra mags.

Either stash it somewhere it can't be found or use it and dispose of it, the crack somewhere between 2500 and 5000 rounds depending on what's used because noone on earth reads that it's a .223 not a 556

Kel-Tec seemingly has many ok ideas but everything is made out of plastic and to look like from futuristic kids shooting game

The ultra light weight and pointability is very nice.
The fact that if you use 556 eventually it will break, isn't.

>I am a generous God

Based xerxes

You gotta explain yourself. It’s advertised as a backpackers rifle / survival gun, and in a pinch a home defense rifle. It does exactly what the manufacturer claims.

I’m the farthest thing from a Keltec fanboy, but you can’t just say it’s a meme gun and then claim gimmick without explaining when someone asks.

If it were marketed as the next big “AR killer” but it was just a compact folding plastic thing, then sure the folding plastic thing would be a gimmick.

Not him but that is the most sad defense of this I've ever seen. No one is here to spoon feed you so I'm going to insult you when I'm done.

a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.

The light weight is a gimmick because it sacrifices the structural integrity of the firearm. The folding stock is a gimmick because it creates a point of failure where stress is concentrated when used as intended. The bipod is a gimmick because it's made of shit plastic. It was a gimmick when steyr had an integrated bipod on their rifle too. If it was truly a minimalist gun they wouldn't try to cram so much unnecessary shit. If it were a survivalist gun reliability and durability would be key.

Go ahead and buy it, you don't shoot enough to break it.

I had one for a little bit. They're fantastic for everything you would want a gun for but shooting. Shooting them, they are useless. Horrific recoil impulse, horrible sights, the factory mags didn't work at all, extremely flimsy, overgassed with a bit too much bolt speed so it didn't feed quite right all the time.

But it's super light. It's a gun you would want to carry often and shoot very little.

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Tactical brick.

Sounds like a good pairing with my 45mm Glock.

One of the versions comes with a threaded barrel.
I think they're innovative as fuck, but yeah, build quality has never been their strong suit.

At 6lbs you could have the su16, a scope and loaded 30rd mag with a medium profile barrel vs empty iron sight ar with a pencil barrel.

I think most people should still go with the AR. Any gains you make with the heavier barrel profile are lost to the flexy as fuck molded plastic optic rail.

>Carry often and shoot very little.

Sounds ideal for backpacking.

>t’s advertised as a backpackers rifle / survival gun, and in a pinch a home defense rifle
yes and it folds in half to accomplish it, its a gimmick

Wrong, get over yourself
>t. 6'5" and owner of a p3at
Get an LCP or LCP2. Pretty much the same thing, but Ruger makes things that will actually fire 2 consecutive shots.

>folding is a gimmick

I own one, an AR and an AK pattern rifle.
The SU16 is a decent gun, some of them run fine from the factory, some need some break in, some need work, and in the $500 price range there's a chance your AR will also need some breaking in. The only downside (when yours runs well) is non standard parts. If I need new springs or other pieces I cant walk into my lgs and get replacement parts.
For the money though it's just about impossible to beat for weight with a medium profile barrel. It's like a 1-2moa gun, light as fuck, folds, shoots while folded, piston, and fairly cheap. Only problem I've had with mine is it's very overgassed when suppressed. Some people do have problems with them. If you don't you have a very very solid gun.

KSG works surprisingly well and it's pretty good. Sub2k is also pretty good. Keltecs rifles/shotguns are way less sketchy than their pistols

Pros: it's a keltec
Cons: it's a keltec

I think it should be more like

Pro: designed by keltec
Con: made by keltec

What's the consensus on the plr-16 and 22 based keltec stock holder?

I would hardly call being designed by them a positive given their affinity for just bolting things together with machine screws.
Pro: it's an interesting idea from keltec that should be stolen by a competent manufacturer
Con: keltec was involved in designing and manufacturing it

So in short what you're saying is

Pro: it was designed by keltec
Con: it was made by keltec

Lol. This is entirely correct.

Never used them. Although my dad has a plr16 and it's pretty fun, and loud as you'd expect

No, because things designed by them use shitty plastics and screws to hold shit together.
The concepts are good in theory, but lack refinement and quality materials.
The LCP is obviously a rip off of the P3AT, but Ruger refined the concept and made it so you don't have hex head screws holding on extractors and use higher quality plastics.

>mass is a gimmick
Big Think

So it's a neat design but another manufacturer could use higher quality materials? Man what a fool for not specifying that, you got him man keep it up.