Did I fuck up my 458 upper?

Ok so I have an upper in 458 that I put together.
This was my first one and I’m sure I over torqued the barrel nut.
Recently I got it a an asr muzzle brake, I torqued down the muzzle device and now the lug recessed in the extension are misaligned. The bolt has an extreme difficulty in going into battery and getting out of battery. The recesses rotated to the left as that is the direction of my torque.
How fucked am I here? Is this fixable?
Also I haven’t yet shot it or done a guage check, what are the chances head space is fucked?

Attached: 92295B64-C631-469F-A903-143EE1BCF579.jpg (194x259, 6K)

it's fucked, send it to me for free user

upper is probably knackered. headspace is set at the chamber and extension, not by the barrel nut. unless you're the hulk, the barrel should be salvageable, but you need a new upper, a torque wrench, and a fucking brain.

>I torqued down the muzzle device and now the lug recessed in the extension are misaligned.

Whether or not it's fixable depends on whether or not you managed to damage the receiver. If you didn't, then you can remove the barrel nut, clock the barrel correctly, then tighten the barrel nut again.

Next time hold the barrel securely when you tighten your muzzle device. Don't hold the gun by the receiver, hold it by the barrel. Best way is one of those reaction rod tools that fits into a vise and engages the locking lug recesses. If you don't have that tool then hold the barrel itself in a vise, using some scrap aluminum or brass to pad the jaws so you don't damage your barrel. Don't hold it by the receiver.

I mean after working it a bit I can certainly move the bcg, it doesn’t move freely if I do it slowly. If I yank on it with force it comes out but if I don’t it gets stuck and needs a nudge to go back Into battery but the spring force bring it into battery as well.

Quit fucking with the BCG.

The question is whether or not you permanently bent the upper or if the barrel was just able to move slightly. Remove and reinstall barrel, see if the binding problem still exists. If it does, your upper is fucked.

Uppers are only $50 stripped op, if you're running 458 socom then I hardly think the money is going to be a problem. The important question is have you learned the fundamental differences between aluminum and steel?

There’s no wiggle with the upper. I don’t get how I could have done that?
Also I had the same issue before but for less severe. Sometimes it would get hanged up but nothing like this.
I’ve only shot it once. I mean once I can start reloading I’ll shoot more but now I don’t reslly shoot it. I just wanted a 458 upper to have

Buy a new upper, they are cheap.

And get a fucking reaction rod you retard. This keeps the torque contained to the barrel. You aren't twisting against the receiver.

>There’s no wiggle with the upper.

> I don’t get how I could have done that?
How did you hold the gun when you tried to tighten the muzzle device?


I held it between my legs between thick towels, holding the stock and grip and upper portion as well as part of the handguard between my legs. I used an ar15 multi wrench(short one from brownells). Pushed down on one end pulled up on the other. I also say on the upper and then held it and did the same.Not cheap. 60 bucks plus bullshit gunsmith install fee plus I’d need get a new handguard because the threads are probably stripped and I don’t have the wrench for it anymore.

>bullshit gunsmith install fee

no, thats your stupidity fee for being a fucking barbarian and not taking 5 minutes out of your life to watch a youtube video or read a manual.

Ya dun goofed.
Next time use a barrel mandrel to not fuck it up.
I got mine from Botach for like $50.

>I don’t get how I could have done that?
Of course you don’t. If you did, you wouldn’t have done that in the first place. You probably twisted the barrel a little so it isn’t properly indexed in the barrel extension. Good fucking luck getting that straightened out. It sounds like you have fuck all for tools and zero know-how.

Next time use a vice. Use a reaction rod, or just put the barrel directly in the vice jaws. Don’t torque a muzzle device without properly securing the barrel.

that poor rifle

I hope it winds up being fine user.

Attached: iridium_2019-04-13_09-08-37.png (696x156, 30K)

I think torque wrench users are the same people that spend $100 on a sling and the necessary attachment devices. Everyone else uses common sense wrench control and a $10 roll of canvas webbing.

I think its time to talk about some common sense wrench control, like im all for high torque capable wrenches, but when anons like OP do this it makes me sick. I dont want to take your wrenches, I just want us to have a little compromise to save these poor uppers

Bro that don’t look like a 458 Socom chamber to me
On mine the walls of the chamber go all the way out to the tips of the extension lugs

And I don’t have M4 feed ramps, just one big fucker in the middle

Like this pic

Attached: 4D7A26FE-E6AA-4C05-91ED-E8E0F790FF94.jpg (727x749, 30K)

Fucked your upper and alignment nub hahahaha faggot

That's one thing I like about the AK, super quick and easy to change muzzle devices

>I held it between my legs
That's why you fucked it up. Use a reaction rod next time.

Yeah, but then he sat on it. That should have fucked it the opposite direction and canceled out, right?

before you take everything apart see if you can get a pipe wrench on it and move the barrel in the desired direction.
>lock bolt back
>drop the magazine
>pull back on the charging handle until it engages the bolt catch
>slowly ride the bolt forward until it rests on the locking lugs, since it wont freely engage the lugs, it shouldnt go into battery
>put your pipe wrench on the barrel
>tap the wrench with a hammer, or just bump it with your fist, it doesnt have to move much
>once the bolt engages the lugs because you moved the barrel check if its still tight
>repeat until you fix the problem
>check the torque on the barrel nut after, asap.
i didnt mention using something to protect the barrel from the pipe wrench, because thats a given, but be aware that a pipe wrench will fuck that barrel up if you dont.

Honestly I might just get another upper. I wanted stainless steel barrel and 10.5 inches in the first place anyway.

Reaction rods are the way to do builds. I also have a little mini reaction rod that looks like a bolt head and it works terrifically. Where did your BCG come from? I bought several cheap as shit $55 BCGs from combat armory a year ago and every single one of the heads are a little out of spec I guess and will have to wear down to function properly. I had to cycle them probably 200 times each through several rifles to get them reliable. Don’t cheap out and don’t get your BCG from combatarmory. PSA $50 bcgs are good tho

That sucks. I got two of their nitride BCGs are they're fine.

Did you break your receiver extension alignment pin?