Your thoughts?
Your thoughts?
Henry rollins is a massive faggot but i still respect him as a person
>i still respect him
Why? Did he run into a burning building to save a puppy?
>one-line writing prompt one-post
>no content
>literally years-old image that has already been thoroughly discussed
>violation: gun control thread
>write my content for me
>data mining
Do not reply to bots. 2020 is coming and this board is targeted.
Oh look, another celebrity millionaire who lives in a gated mansion and has private security surrounding him whenever he goes out in public can't figure out why anybody would need a gun to protect themselves.
gun control is off topic
fuck off
sometimes I wonder if I have a small dick or just giant legs
"Fuck that guy" is my immediate thought
But doesn't a gun make the weak equal or even greater than the strong? Who even are these very vaguely defined strong and weak?
What if strong aquires gun, what if a weak ditches it?
What if you use bullets with brains?
What gives you the right to dismiss my opinion as wrong? Is that a privilege of the strong? To oppress the weak, who then retaliate with guns, because guns make the strong the weak?
I doubt a single person on this board unironically agrees with this man. Why even bother making this thread? Not mad, just curious.
This is not a gun control thread
>HIV face
>BASEDboy with steroids
Democrats is the party of weakness. That’s why they lost the civil war.
Lol Henry Rollins thinks he is a badass because he was a degenerate punk singer who got in a bunch of fistfights. Now he is a whiny far left screecher who thinks because his daddy got shot by a "white supremacist" his opinion means something. In reality he's a rich angsty retard who went into punk because his wealthy roots weren't edgy enough.
Somewhere between Dunning-Kruger and the Celebrity Halo Effect.
Henry Rollins is bigger and stronger than you
Henry Rollins is an incredibly interesting person and the ONLY thing I like about him is that he just does what he wants, goes where he wants and doesn't care about danger.
However he's a faggot who has no grasp of reality and geopolitics.
Who takes Henry Rollins seriously? Black Flag isn't even good I can think of 5 better punk bands from the time period and I can't think of a single good Black Flag song off the top of my head.
Punk and hardcore went through a gay phase where they got all preachy about anti-violence for some reason. It was gay as fuck and I never understood it.
Henry is that you? Are you angrily posting on Jow Forums because you still can't get over your kike daddy's death?
Why don't the weak have a right to defend themselves?
You're only strong if you carry a gun and know how to use it. Only weak faggots are anti-gun.
I'm missing my left hand, does that mean that I don't have a right to defend myself?
Not the guy you're responding to but.
I would beat the fuck out of him, but if he came after me I would just shoot him. It's quicker.
>Extremely unsubtle disarmament thread.
Serious question, do all proponents for anti gun legislature live in ivory towers? If they spent any amount of time in a dangerous neighborhood or at least far enough away that it would take half an hour for the police to show up to your house would they change their mind?
No he's not. He's 5'9" 160lbs. Compare him to Joe Rogan on the podcast.
No, some of them actually do live in high crime areas. Which is strange because they usually keep a blunt object nearby for protection.
>Henry Rollins is bigger and stronger than you
So? I don’t use steroids. I have a bigger penis by default.
I think that Rollins became a gym rat not because he wanted to intimidate others, but because he wanted more social surplus, he then realized that being "alpha" and "taking the high ground" at the same time offered an even greater social surplus, so he took this route. The vast majority of gym rats get bigger to intimidate other men, this isn't the case for Rollins.
He is merely saying "I am bigger than you, and I take the high ground anyways". He isn't actually being a good example, he just wants more brownie points.
His entire life is a covert brownie point generator, much like that of a teenage girl.
He sucked anons pee pee when he was having a bad day.
Have sex incel.
I think he said himself he got into going to the gym to let out some anger
On it
this just in, henry rollins says women and old farts should fear the strong
He can say whatever he wants it is your duty not to believe him and make your own observations.
Is he trying to look intimidating?
>Guns are tools of the weak
And that's a good thing! How else are women and the elderly supposed to defend themselves? Do Democrats seriously have the caveman mentality that might makes right?
>Is he trying to look intimidating?
The estrogen kicking in.
Ew. I thought Rollins was cool. What a cuck.
He actually say/think that?
Yes. The only thing that’ll let my 90 pound GF defend herself against a roided up rapist like in that pic.
The weak absolutely need guns
I'm weak so what the fuck am I gonna do with my fists? Guns all the way
>oops looks like all those years of training, dieting, and street smarts have come to and end with just one bullet
>shame too had you simply bought a gun you might have had a chance to fight back
I don't respect any boot licker whether they be leftwing or rightwing.
A boot licker is still a boot licker ready to be exploited by tyrants who see them as nothing but useful idiots and cannon fodder.
So the weak should fear the strong and might makes right?
>I can think of 5 better punk bands from the time period
Name them.
>If you disagree with me, you're wrong
>I don't even want to consider for a second that my world view might be wrong because of my massive ego
This isn't entirely relevant to guns, but I do want to make it very clear that anybody can say words. Anybody can use a silver tongue and get what they need without ever having to actually try at all, because it's just a moving mouth. Now to prove something by physical measures, this requires hard work every single day, blood sweat and tears for you whole life. When you punch somebody it is every single thing you believe in going into that punch, it is your entire life philosophy. Talking is nothing.
brawn > brains
Not that user, but... Agent Orange, Dead Kennedys, Death by Stereo, Suicidal Tendencies, Dead Milkmen (for the lulz)
Well go ahead and explain why he's wrong then. Killing somebody without having to look him in the eyes is bad for the psyche, and diminishes the damage on the soul it should have.
This is the gayest thing I think I've ever read.
It's the truth. People that disagree are cowards that should be disregarded, because they would rather no-effort slime their way out of a situation. Society conditions you from the very start to be weak. They are lying to you. They want less competition.
You're retard. You shouldn't be harming anyone except in self defense and a gun is the best tool for that job. If you have beat people to make a point you're fucking neaderthal who deserves prison.
Your words are meaningless and homosexual.
"Black Flag" were managed by Frontier Booking International (FBI) the agency that did the most to popularize "rebelious" punk rock. You know who owned it? Ian Copeland...son of Miles Copeland Jr. one of the founders of the
And by the way you know what EMI was doing while putting the Sex Pistols and many other "rebels" on the airwaves? Military radars for
Your heroes of entertainment are all tools especially the "rebelious" ones.
I think it's rather ironic that someone calling for "more brains" incorrectly writes "less bullets" instead of "fewer bullets".
Didn’t him and a buddy of his get held up and he ran off like a bitch while his buddy got shot and died?
>5’9 prince of manlets
To add to this i also guarantee you that he is a faggot since all this tools of entertainment have to do a faggot "initiation" that is caught on the blackmail camera.
Go fight a cop.
You gonna punch me?
misfits, cro-mags, the fucking ramones, agression, minor threat, bad brains,
Oh cool the guy that sucks everyone's cocks to eat the scraps
>be Henry Rollins
>act like a hard cunt to cope with getting molested as a kid
>friend gets ventilated by actual hard cunts
>haha guns are only for pussies right guys?
Big words for a man that left his best friend to die at the hands of niggers
are you retarded
>Talking is nothing.
Then please stop posting.
I refuse
>faggot anime cat
KYS discord tranny.
I bet if I challenged him to fight over it he'd pussy out. Fuckin faggot with big words.
wasn't his friend gay and the guy that killed him was gay too?