Who's been to the fun shop ??
Show me what you got
August was a good month
Draco NAK9x
Gen5 G17
Mossberg 500
>left eject
a book on zen and some chew
Who's been to the fun shop ??
Show me what you got
August was a good month
Draco NAK9x
Gen5 G17
Mossberg 500
>left eject
a book on zen and some chew
>left eject mossberg
well now you have to get a normal one and make a mossberg 1000
At first glace no, just no.
Now i like it
Picked up a Century UC-9 UZI clone last week. Hoping to hit the range this weekend with it and see if it blows up in my face.
Vise and string that trigger first
Just bought the quintessential new/poorfag shotgun, a Maverick 88 and 20 shells yesterday. I already wanna get another gun.
SP5K. also got franklin binary trigger in a second frame, paddle mag release, b&t 3-lug barrel, ghw mod-2 brace, and will likely get an aimpoint micro t1 on a b&t mount
that a kid
beautiful welding
that's not machine welded is it?
no it's epitaph
Only one has a vent rib. Very upsetting.
Buy slugs too
Bought a B&T TP9, planning on SBR'ing it.
It could put me over the edge to finally buying a suppressor since the B&T suppressor for it really does complete the look.
none cuz im poor. havent had a new gun in like a month
Got my first Swiss firearm. Turns out it’s from 1901.
Got a DSA para FAL a few days ago, I love everything about it except for the grip, I'll probably replace it with a saw grip once I get some optics on it.
I ordered a thing.
get m1014
Dare we look inside?
bought some mags
>opening up a new gun
>took pictures of packaging
I don’t have that patience. Have to finger fuck it all night after buying it too.
I bought some mags for larping
I just do it to tease you all
how'd i do Jow Forums?
Open the fucking box
Got this off my brother in law for $150
What the devil? This isn't my colt.
Wait a tick, I think there's something inside.
Egads the real colt was inside all along.
why the fuck can't i fucking find bakelite mags ?
I'm selling 5 of mine
340 shipped
Now I just need a 38 long cylinder.
What is this
They got a h&r sportsman 900 for
€180 american shekles
Am i a retard is i dont buy it?
Fuking pretty
Girlfriend just just surprised me with this for my birthday. Shes nogunz but she made sure she got the right model