New Acquisitions Bread

Who's been to the fun shop ??
Show me what you got

August was a good month
Draco NAK9x
Gen5 G17
Mossberg 500
>left eject
a book on zen and some chew

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>left eject mossberg
well now you have to get a normal one and make a mossberg 1000

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At first glace no, just no.
Now i like it

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Picked up a Century UC-9 UZI clone last week. Hoping to hit the range this weekend with it and see if it blows up in my face.

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Vise and string that trigger first

Just bought the quintessential new/poorfag shotgun, a Maverick 88 and 20 shells yesterday. I already wanna get another gun.

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SP5K. also got franklin binary trigger in a second frame, paddle mag release, b&t 3-lug barrel, ghw mod-2 brace, and will likely get an aimpoint micro t1 on a b&t mount

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that a kid

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beautiful welding
that's not machine welded is it?

no it's epitaph

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Only one has a vent rib. Very upsetting.

Buy slugs too

Bought a B&T TP9, planning on SBR'ing it.
It could put me over the edge to finally buying a suppressor since the B&T suppressor for it really does complete the look.

none cuz im poor. havent had a new gun in like a month

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Got my first Swiss firearm. Turns out it’s from 1901.

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Got a DSA para FAL a few days ago, I love everything about it except for the grip, I'll probably replace it with a saw grip once I get some optics on it.

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I ordered a thing.

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get m1014

Dare we look inside?

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bought some mags

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>opening up a new gun
>took pictures of packaging
I don’t have that patience. Have to finger fuck it all night after buying it too.

I bought some mags for larping

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I just do it to tease you all

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how'd i do Jow Forums?

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Open the fucking box

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Got this off my brother in law for $150

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What the devil? This isn't my colt.

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Wait a tick, I think there's something inside.

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Egads the real colt was inside all along.

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why the fuck can't i fucking find bakelite mags ?

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I'm selling 5 of mine
340 shipped

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Now I just need a 38 long cylinder.

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What is this



They got a h&r sportsman 900 for
€180 american shekles
Am i a retard is i dont buy it?

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Fuking pretty

Girlfriend just just surprised me with this for my birthday. Shes nogunz but she made sure she got the right model

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