How rare is my WASR-10 pt.2 electric boogaloo

I made a post a couple days ago asking a question of how rare my 2003 WASR-10 (pre-10/63) is.

The thread never gained really any traction so here it goes again.

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It’s not worth anymore than any other used wasr now of a similar condition.

It's a ban era WASR. The answer is not rare, not desirable.

Hey OP, chances are if your thread didn't really go anywhere means it might not deserve its own thread. I wish I could answer your question but I really don't know, though it being a WASR I doubt its rare. You'll likely have better luck in /akg/. Import marks might be a good place to start looking though.

it is my understanding that wasr 10 is not really that desired rare or sought after...

so regardless of the assault weapons ban or pre 10/63... its still going to be a 400-600 wasr 10

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Ur awb wasr is worth less than a new wasr.

Fuck you and fuck your generals


>pt.2 electric boogaloo
Stop doing this.

Hi OP, I have basically the same gun you have, except mine is in better condition, so I can answer your question:

It's not rare at all, it's common as clay, and not really worth more than $400-$500, but with all the scratches and rust and damage and general lack of care yours has maybe a little less.

Attached: 1 WASR on woodpile.jpg (768x487, 96K)

Hey how rare is this I found it in my grandpa's closet

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Can't even have a muzzle device on it. Not desirable and not rare.

A thread died for this. just ask /akg/ next time fuckin retarded faggot

Was that a Romanian with a dremel and onset MS??

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Pretty uncommon. I would recommend you hang on to it, if you want an AK. Besides Saigas themselves being banned from import, complete rifles in the 5.45 caliber are not coming into the US anymore and are likely not going to be for the forseeable future.

>not arsenal

L I T E R A L L Y the same company