What's the next AR15?

What's the next AR15?

Attached: afie3.webm (900x753, 1.23M)

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>Those legs
Well that's just sad

That's like asking "What's the next Mosin Nagant?"

There isn't one.

There will be some other gun all the autists and nerds sperg out about, but it will be totally different. Maybe not even a detachable mag semi-auto.


Ar16 maybe?


My pee pee cooming in her little pusy

In light of recent events and the (((agenda))) kicking into full gear, the Mini-14.

Attached: 556niggerkillerwithyournameonit.jpg (1894x928, 453K)

yes hello is it illegal to sniff that ass, asking for a friend in mionecraft

>Implying the AR-180 isn't already 11.25 times better than the AR-16

What's wrong with them?

Not brown enough for user I guess

Pale, toothpick thin, they look like the legs every boomer on earth has when they're mowing their lawn in booty shorts

hur durr me want coom

I agree with you. I prefer thick thighs.

AR16 obviously

Is this porn?
Which casting couch episode is this???!!!


I NEED the sauce on this plz

>blows residue and gas into the BCG and in your face
>needs a bottle of oil to run properly
>shitty, weak magazine locking system
>can't even have a folding stock because the BCG needs to reciprocate a whole foot into the buffer tube
If you aren't a poorfag with 300 dollars to spend on a rifle in the current year, you have no excuse for picking up one of these finnicky pieces of shit.
>hurr but the army uses it so it must be good!
You're talking about the same army that still employs the 1911 and M14.

Attached: gAyR-15 fags at war.webm (640x360, 2.82M)


>I know nothing about the AR platform except what I read on the internet, the post

Enjoy your fap weirdos

There wont be one, firearm ownership for private citizens will be forbidden.

More like you're just gay.

>them cops ain't gonna tell me what to do! Imma sovern cituzin!, the webm

pale is good, but the toothpick legs are a damn shame, you're right.

I like my gf to have BIG MEATY thighs

Attached: Thigh5.webm (563x1000, 2.96M)

Uh, guys where did you get my ar?

Attached: PhotoEditor_20190828_203149407.jpg (1660x2253, 3.15M)

>posts a fucking chink
don't @ me again.

she's korean

Attached: 1565226787070.webm (640x1280, 816K)

Nothing wrong with pale shitskin

same shit, different toilet

seething wh*teoid

Wait Cx is actually chinese

cope more bug chasing virgin

He wasn't a sovereign citizen, just an entitled boomer. The cops were there to arrest him because two nogs caught him on video, threatening to shoot both of them because they kept making too much noise by riding close to his house on dirt bikes. Being an old fuck, he probably wasn't used to the idea of people recording him with a somewhat inconspicuous camera when he was being an antisocial piece of shit to get his way. So it was the end of the line for him, one way or another.

so still a seething wh*teoid, got it

Attached: 1547038389594.png (667x720, 134K)

better than a coping slant

im black, silly wh*teboi

If Asian chicks looked like this without makeup I'd totally have the yellow fever like a lot of you white dudes seem to always have.

Source: Non white guy

y mad? all whaymen are beautiful!

lol sure you are, cuck

>Back the blue amiright gois!
Fuck off statist boot licker.

>so still a seething wh*teoid

Attached: 1566896583825.jpg (763x720, 55K)

wow based! a Jow Forumsle_dolan hispanic!!!!

All girls look bad without makeup though.

t. seething cuck larper

have sex

Do you prefer nigger legs?

Let's be honest, who doesn't?


>Non white guy
Just say nigger user it's ok we're all friends here.


but cx can flip!

Attached: chengxiao3.webm (563x1000, 2.78M)



Everyone but niggers. And even niggers don't like niggers

nice try incel but sneed was checkmate


Attached: 1566902737612.png (454x520, 29K)

no makeup just artifically raised the standard.


Attached: wojakcrying1.png (691x653, 27K)

Nice selfie cuck

find a mate, get married, and reproduce.

(that's the real czechm8, incel/thot)

found it on ur phone

>t. 300lb mgtow larper

I downloaded it from your moms phone after I camd in her asshole

you should stay on Jow Forumsle_nolad, this site is 18+

I could say the same for you cuck

nah, you're clearly better reddit material

Attached: 63X4MAO.jpg (600x398, 39K)


You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

Attached: the tolerance policeperson.jpg (500x375, 30K)

>reddit pretending not be reddit
Kill yourself

t. Reddit

Thank you for proving my point

Thank you for proving my point

>n-no I've been found out so I'll act like a child
Go back

>n-no I've been found out so I'll act like a child
Go back

Redditor cucks sure do love having the last word

Probably some bull pup, American made derivative of whatever England calls their thing