Why do so many people on Jow Forums idealize the losers of this war?
Why do so many people on Jow Forums idealize the losers of this war?
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Because Jow Forums is full of Jow Forumsids
Beats me, man. Like you said, they're losers.
Because losing doesn't mean you're wrong.
I could ask the same about Rhodesia
Losers often did lots of things right except winning part.
Because they weren't Russians.
t. Literal loser
2016 election
Cuz I like the good guys
>Britain lost their Empire and is being invades by their former colonies
>France turned into an socialist shithole
>US was completely controlled by Jews and has been colonized by Central Americans for 50 years while the Constitition has been shredded
>Communists ruled Eastern Europe and half of Germany
>led to decades of proxy wars and fear of nuclear war
Who the fuck even "won" WWII outside of Israel? None of the allies benefitted at all besides muh global economy. Hell Japan was probably the "winner" of WWII, got nuked sure, but we rebuilt their country and now they still have a strong economy and.people.
>modern American demographics have anything to do with WW2
>American entrance in WW2 was a "le Jew plot"
>modern France is socialist
>Communism in Eastern Europe isn't partially the fault of Nazi Germany
>Communism in Eastern Europe isn't partially the fault of Nazi Germany
It’s almost entirely the fault of Nazi Germany
>Who the fuck even "won" WWII outside of a country that wasn’t founded until three years after the war ended
I think he's more referring to the fact that a subset of the population got a literal country for free
You mean like lebensraum?
>for free
If you had talked to any Jewish person in Europe in 1945 and asked them if they would want a Jewish state or their murdered loved ones back, virtually all of them would take the latter.
1937: Europe was full of anti-communist governments. Nationalism is seen as good.
1946: Half of Europe is controlled by commies. Nationalism is reviled and hated.
Smooth move, Adolf.
Because they hate non whites and love the idea of commiting industrial genocide and subjugating those they view as their inferiors.
Listen to this for the head honcho homo's input
Why do Jews deserve one more than Kurds anyway?
The US became a super power and the USSR got second place after getting Eastern Europe and turning most of Asia red shortly after. Its pretty clear who won.
Just because someone lost the war doesn’t mean they aren’t interesting. The Spartans lost Thermopylae, Soviets the Cold War, and Nappy lost everything. Doesn’t mean they’re not interesting. Some people just go too far in their interest.
I’m not necessarily a fan of creating new ethnostates but why shouldn’t the Kurds be allowed to have their own nation? If nobody wants them and they’ve collectively have gone through so much why not tear a price out of Iraq/Turkey/fuckistan for them? Assuming, of course, they have a majority there already.
I know this is b8 but just because you lose doesn't mean you were in the wrong.
If you think the Nazis were in the right you're even stupider.
Lol loser worship anirite
OP is a faggot, and a kike
>hurrr israel being formed has nothing to do with ww2
Either because they think that side looked cool or they were dumb enough to be swayed by an ideology that is the equivalent of a tantrum.
Not entirely. But the Germans were doing nothing different from what the UK had done, what France had done, and so on. They were just too retarded to stop while they were ahead. Hitler was a shit leader.
If they had stopped with Poland, they would have been good to go for years. The issue was Hitler and a few others just wanted to eat up as much of the surrounding territory that they fucked up. Pissing off the UK was fuck up one. Then tearing up a treaty with Russia was fuck up two. After that? Allying with Japan who they couldn't exert any influence over.
Again. If they had just taken Poland, Germany would be double the size it is now, Russia never woukd have taken half of Europe, and the U.S. wouldn't militarily own most of SE Asia and Europe as a whole. The UK might still be an Empire, and France would just be...France.
I have seen more than one mention about that germans were first seen as liberators in many parts of europe and many countries were pretty much neutral at first but then hitlor and other tards decided to start removing unwanted people and ransacking way too much.
If they just had taken the land and rebuilt etc they could have made it much further, possibly even to something like united states of europe that they are now trying to get to.
Eh. They would have just owned Poland. Then 20 years later they would have been the ones to scare Russia off instead of the U.S.
And there would have been a real war in the cold war era. But nukes wouldn't have been created by that time. Or they would have, but Russia wouldn't have been able to use theirs because of how close the war was to home.
Europe would have kicked Communism, everyone would more or less have been allies in Western Europe, and the U.S. would have supported rather than fought.
>Why do a bunch of misanthropic house bound adult teenagers idolize Disney-tier villains
These are the same people who identify with these shitty doomer memes through the veil of irony
The main draw to NatSoc these days stems from the fact that Hitler called out the Jews for pushing degeneracy in his era, mainly in the form of 'abstract art' and culture, which was steadily gaining traction(See Die Ausstellung "Entartete Kunst"). He said they would destroy western society.
Now, 70 years later the Jews dominate almost every aspect of social media and entertainment(this is a simple, indisputable fact) and have been pushing more and more degeneracy from shaming masculinity to promoting and celebrating mental illness, promoting 'nigger culture' and stirring up class, political an racial tensions.
Also there's the fact that the men and women who died for their country would roll over in their grave if they could see what their children and grandchildren let happen to their countries.
Because they’re also gay
Protip: Everything the Nazis claimed to put a stop to, they just assumed control of.
They were the masters of spinning things to be in their favor and make themselves look like saviors & victors. It worked until 1944 when they could no longer deny their failures through news reports and speeches.
The German economy was on the upswing before Hitler took power, drug usage continued under their control (and state-owned companies were profiting), and the "degeneracy" just became part of Party functions ("Prostitution = bad, kids getting knocked up at HJ = good"). It wasn't about fighting Jews, it was about the NSDAP wanting that level of presumed power for themselves. The real clowns are the idiots who believe their lies 80 years later after they plowed Germany into the ground way worse than WW1 did.