Pawn shop guns

Pawn shop guns thread

What are some guns you have found in pawn shops and what was the price when you bought it?

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the only one I have is a norinco paratrooper SKS. paratroopers are 16" barrel carbines. I got it for 99+tax. it's a fun gun that killed a few hogs before I got an AR.

Marlin Model '97 (grandfather of the 39A)


Lot of fun restoring that one

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Looks nice the way it is in the picture.

>walk into pawn shop in saint louis
>jesus fucking christ it smells like vomit and cigs
>theres literally a gentleman standing over the gun case with a lit cigarette thats burnt down to the filter behind his ear
>i turn around to the noise
>a gentleman is taking a selfie dancing with a m92 pap
>hes dancing and recording himself with it, I assume for snapchat or goybook live
>guy behind the counter is asking for it back
>gentleman is still dancing
>I leave and conduct my business in a more safe area

I really fucking wish this was fake

A shitty repro colt walker for like 150

I once found a Mosin for $250 at pawn shop.
It had a Hex receiver that looked like someone had attacked it with a hammer and chisel.
The barrel was chopped off and it had a black synthetic stock.

Why do people do this shit.

Attached: Mosin.jpg (610x313, 24K)

I got a CZ82 with 3 mags for $200, is that good?

Once saw 2 k31's for about $150 each. Was relatively new to guns so didn't know what it was at first. Went home did some research then went back first chance I got after work but they were gone. I've been hunting for a deal like that since

$200 for a Remington 870 that used to belong to a DN3D fan.

Now I need a shoulder stock

There's this pawnshop in town that has several turn-of-the-century pistols (Colt M1900, 1903 Pocket Hammer, Colt New Service, etc) and the pawnshop is owned by two stupid old ladies and the guns have never been cleaned and they've been left out in the humidity for at least five years and they're totally fucking ruined.

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Steyr M95 for $199 last year, came with the bayonet.

Let me tell you the pawn shop secrets, from an employee

1. Look at what shit has actually sold for on ebay and gunbroker, not what sellers are asking for it. Gunbroker makes you log in to do this, but it;s under advanced search. This is good bargaining Info

2. Ask for what kind of discount you can get if pay in cash

3. Dont waste the clerks time

4. appear as though you know a lot about the item, it puts clerks on edge

5. Just walk if the price is bad, but dont be a dick about it. We remember dicks. Dont give your ID if you arent filling out a background check, most pawn software lets you leave notes on customers and most of the time we use it to bitch about faggots

6. Don't rely solely on these rules. Every pawn shop has it's own autistic little ways of doing things.

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Found and bought a Mk23 with six mags for $1200 bucks.

Good to know. Now if only there are pawn shops that sell gats near me...

Most pawn shops around me will buy them, but then sell them to some third party who is set up on gunbroker.

Mauser C96 Broomhandle for $100. Store owner thought it had been deactivated. Wrong - it hadn't been touched. Win.

we weep for the fallen

Type 38 Carbine for $250. Some grease on the bolt, and obviously no mum, but otherwise in good shape.

Attached: Arisaka_Type38.jpg (700x137, 73K)

I got some cheap Sears Model 101 for like $100, it's my first gun that I bought myself. I was planning on buying one of the rifles but the retard at the counter said I was only able to buy shotguns because I'm 19. (I live in Georgia so I can buy every legal gun I just can't carry until I'm 21)

I bought an sks for $325
Then 1 wouldn't sell me a Ruger .22 pistol cause the guy who handles gun sales wasn't working that day $199

>go to very old pawn shop in 2007
>random guy in cowboy hat is in there with a super short A1 ar pistol
>he’s happy as hell with it and says he’s with Dallas swat
>ask him why it has no stock since it was 2007 and I was a dumb 20 year old
>uh son it’s a PISTOL! He said in a very coarse tone and snorts in disgust and points a thumb at me
>clerk looks at me and tries to apologize for the guy being rude
>walk out

Fuck that boomer


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Good, love seeing mosin retards getting BTFO about their "rare and precious" garbage rods literally shit out by the millions.

Right, avoid all pawnshops and report them for selling stolen merchandise as well. Thanks for the tip.

I work at a pawnshop that carries an FFL.

I buy/pawn/sell guns. Major metropolitan area

I’m on a long car ride so ask away.

Things I’ve brought home
>sino-Soviet SKS
>colt 1911 marked property of us govt. circa 1920
>wwi SMLE
>collection of makarov
>FN 1949
>good Mac-10
>early 50s model 36 chiefs special
>6” model 27-3
I have many other guns, and the store has seen some really neat things in my years here