The last ice cream flavor you've eat is now a camo pattern which you must wear during the boogaloo. All of your clothes, guns, gear, etc. will be covered in this pattern and you cannot paint over it. How do you fare?
The last ice cream flavor you've eat is now a camo pattern which you must wear during the boogaloo. All of your clothes...
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It was vanilla.
I live in North Dakota
6 months out of the year I’ll be doing quite well.
Primo thread OP
It was that food lion vanilla fudge ripple stuff, vanilla with chocolate stripes.
I live in TN so I don't see it going well
Yeah I'm not that adventurous, just vanilla got fudge sundae. Why the fuck would I want ice cream that tastes like mangos?
>Cherry Garcia
Fucking dead, lavender mascarpone doesn't blend into my environment.
Strawberry. I'll move to Sedona.
Fucking rainbow god damn sherbet. I’ll see you guys in hell
Could be worse, I guess, but I'd like an aesthetic better than "shit brown".
Rocky road. In Georgia...I'm fugged.
i'm good
Mint chocolate chip. Hmm I guess cyber space.
> vanilla
> live in Texas
pray for me lads
bourbon pecan, so I'm fucked since it snows one day a year here
Honk honk.
Look on the bright side: if you have to operate in a pride parade, you're all set!
Mint chocolate chip doesn't look half bad.
Back to r*ddit you go, I'm surprised you're not a janny.
>uses reddit term
>I am from reddit
wat are you on about you nigger
I had vanilla with chocolate syrup. I suppose I'd be in pic related.
I'd fair well during winters, as long as I don't stand up too much.
Unironically coffee, I'd do well hiding in light colored dirt
Could be decent woodland camo.
>double vanilla
Guess I'm headed north lads
Winter is coming, after all
I knew I was being a faggot at the time...but I didn't know it would cost me my life.
Also, all boogaloo posters should be saged, hidden, ignored.
yea seriously, there's never going to be shit
Could be reasonably okay in autumn conditions.
I think I'll be alright
Better head to the mountains and paint the snowy region with the blood of your foes.
>Stawberry Cheesecake
Shit I haven’t had ice cream in forever
my last scoop was one of those “healthy” ice creams with high protein but funky aftertaste due to sugar alcohols and it was coffee
>butter pecan
If it snows I'll be set for maybe 3 or 4 months out of the year
imagine giving money to ((communist)) anti-gunners.
imagine shilling their shit on 4chin
eat shit.
Chocolate Tfw
>Ice cream? Yikes
>Too much sugar which lowers testosterone
>I prefer frozen Greek or Icelandic yogurt
Mint chockolate with stripey chocolate.
At least I am going out with style.
I swear, ever since Johnson at al's paper "Hidden resilience and adaptive dynamics of the global online hate ecology" has been floating around, I've been noticing some significant change in the overall memery lately. More countercurrent going on on certain boards.
Can't decide if just natural flow of the Chinz, or some degree of change in the demographics/sentiment.
Fuuuuck me, it was creamsicle. Orange and white swirls for me boys.
Glacier cave camo?
boogaloo is a reddit term, but when used in the context of a happening it absolutely originated from Jow Forums
>Blue Raspberry Snowcone
Son of a
chocolate... i do live near atlanta, i can just go downtown and blend in with the local populace
Does a snickers ice cream bar count?
Fuck me
Brown and its shades, as long as countershaded with white, is the perfect frickin camouflage.
Fucking wonderful.
Same here. See you on the fiddler's green my friend.
>lactose intolerant
I shit light brown diarrhea if I eat too much dairy so I'm going with that
>mint chip master race
Well, the greens and dots will be pretty awesome for spring and summer. I'll be pretty fucked in fall and dick in butt hole fucked in winter.
Yes, the boogaloo. You know, the Bigelow bungalow.
Coffee ice cream is the best of the best! I would fare well in the desert but I hate the desert.
>frozen yogurt
You might be a power bottom, but you're still a fag.
how does it feel being an inferior
>mango, raspberry, lime sherbert
Time to start brushing up on my URBAN CLOWN TACTICS.
>rocky road
Things that make you go hmmmmm
>green tea flavor
Not the worst, I guess. A little light, but green. Ought to work somewhere
That sounds dope, I love pistachio
Lavender. It was delicious, from a small local family-owned dairy which unlike OP's pic related was unpolluted by homosexuality.
I guess it really doesn't matter for urban.
>tillamook banana split
im down like a fucking clown, bro
I had a mocha shake if that counts. So kinda fucked/10 since the white cream kills it around here
>mint chocolate chip
Could be worse I guess. I'd what light green is any good for though.
i dont eat icecream very often so i dont remember what flavor it was
that being said
when i go to in n out i usually get a strawberry milkshake if that counts so thats probably the last ice cream flavor i had
so i guess all my gear is gonna be bright fucking pink
camo is for pussies anyway
the way they used to do it was have bright ass uniforms so they could tell each other apart
Banana drumstick cone.
If I get the cone, I'll be alright. If it's just the banana, I'm truly fucked.
Also this, it's getting really forced and really unfunny very fast.
Well, shit.
Electric boogaloo originated in the chans in 2007-08
moose tracks extreme maximum fudge
Rocky Road master race checking in.
coffee ice cream is great and im glad i found another man of refined taste
I last ate a bowl of some gr8 rocky road ice cream. I'd disguise super well in a muddy area. I can see this going somewhere
>Häagen-Dazs coffee
I'll be alright.
I just like to take care of my body and not eat junk food
One of those snickers ice cream bars. Shit i may actually be alright boys, its ghetto desert camo if its all mashed together
There are too many presuppositions and an overlying belief structure in their theory that makes it pretty much ridiculous psycho babble. They take an ideology and turn it into some magical demon with the name "hate" when other ideologies be it political, religious or other have had equal zealots, extremists, etc.
Can you judge the real thoughts or climate of a segment of society by online posts when it is well known that bots, "glowniggers" and various other entities are posting as what could be called psyop social engineering?
>Bright pink
Military police time?
Yeah, even that passive aggressive way you say it. The fact you were so insecure you had to mention Greek or Icelandic yogurt to sound exotic, it shows your very effeminate.
I'm no dietitian but I'd start finding ways to cut down on estrogen intake.
>Haagen Dazs coffee
So Flat Dark Earth, then? I can't wait to look like every other "survivalist."
Nice. It’s beautiful. Except for the Jeep tours shitting up the trails and you can hear the engines at the top of the mountains.
East texas user. Don't know how I'll do with this. May blend in with the pine litter.
Bright orange orange lollipop. At least I won't get shot by accident....
From here on out I shall be known as...
>the mint chocolate chip menace
>moose tracks
Can't think of a better camo for michigan winters desu
I live in the Sierra and the last time I ate ice cream it was french vanilla. Probably not as screwed as you'd think, assuming I can get out of the city and get a bit dusty and break up my shape a bit.
Moose tracks (my favorite flavor) wouldn't really be much better, but it wouldn't be such a solid shape.
Chocolate Fudge- on a waffle cone.
moose tracks gang, best flavor
Cherry vanilla
>Dark chocolate
>tfw Canadian winter
At least I could blend in around Brampton all year round.
Spotted the subhuman.
god fucking damn it I ate vanilla
have to bug out to fucking alaska
Tillamook Wafflecone Swirl, son
Coffee, I'll be fine.
Well what's the last water ice you've had then?
Based and red pilled, fuck added sugars.
I thought about buying some French Yogurt, might get some next time I go to the store.
Thx for the link, know of any based brands of ice cream?
Though I figured they had an authoritarian left standing since Colbert is on one of their ice creams. A friend of mine bought me one once they're pretty good but I don't plan on giving them my money anytime soon. I usually don't eat ice cream as much these days though.
I remember electric boogaloo becoming a thing in Jow Forums year or two ago and after couple of weeks or months it got ahortened to boogaloo.
I prefer electric boogaloo or shtf
What level of intolerant?
>Mere existence of lactose causes you pray for death
>Can eat youghurt and cheese without problems
Correction, it's now french vanilla, so, slightly less shit.
>Thx for the link, know of any based brands of ice cream?
Not sure about based but avoid B&J and Haagen-Dazs. Both are ((communist)).
I usually pick store brand.
Kek, looks like Belgian jigsaw
>I usually pick store brand.
Those tend to be cheap corn syrup shit not all of course but you do you, I guess a good amount of ice cream in Vermont the gun toting hippie side would have plenty of good organic cm. I usually only get local stuff though I'm trying to bulk up so I'm avoiding unnecessary sugars.