Is pic related useful against someone with a knife or a machete?

Is pic related useful against someone with a knife or a machete?

Attached: dark-brown-leather-whip-584-dv-p.png (2048x1965, 3.1M)

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Yeah, you can just snap the whip and yank the knife right out of his hands.
Indiana Jones is actually a documentary.

only works on vampires m8

Only in completely open space with shitloads of room to swing in the hands of an absolutely perfect expert whose blade wielding opponent is at the appropriate range for the whip to be an effective tool. You'd be better off with a blade of your own, or even a sturdy stick, or best of all a FUCKING GUN.

only with proper training.
with a whip in one hand and a karambit in the other you could be extremely effective.

Depends, are they a masochist?

works on slaves. you could try that shit in detroit?

More so than bare hands. However, with a little practice you could certainly wreck someone with a whip. It's about being violent enough soon enough.

Attached: knowing-is-half-the-battle-and-the-other-halfis-violence-14321109.png (326x498, 224K)

Sure why not.

no but its a great motivational tool

> Is pic related useful against someone with a knife or a machete?
Even indiana jones used a gun, come on.

Age of empires tells me if mongols use it the weapon has a better damage against structures though.

A documentary? About what?

....indiana jones

>Only in completely open space with shitloads of room to swing
That's why it would be better to use cossack whip

You need too much room and is a slow, predictable tool, not really a weapon. You can add steel balls near its end that will very much do horrific damage, but it is likely you kill yourself by accident while training with it. It is more of a herding tool, not hitting animals, but near them and the sound of the end breaking the sound barrier is enough to get the stray animal back in line.
t. Attila

Attached: 3-75a.jpg (390x575, 54K)

Get that shit it's safer

Whips are extremely lethal in the proper hands, but it takes a solid three years to work your way up to being dangerous to anyone other than yourself. You're gonna want to wear proper attire, safety glasses and so on.

Whips are very unorthodox and most people are afraid of them and have poor instincts for defending themselves from a whip, but there's ways a whip can be countered, if it's trapped or caught, it can become useless or work against you, so you need to eventually work against training partners in different scenarios, practice attacking a guy with a knife, guy with a stick, etc.

The trick is really to use a BIG enough whip, but the longer you have it, like you say, the more room it takes to use, and in the hands of a lazy user, it can become predictable, a one trick pony of a weapon.

Trick is to really have a whole martial arts system that the whip is incorporated into. But you would have to be in LOVE with whips.

Like I'm in love with sticks, I'm a stick guy. I love all stick-like or stick related weapons. You have to make sure that you are really deeply passionate about your weapon or else you're never going to go all the way with her. You need to hurt yourself pleasing her. Every day, you have to love the pain. If you can't do that, don't even bother getting started.

Thank you Satan

Now we know you haven't a clue

Yeah. Its fucking brutal. It will lay a man open brutally.

Well, he'll be picking that cotton quicker and not singing about fried chicken so much

My favorite Jow Forums game is spotting posters who are not allowed to defend themselves

never bring a knife to a gunfight

Attached: knifetoagunfight.gif (498x212, 3.44M)

That’s a bull whip, children. It’s not a weapon, it’s used to make a loud cracking sound, this is where the word “cracker” comes from.