UCP is cheap, can it be fixed?

UCP is cheap as fuck around me because no one wants the pattern. Well there had to be a way to did it right? First attempt was so so and there is much too. for improvement. Because this was a test run I did 15 minutes in dark chocolate rit dyemore. Next attempt is going to be sandstone brown, after that I'm going to try some green or maybe a blend of the three. Has anyone attempted this before? Anyone have a good color recipe to make this camo more useful?

Attached: UcpDyeJob.jpg (5312x2988, 3.64M)

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Apple green with a tiny bit of chocolate brown

Can green dye make it a poor man’s digital flora?

buy some dye and find out. post results.

Someone please post this if it works, this could be really useful and possibly, dare I say, aesthetic

>can it be fixed?
Being such a light grey means it takes dye great and can easily be customized, honestly it's almost like it was made intentionally unfinished.

Apple green huh? The dye selection at hobby lobby sucked, guess I'll just have to Amazon it. Damn I wanted to support hobby lobby

I'll try it, and post pics tomorrow night. The o e I have undyed is pretty crispy and I'm going to keep it original. However I am going to the surplus store tommorow for more and I'm gonna see if he will give me a batch deal. I'm a little OCD and it's been turned on by this. I'll do every color possible

This unironically. The only thing it's good for "as is" is extremely specific rocky or sagebrush areas. Otherwise, it can be transformed into serviceable desert or woodland depending on your dye.

Why post a 4 MB file? geeze what a Goony

You worried about data caps?

Comes out olive drab to ranger green depending on your ratio. Would post pics but I'm deployed and posting out of boredom

If you do a bunch, I'd love to see you try a desert color with camel tan or something similar.

That's not all it's good for

Attached: 14940501.jpg (1600x900, 160K)

UCP is cheap because it’s garbage that’s not even worth being used as kindling.

brent0331 did a video on it and it's actually decent

haven't seen it will check it out. thanks.


Based brentposter. Underrated channel for sure.

Good thing I don’t pay my taxes I couldn’t live with myself if I paid for any of that god awful “camo”

pretty easy when you don't have a job

>UCP is cheap, can it be fixed?
The Army already did with UCP Delta

Nigga just invented Marpat

dumb question, but where did you get the Jow Forums patch? XD


sold out in ODG but thanks for the reply