Based boomer edition
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Based boomer edition
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post guns Kay
SKS is the best budget semi rifle for anyone, prove me wrong
>Went shooting with muh SKS today
Even with a VZ-58, it's still good to take the old girl out.
So how do I join an actual militia? idc if larpers of honeypot
To any newfriends: soup is an egregore the horse niggers are trying to inject into our culture to farm patsies to frame for pretend terrorism.
Just like tok and moleman were, a year ago. The idea that a guy with pictures of a root cellar or a guy who posted a story about dropping a tok in tim horton's would be treated as though they're institutions or they have 'cred' organically is stupid. Don't ever believe these people or do anything they say, and take the 50 dipshit offtopic posts about them every day with a massive grain of salt.
They did this with a shadman gay faggot fan discord or something and that's what (((the base))) is. Do not let yourself be taken by such mental tactics.
my SKS is one of my favorites.
Public safety warrants for every cangen posters after October
3000 rounds later and the CSA VZ-58 is still going strong despite Rob Ski's tendency to treat his guns like a muslim treats his wives.
One thing to take away from this video is that the clear polymer mags are straight up garbage, avoid them and stick to the surplus aluminum alloy mags. Also loctite on your pistol grip screw isn't a bad idea.
How are these compared to their Ruger counterparts?
What (((they))) said about "the base"
>An extensive online library contains a trove of manuals with instructions on lone wolf terror-tactics, gunsmithing, data mining, interrogation tactics, counter-surveillance techniques, bomb making, chemical weapons creation, and guerilla warfare.
This is pretty standard stuff for Jow Forums infographics/pdf threads
All of Jow Forums posters are terrorists for having access to such material
>G L O W I N G
What's Canadas version of the ATF called?
RCMP, they are the federal police force that do the duties similar to America's state troopers, FBI, ATF, ect.
Form one with you people you know personally or with acquaintances that are too out of shape, autistic, ect to be a luminescent person of color.
"I don't know what egregore means"
>CSA cleaning kits for the VZ come without clean rod guides
Anyone know a way to nigger rig one? I like the VZ-58 cleaning kit in general but using a steel rod without a guide is just asking for trouble.
So who got their funs loisense during the last year of high school?
Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.
That doesnt make sense soup is usually an insufferable lawful good nerd most of the time.
thoughts on people that speak parisian french in montreal? is it ok to speak regular french if you dont know québécois?
i dont speak french just curious since i might take french next sem for my uni 2nd lang requirement and the french professor got her masters in paris iirc
just asking here bcs some people were talking about french canada in the other thread
>mfw i'm in a discord with different topics and graphs for each text section and photos with like minded Jow Forumsommandos for minecraft receipts and how to grief professionally
>i have all these pdfs, infographs, pictures and knowledge on my pc and printed out in real life in organized binders
I think i'm at the top of list for a warrant after October
Sauce me for purely educational purposes.
Why after october? Doesn't it make more sense that there is a massive increase in such arrests just now, so that the libs can claim "look, there is a rise in right wing extremist don't vote for CPC"?
I like the ruger a bit more, but that's also because I had a lot of light strikes at the begging but replacing my firing pin fixed it.
Other then that It shoots well, the one button take down is nice too.
People think the big igloo will kick off if Trudeau gets a majority.
He's just a faggy attention whoring turk rape baby, pay no mind to him citizen.
That's a honeypot in itself
Finally another half aware user who recognizes his glow.
But that's still an unlikely scenario. In any case, it's too early to call it; the race hasn't officially begun, no debates yet etc.
Peaceful non-compliance no matter how much it stinks if worse happens. Only faggots will call for violence. Don't turn in shit, use the system and clog it up against them. They have zero logistics
But we wont lose, we are going to all vote and volunteer for the CPC, and out Trudeau.
Pedos? is this the base's logo? then this is most def a Canadian false flag for the media
>tfw at this point it would only take one sad faggot out of two million people buying a VZ or Type 81 or whatever and going anywhere near a school to pretty much put the final nail in our coffin
Think about it Jow Forums, we have to hope that out of two million people there isn't a single fucking one who snaps because Britney rejected him.
i fawking love the vz
I guarantee that their "library" of at most 100 pdfs is nothing compared to the content possessed by some
Holy fuck, some fucking user called it 2 weeks ago, this guy is already dead or MKULTRA'd. He's gonna end up doing a mass shooting before the elections or after if he's not found.
We are unironically fucked. They are doing it guys, they are fucking do it, they are gonna use a SKS or VZ58 and use some sort of minority group as targets. Guys, we should be VERY fuckign worried right the fuck now. I swear, i'm not just some schizo poltard. This has false falg written all over it, the timing, this, everything.
There gonna some how justify his expertise with his military background for some sort of shooting or bombing.
>Last week, Gen. Jonathan Vance, chief of defence staff, told reporters that the military had already been meeting with Mathews in April to discuss “his utterances."
On August 28th 2019, you posted, erm, 'nigger tongue my anus'? Can you explain this?
Stop rejecting them please.
same user here, they are prepping the Canadian public with this info on T.V to justify disarmament and any arrest of right leaning politics thats not boomer tier.
seriously, this has prep for a false flag written all over it
I ain't just that, they're going to do a deep purge of every right-leaning person from government and government adjacent jobs
is "the base" a rcmp/csis sting/hoax op to pass no fun allowed/gun grabbery laws?
>trained in survivalism
>gets sks from his mate
>goes innawoods
>never heard of again
They already ruined his life forever, he might just want to get away
Smells of flase flag already
This would be fucking hilarious
Please, may they do it. I want the Liberals to stop bitchfooting around and go full totalitarian already
God dammit user, you always ask the impossible!
the logo is a fuckin pedo triangle, its a government or jewish psyops and hoax. The media is spreading false imagery and information to the braindead public, and within the week, or just before the elections there will be a mass shooting. I bet you at some sort of left leaning political rally, or minority group / event.
i'm seriously fucking worried. This guy is either a direct / indirect target of some sort of RCMP-CSIS teir mkUTLRA shit, and he doens't even know it (or he's totally in on it) but holy shit I am scared and worried.
well rip gun ownership
and the minority group that's gonna get gatted if true
I'm actually impressed that politics can manage to be this gay
Can we please just ban the government already
Why would you want to do that? People in montreal speak quebecois, just like people in paris speak parisian. If you actually expect to interact with people in french it only makes sense that youd do it in a way people are familiar with.
I hope this is the case. Only thing this guy had left was a roofing job and I'd wouldn't want to keeping working for a guy who called the cops on me. He probably got spooked that there may be a warrant coming so he left his phone at home and went camping.
idk if québécois is any different from parisian french
hopefully she'll teach the most general comprehensive french since i'm planning to try working in algeria for a year
Top Cunt already said he admires China
CC a tok and yeet any incel massshooters before they can kill our precious diversity imports, if you get asked why you carry say you're trans and scared to be gaybashed.
Different accent. Vocab/grammar is the same.
media makes it seem like québécois is incomprehensible to other french speakers
thanks ty c:
Anyone going to pic Related? I want to but since I’m awaiting my R/Pal approval I’ll feel like a cuck. I feel like It’d be like going to a porn convention without a dick.
Oh I know
I just want him to stop being a bitch about it
This is the glowiest thread ive ever seen. Reminder to not respond to crazies.
>everyone glows
Based D&C shill, also why no-one will ever accomplish anything
picture from that winnipeg article
>is that a fal
>62 posts
>12 are about guns
Whole Lotta people ITT need to fellate a shotgun.
how would you resist an american invasion? lets hear how youre gonna repel those mutts!
Well Jow Forums what would be a good gunz to get? Currently no gunz due to life change but looking to get back into this hobbie
Why would I? literally everything would improve if we were part of the USA.
amerifats could seize inhabited areas along the boarder in an afternoon and go back home just in time for dinner, if they wanted to
but why would i resist the $1000 ubi when yanggang2020 becomes reality?
BC is an impregnable region in general. Most populations north of Hope could be self sustaining for everything other than fuel. BC only has 3 major highway systems, all easily mined or compromised. BC would be a massive pain in the ass to take hold of.
yes goy give your entire country away to the most authoritarian and militarized country on earth, whose population is 56% white
no it isn't and no they wouldn't
than how would you take on BC?
It is massive, mostly unpopulated and has a large rural population well versed in their local terrain. Sure you could take the major cities like Vancouver and Prince George, but the smaller communities would be a major hassle. There would be thousands of chances to cause havok to an invading aggressor in BC.
Re acquire the same kind of funs you used to have and enjoy
>the most authoritarian country on earth
Nigga, Canada is way more fucking authoritarian than the US
I think it's an HK G3
>tfw no scary looking .17 WSM assault rifle with 30 round mag
CIA, FBI, ATF, TSA, patriot act
>ywn take parlimant hill with your friends at the end of the Great Canadian Civil War.
>ywn institute a republic and cut ties with the crown fully.
>ywn create an actual constitution protecting gun rights and free speech.
you forgot excessive swearing
The difference is in Canada they don't have put in nearly as great effort to get the same results.
Republican scum
Franklin F-17
For the majority of people, sure. I'm not exactly going to be mad if a bunch of spergs throw their lives away though.
In other words a Tulpa.
I have literally used ritual magick thought forms to get laid on several occasions. Mind you, I am the product of a certain Merovingian bloodline, thus making such esoteric experiments more plausible.
>in b4 "Go back to /X/
>In b4 magick is for fags
Very true, Canadians will one day have the choice of being vassals to the People's Republic of China or being witness to the full culmination of manifest destiny.
In a grand scheme of things it would be better to deal with hegemonic American piss and shit instead of having to contend with hegemonic communist Chinese piss and shit.
Annuit cœptis
Here you go.
Based flatlanders
Can someone explain to my why Atlantic Canadians are so politically cucked?
It seems they keep voting liberal with the intent of improving their economic situation, but by voting liberal it only succeeds in bolstering the welfare state and their seemingly dependancy on it.
Is there some other factor that I am not getting here, or are they just naturally cucked?
Thoughts on brutalism aesthetics?
Awwww yeah
Brutalist architecture would look better as ruins.
Robert Moses's grave should be exhumed and his bones ground up into fertilizer, which can then be made into a bomb to demolish the modern iteration of Penn Station.
As far as brutalist forms within firearms, while they may be ugly, seeing as how they are mechanical devices, provided they are functional, I see no problem with them apart from the aesthetic ugliness.
Good choice, may I suggest reading Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard or Can Life Prevail by Pentti Linkola.
maritime niggers just want their free stuff, they have no moral sense of right from wrong, or any purpose.
Rugged and boxy is right up my alley.
>soup is an /x/-tier result of some spoopy Kojima-style CIA glowy voodoo demon conjuring magic
>believe me guys i used magic to get laid once!
Thee absolute fucking state of /cangen/
If anything he's actually a djinn.
Banepost related
RCMP do it all except for spying on your asshole.
That's CSIS
Hey, Greg.
Oh there is something going on.
Even if he doesn't flow his thread on cgn does.
Pigs are paid to actively monitor that site.