/arg/ AR Thread AR General

Just as good edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/MTM-AC4C-Ammo-Crate-4-Can/dp/B01MU6ZAPG/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=mtm ammo&qid=1567051004&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-1

>felony in the OP

That picture is majic

Not mine took it from some butthurt user in the last thread.

How can A2 even compete?

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Turn it back on, A2


Can I have at least one trap? You steal of them.

>nonwhite manlet

More likely all the little hole big hole is going to get liquidated at 40% off just like Aero is doing with dickmod and they'll stop producing accessories for their old outdated red headed proprietary mounting system.

For real though.

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I need complete sentences from you user.

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Any coupons on PSA?

This is too based for /arg/

They never do coupons and their prices on literally everything they stock is shit right now.

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What are the nutinfancy projects dues?

It was nice talking to you in discord earlier. I'm off this bitch for a while, too much cancer here.

They have a labor day sale. When's it cheaper?

Does wgws know you're gonna btfo his abortion AK yet?


He is well aware of it

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I hate those tripcucks like anyone else but you can clearly see its on the trigger guard, brainlet


grinding off your sn doesnt make your gun invisible

I haven't established a real pattern yet. It seems pretty random to me. I'll tell you what though you can absolutely ignore all of their "sale" and "deal" adverts.

On the trigger guard?

>department gun anyway
It already btfo itself

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I can't wait till he gets the stupid polyshit he's talking about getting and realizes it's even worse

How did I hurt you?

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>It already btfo itself
You forgot

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>not done yet
104 functions great

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yo hold the fuck up. those 4 plano cases in one big case. what model is that?

Posting in akg
Being alive
Mostly posting in akg

trip on OrangeCuck

Its an MTM ammo crate, dont buy
>104 functions great
Now does it?

Damn nigga like close your eyes nigga look away from the screen
Or just filter me, retard.
>inb4 but user replies to you, I'm the chemo cleansing Jow Forums!
kys noguns salt block

amazon.com/MTM-AC4C-Ammo-Crate-4-Can/dp/B01MU6ZAPG/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=mtm ammo&qid=1567051004&s=sporting-goods&sr=1-1

They're great for when you're taking several different calibers to go shoot more than 300 rounds of each.

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Oh hey, I remember those smokes. I still have the yellow and red I bought from you somewhere.

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>salt block

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oh, i thought it had some sort of lid on it.

yeah that looks like a fucking mess trying to haul around four plano boxes full of ammo at a super wide angle

Tripping sucks, especially on mobile
You can have mine

Just get better AKs nigga like just read before you do a build

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>some poorfag has NFA
>it isn't cucked and registered like yours
>its actually HIS unlike yours
Levels of upsetti spaghetti never before heard of

lmao buttblasted larper detected

>owning your own SOT somehow means all the NFA shit you have isn't yours

what 4d chess fuckery is this?

Its not the weight (pushups are free)
Its the poor polymer construction of them that renders them worthless. You squeeze the sides and you can let air in, you apply any pressure to the lid and it cracks, etc. If you kicked it off a truck tailgate it would probably die. They are casual as fuck. They even missed the opportunity to implement a german ammo can style handle so you can double fist them easily.
Bro it belongs to the company that you own therefor you dont own it

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Easier than trying to grab two in each hand?
They stack also. I've got two sets.

>Just get better AKs
Why don't you stop coming into /arg/ to socialize when you don't have an AR, have no intention of getting an AR, and don't even like ARs?

We appreciate your business!

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>doesn't like aks
>still comes to akg
Buy some bakes and I'll leave arg for another year

oh the plano cases themselves are trash. i have 4 that i got for free and i just put extra meds, chemlights and bullshit in that weighs nothing

Its his friend's SOT, damage control shill

>Bro it belongs to the company that you own therefor you dont own it
Having your buddy write you into a legal document so your fat, nonwhite ass can larp harder isn't owning a company bud

>Don't buy
>They're great

I use one to transpo chemlights and shit but I wouldnt put anything heavier in them.
Wgws and I are not the same person believe it or not
>Having your buddy write you into a legal document
Thats not even how you add an RP to your FFL you nogunz.

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Jow Forums is not a hivemind

I shidded and farded maybe even cummed?


>Thats not even how you add an RP to your FFL you nogunz.
Kek and he finally admits it HAHAHAHAHA

I'm still waiting for the day you start suck one of those rusted piece of shit things you call guns.

Every fucking time one of you retards falls for this shit

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>Buy some bakes
Why don't you buy that $1000 Mitchell's drum mag if you're such a fucking AK mag collector.
>Doesn't like AKs
I don't like AKs as functional serious firearms. I can still like them aesthetically or just for collecting for fun. Doesn't change the fact that they're shit guns.

A2 bought a set and one got cracked in shipping and now he hates them.
They're literally fucking fine, and honestly nice as fuck. They don't rattle like metal ones. You get ONE tray to take to and from the car that can carry 4 different calibers. Sure they're not like SHTF ready, but I have my mil spec cans for that. I literally use both of my trays for training ammo.

Get a hold of yourself. You're unhinged.

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You're kind of a faggot and need to talk about futa with people less but I do admire your ability to make arg mad

Look at these OrangeCat imposters trying to start shit.

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>I do admire your ability to make arg mad
Why not admire something genuinely admirable like a commitment to a passion or venture such as collecting firearms and developing weapon and gear skill?

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Dont forget that OrangeCat pretended that his dad's FFL was his. desuarchive.org/_/search/text/FFL/username/OrangeCat/

>You're unhinged.
Yes I am, thats why I get such joy from making retard self important tripfags, such as yourself, seeth

Nah man you can't be doing that, just shitpost in arg instead of operating.

They look handy for sure, thanks for explaining the difference of opinion

Buy my bakes you dumb jew
I have another two dozen in the mail I need to pay for

This is just leftovers from old shitposting
I'm just checking back in cause I wanna show FA something

This coming from the guy posting the same pictures every day on Jow Forums using a trip so he can get attention? You do realize everyone on this board thinks you and everyone else who frequents these threads is a joke right?

at least WGWS uses his guns/gear while you just sit on /arg/ never posting your guns or using it.

I see that /arg/ is still being carried by wgws and a2 and ptr15 user... Legit not one other pic.

>posting content and answering on topic questions
Cant be doing that, need to spend more posts on A2

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Where is your AR? I'm waiting for the barrel for the pistol build I'm doing to come back in stock so I can get it.

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Isn't he part of that group that had a professional photographer take pics of him and his friends """operating""" aka getting out of a car then shooting a target. Lemme show you real operating, kid.

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>thinks pointing a gun at a train for no reason is operating

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Posted last thread... My meh tier pistol with nice rail and red dot

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>arms mount
no thanks

Aren't you the one who weighs 300 pounds and got caught rubbing brass on his deflector?

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>self important
Only one seething here is you dude.

A2 was looking for more of a SHTF prepper ammo can. I bought the tray precisely for training, and for making it easier to shuttle multiple cans at once. My SHTF ammo is in mil cans that yes, one could like throw off of a roof in a pinch.

Eh. Maybe one. I'm not paying what most of you AKucks think they should command though.

>same pictures every day
That simply isn't true.
>so he can get attention
I literally just like talking about my hobby with the fraction of hackers known as Jow Forums who aren't toxic insecure booty blasted closeted faggots like yourself.

>SI dust cover
y u do dis?

>Real operating
>Likely sea level

Replace the Troy irons.
Needs an ambi selector. Not a bad gun.
Fixed front sights also lame.

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>/gq/ airshitter mad
I got an LV-MBAV in my shorts, get to work on it.

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Fair. It's nothing nice, but in truth it's never given me an issue so it's just kinda stuck around

>got caught rubbing brass on his deflector?
>Falling for /arg/ memes
>y u do dis?
Its pretty nice desu since I was too lazy to install a normal dust cover.

Well your only other option is hope that A2 gets you a lead to import some cause no one in the US is letting bakes go that cheap

>thinks taking pictures getting out of a car is

>A2 gets you a lead to import some cause no one in the US is letting bakes go that cheap
I was moving bakes before it was cool. Once b*kesrus got involved I knew it was only a matter of time before a hammer hit someone on one end or the other.

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It's a bcm one if it makes a dif, never used it apart from zero desu. Actually have installed an ambi (60* though) and not sure I like it to be honest. The front sight I get but a buddy tossed me a set of DD fixed so threw it in there.

>>thinks taking pictures getting out of a car is
Never said it was. But your picture isnt either.


What the actual fuck, did Google autocorrect desu, to desu, simply because its Jow Forums?! Legit have never used that word before, ever.

Not him but its a hell of a lot closer than what you faggots are peddling

No one in /arg/ is truly operating because no one here is in country fighting terrorists.

Again?!? DESU*... What the fuck, has Google labeled me a weeb?

>Boomer having issues
I fucking hate Jow Forums...

Oh shame. I guess I won't have any cool rare AK mags. I'll have to spend my dosh on other aspects of the hobby.

>pretty nice
>chink plastic
They literally cost more than mil spec USA made metal ones.

>if it makes a dif
Troy made it. Who cares about the markings. The issue isn't even with the part itself but rather with Troy's anti 2A ethics.
Short throw safeties feel weird to be, but I'm sure they're superior. Just takes time getting used to. Front sight just blocks FOV and occludes target. Ambi selectors are absolutely great for fast manipulations.

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>caring about tripfags
>not just ignoring them
Wow, you proved you're retarded.

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Ok, so are you ready to admit I do more than A2, WGWS and their band of basedboys ever will?

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I wasted my opportunity a few years back, got a couple boxes, figured it would last, then the hammer came
Now I'm stuck with Ukraine that only has old shit. But at least it's cheap

>not understanding the functional superiority of light surplus magazines

>They literally cost more than mil spec USA made metal ones.
$10 and its really not that bad and its pretty hard to break a dust cover unless you are just throwing your rifle around with it open.
no because you are all just larping.

Bro you just posted cringe.

>talking to me about functional superiority of AK anything
Go read a book or eat a tub of icecream. Both would do you good.

>not that bad
>supporting a california based chinkshit importer airshit company
This is why leftcucks think capitalism doesn't work.

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>no nods
>no cans
>no WML
>no classes as a group
>no good guns
>no good gear
>no commo
Honestly if everyone in FL dropped dead it would be a net improvement for humanity. Here is hoping for a hurricane genocide.
You can still move stuff from Russia it just requires a room temp IQ that is beyond /akg/

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>>supporting a california based chinkshit importer airshit company
its made in Taiwan though and its the only part of theirs that own. After installing it I felt like it was not worth it and that hold the spring correctly while installing it on the rifle is the hardest part so I could have just gotten a milspec one.

Keep in mind, in wugs mind Taiwan is just breakaway china

>wgws thinks a shit build, less than base level knowledge, and basically 0 experience with the vast array of available AK accessories makes him an authority figure
Have you ever even held a bakelite magazine? You thinking they're rare already pretty much shows what you know

I'd rather pay 2 dollars more per mag than deal with 20 RTSes before they leave the country
I do need to track down a couple 101 mags sometime in the next 2 years when the autism finally gets sated though

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Oh wow ya really got me A2, you're right, going to the range and having people professionally photograph you larping is the real big think, not cringe at all

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>White trash florida man makes an abhorent post
imagine my shock

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Fucking finally you show up

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