Attached: stg44.png (2378x1322, 2.52M)
Have you ever found a gun?
Grayson Wood
Other urls found in this thread:
Alexander Stewart
friend of mine pulled a mp40 from a river, completely ruined of course, but you very clearly identify stock, barrel and magwell
Isaac Jones
god I wish that were me
(pulling an STG44 out of a lake, that is)
Kayden Powell
I know that feel bro
Joseph Stewart
live in the former soviet union 10 years ago there were still old rusty bullet casings in the forest the most i ever found was a rusty f1 grenade with the bottom stuck under a tree root
Cooper Wood
No glowboi I only posses weapons registered to my name.
Cameron Brown
paging that one user who found an AK in Libya
Leo Lewis
Found a rusted to fuck mac10 while magnet fishing, scrapped it. Was probably a murder weapon, i live in flint.
Gavin Harris
>this is an odd occurance
Bedtime for bonzo.
Tyler Mitchell
based magnet fisher. I also do that as a hobby. I have found quite a few rusted over pawn shop guns. If they are in workable condition, I clean them up and drop them back into low-income neighborhoods with a full mag.
Lincoln Perry
you just put a big magnet on a string and put it in rivers or lakes? can you post a picture of your "fishing rod"?
Austin Jenkins
found a colt gold cup at a dried up lake
restored it
duracoated it mint chocolate chip
traded it for coke
Daniel Anderson
guns found me
Jeremiah Watson
Why do you want to see another man's rod?
Jeremiah Clark
Because I'm bi curious and interested in magnet fishing.
People find ww2 guns in rivers and lakes around here all the time just while swimming, diving and normal fishing, fishing with a magnet might be a great idea and highly Jow Forums related. all I personally ever found was a rusted out AT mine on a field when I was a child. I ran to mommy and she called the cops.
Nolan Green
Yeah basically. Buy a strong magnet off Amazon and some paracord. Throw it into any water source and pull out some cool shit.
>can you post a picture of your "fishing rod"?
It's literally just paracord with a magnet tied on user
Blake Mitchell
Dont do this, youll lose magnets like crazy, get something stronger and more abraision resisitant. I hate fishing for fish but fishing for junk is fun.
Joshua Brooks
Like, what strength? Strong enough for safety measures to be necessary? Like living your phone in the car or something? I don't know shit about magnets. Sorry for my stupidity, this will be the last question before I become a magnet fisher myself. Just need something to look for online, gonna order today.
Aiden Thomas
>go to
>type ing magnet fishing magnet in search bar
>many to choose from
>stronger magnets cost more
Aaron Green
I've used the same paracord I got from gander mountain 3 years ago. But I do agree that rock climbing rope would server better in the long term.
Learn by trial and error. Pick one with high reviews that is a reasonable price and go fish up your local lake/pond/stream
Adam Sullivan
What do you guys regularly pull out of the water? I guess a lot of crap. What was the coolest thing you ever found?
Do you just throw the magnet as far as possible and then reel it in? How often do they get stuck?
Jaxon Perez
>stronger magnets cost more
What if the magnet gets stuck on something you could never pull out of the water, like a car or something? Wouldn't it be a better idea to choose a not too weak/strong magnet that doesn't get stuck on things you're too weak to pull out yourself?
Samuel Gutierrez
Coolest thing besides guns was an oxygen tank found in my local lake along with some civil war cannonballs.
>Do you just throw the magnet as far as possible and then reel it in?
I look for spots I think I will get something. Calm spots next to rapids ect.
>How often do they get stuck?
In the beginning? A lot. But with experience you kind of get a sense of where snags will be
Hunter Green
>What if the magnet gets stuck on something you could never pull out of the water, like a car or something?
user i...
you will have the leverage. You aren't fighting against the weight of the car, but the magnet's strength.
Colton Walker
A LOT of rebar and shit used for fishing weights to fight the river current. Tools. Appliances, a car door, knives, bikes. Coolest other than the mac10? An anchor i now use for my canoe.
Aiden Scott
Nathan Sullivan
Literally came here to comment exactly this
Nolan Hill
Yeah, somebody's bag washed up in my back yard. (used to live on a river) There was a Remington shotgun, and a couple empty water bottles along with FAC stuff.
Called the police and turned it in. Turns out the guy who owned it dropped the bag overboard like two months ago and assumed it was sitting at the bottom of the river.
Justin Taylor
He was trying to get rid of it? Why didn't he put some stones or something inside? How fucking retarded
Easton Wright
nogunz detected
Jaxson Rivera
Double based
Brody Cooper
I found the back half of a revolver once, Found it in a river in missouri. Rusted and warped too like some thing big hit it. Found what might have been a .22 rifle barrel with it,
I have always imagined it was the back half of a Colt, but it could have been anything.
Liam Roberts
You could be an absolute madlad and use one of those neodynium magnets with a 650lb hold force.
But then you'd just be buying a $400 rock to throw into a lake I guess.
Aaron Walker
Also knew a guy who snow plowed parking lots, he found 3 pistols in a parking lot. He showed me because I know a fair amount about guns. 1 Stallard, a Beretta 92 and something I couldn't recgonize .
He of course reported this to the relevant law enforcement agency.
Ryder Thomas
a Remington shotgun in a bag in a river sounds like a literal boating accident, because you use shotguns and boats when you are hunting waterfowl.
IF you're hunting somewhere without road access, you may also hunt durr and stuff in a boat.
Alexander Davis
Good place for looking for ww2 guns? Netherlands seems a good place but its to far away, maybe battlegrounds or pockets in the late war?
Zachary Hernandez
Magnet fishing in Berlin.
Jayden Lee
Berlin has seen intense reconstruction after the war and is a permanent construction site for over 30 years now, including restauration of all the bridges over the Spree. Pretty sure you won't find much.
Living in Germany, you generally have a good chance on the countryside near prominent battlefields. In the cities you won't find much, except unexploded bombs.
Nathaniel Diaz
>If they are in workable condition, I clean them up and drop them back into low-income neighborhoods with a full mag.
Keeping the dem voting bloc in check, good for you user, may the hallow points find there marks.
Luke Lewis
Kevin Ramirez
>tfw no pagan Aryan lake goddess to pop out and give me free guns
Why even live?
Connor Cooper
To far away but some weeks early I did make a research about battlefoelds near my location for a thread here. I found a village were some Wehrmacht and WaffenSS successful counterattack the french in the last month of the war.
Daniel Perez
damnit, i live in berlin and just wanted to go on amazon and buy me a big ass magnet
Luke Diaz
Well try it, but why not get the magnet and make a day trip to Bautzen or Pasewalk, where big battles happened. I don't think it's that far
Generally, rivers in big cities are more or less clean. When they build or renovate bridges they clean the ground around them, and then there's always a loooot of people who did some stuff in the river in the last decades and probably already found most interesting stuff that was ever down there.
Brayden Brown
will do, could be cool to do some daytripping bit outside berlin.
need some time off off clubbing anyway
Oliver Morales
Based fed poster
Jaxson Perry
>Generally, rivers in big cities are more or less clean.
you'd be suprised. Last year they found a ww2 bomb in the Rhine (I think it was in Frankfurt) because it was so dry that it was literally visible from outside the water
The thing is that big rivers usually have a strong current which makes it hard to look for things on the ground
Adrian Turner
I wish that were me
(A rusted old gun being pulled out of a lake by a big strong man, of course.
Adrian Hill
Post cock.
Jace Davis
Any YouTube channels for finding stuff?
Angel Morales
Andrew Thompson
If you get a magnet like that then you better tether it to a chain.
Brody Martinez
Non gunfag here, found this in the woods. Did it belong in a gun? Help me out on this one plz
Evan Young
Looks a little like a cutting torch head to me, but that's too much rust.
Wyatt Thomas
A non ferrous one.
Cooper Diaz
Shits so rusted that it's basically impossible to tell what the fuck it's supposed to be
Hunter Campbell
No because I'm not a wigger and respect property rights.
Owen Lopez
A true hero you are
Julian Smith
Jayden Ward
Dominic Mitchell
Why so you could lick the boot of the cop you surrender it to?
Aaron Williams
Jow Forums is so poor. That the only way many of it's members could get their hands on guns is to throw magnets into rivers Hoping to retrieve a murder weapon
Jeremiah Gomez
God bless you, Strange Warrior.
Robert Russell
based catch-and-release magnet angler
Noah Taylor
Way too expensive. Ebay's the way to go.
Isaiah Baker
here's your (you), faggot
Benjamin Campbell
What's the best bait if I want to fish for Stg-44s
Easton Turner
Mason Martin
Well I know what I'm attaching to my fishing rod the next time I go out camping.
Thx now I have a potential restoration project.
Isaac Diaz
you might fish a migrant out of the Rhine.
Chase Gray
Never found a gun, but a fuck ton of shotgun shells and other shell casings near one of the trail near me.
Sorta related, i would recommend watching those channels of guys that metal detect in eastern Europe. Those fuckers find guns, mortars, bodies etc.
Easton Edwards
The raifu of the lake
Jose Anderson
I found a loaded .380 Beretta mag in an air duct when cleaning out a dead hoarders house. I got really excited at the thought of finding the gun it went to but it was nowhere to be found. I was severely disappointed.