Besided Paul Harrell, GunBlue490, Sean Havok, and Flannel daddy...

Besided Paul Harrell, GunBlue490, Sean Havok, and Flannel daddy, what are some other lesser known Jow Forums approved youtube channels?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The yankee marshal

Suck cocks in hell.

C&rsenal (Mae is Bae)

kill yourself

Mea is a gross fat slut manca is best girl

Warrior Poet Society has become good watching. Former Ranger focuses on lots of real world application, not just firearms.

johnny's reloading bench. his channel is peak therapeutic autism explaining exactly what's going on with his handloads and cranking extreme accuracy out of calibers.

that guy is an ivory tower fag and he can fucked

>watch primer
>close video as soon as technical/historical information stops and mae shows up at the end

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this is the first post to make me smile in a very long time
thank you user

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>ctrl f
>0 results
shit board

>e-celeb worship thread
Normalfags pls go and stay go

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Why isn't James Yeager on that list?

Cokeman is to good for these shit tier threads

Dunno about good but you should always support fellow Jow Forumsomando channels for the most part.
bfgmovies who does gunsmithing and has a few sub channels for shitposting and other Jow Forums stuff for example.

Because he's a retard who is wrong about half of what he says, over-exaggerates the rest, can't stop his retarded aggressive mouth to the point where he has had his concealed pistol license revoked, and his combat experience is summed up by hiding in a ditch.

Also he shills substandard products incessantly. I don't actually think he's being dishonest here. He does use them, even in his classes. But the people making the shit know that, so they make sure the guns and gear going to him are actually QC checked.



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Vigilance Elite
Apparently the guy was a SEAL and a CIA operator. At first I thought he was a douche but he actually has a lot of good criticisms and doesn't give anything a free pass.


>Presscheck Consulting
>Primary & Secondary
Smartest motherfuckers on youtube when it comes to all things tactical.

Cokeman best man. Except absuperman but we haven't heard from him in years

Why is the drone looking away?


Sootch. Gives very honest and critical reviews. Same with IraqVeteran1488

britishmuzzleloaders is a comfy channel but he's pretty laser focused on his niche so if you're not into the topic you probably won't stick around.

Cap and ball is kino
Shad is great as well

opinions on regular guy training? I think he can be a bit up his ass but I don't generally dislike him.

Why don't people like Lucas? A lot of his videos is mostly him shooting, not just talking about next product

>flannel daddy
What the fuck even is that? Some sort of homosexual zoomer hipster bullshit?

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it's my kind of autism

he is good but man can he be boring
also gavintoobe

tiborasaurusrex if youre new and panhandleprecision to add to that

Get out newnigger

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katharina Vikor

Absolutely based. Clyde please come back to us.

No, I'm just straight and don't like worshipping some literal faggot attention whore jewtuber

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Seconding this, amazing content

Is there anyone that JUST shoots guns? I'm not interested in hearing anyone talk, just gunfire



shadman or not, my dick is hard

wheres the video of paul and the black kid?

james yeager is a pussy

He killed himself a few months ago. In retrospect you could really see it coming in his most recent vids.

source on pic? seen it a few times but never knew where it came from

wait WHAT

Boku no gyaku gazō kensaku

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Besides a number of the ones already mentioned, I find Mishaco puts out nice relaxing videos.

Elvis Ammo

Imagine watching a papist.

Glad someone else agrees
May is a fuckin dump truck of a woman

>the future face of america

Attached: 1543011001677.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Thanks for sharing this channel. others are cool too.

>flannel daddy
unironic zogbot



What video was this on?

thanks user

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your channel? nice work. subbed.

No just a fan.

whole area and style reminds me of mixup.

Cool I didn't know about those guys. Thx.

fucking ow

mixup is usually alone (w/o son). he's from Nevada. Pretty sure he's a fed tho.

You miss a lot of the historical context and other good stuff if you bounce immediately when Mae shows up for the first time


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What video was this in?

>ctrl f
>no brent 0331
Um, that's gonna be a yikes from me sweetie