Don't mind me folks, I'm just the US Army's next rifle

Don't mind me folks, I'm just the US Army's next rifle.

>6.8mm 140gr at 3200fps from a 13" barrel
>long recoil action

Attached: MARS-Cobalt-NGSW-R-2.jpg (660x330, 35K)

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>surely this time they'll adopt something new instead of just using new rifle trials as an excuse to spend budget money

Government fiscal year ends September 30, watch the program get coincidentally cancelled once it passes.

3200 fps from a 13 inch barrel? Big if true.

So its a more complex M4 in a larger caliber?

where's my flying car?

I mean, whatever. Its not going anywhere but if it did, it was always going to be some kind of AR10 pattern rifle so theres noting surprising or notable about it.


Not gonna happen. This is just the latest in an endless line of "urmees next raifu"s that's never going anywhere. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see them with it in the mid 2040s

You spelled AK-74 wrong.

Why would the US voluntarily downgrade their rifles?

>conventional case

Just pick Textron's design already and leap into a genuinely new era of firearms design rather than retreading old ground forever.

They've done it before. They gimp their shit pretty frequently.

Why no magwell made to take coffinmags?
Russia has almost perfected coffins and next thing will most likely be making magwell to take coffin without long bottle neck.

Why is everyone hating on this?
It has a unique system compared to most modern guns and can apparently achieve sub moa groups with a lighter felt recoil and is chambered in basically a 6.8 rum.
From a 13 inch barrel 3200 140 grain is amazing.
Imagine it from a 20 inch barrel.

>muh AR
That is basically the entirety of mutt reasoning. It's dumb, I know.

t. Seething noguns

But that’s just an AR-15 with a piston.

>So its a more complex M4 in a larger caliber?
You excepted something else?

Tell me again how Russia is white and Hitler love the Slavs?

New grip pod looks like a shy waifu

Attached: MARS-Cobalt-NGSW-R-8.jpg (1500x855, 61K)

>Be America
>Not white like Russia
>Not even white like Europe

A Virgin waifu at that

>canted irons with a 1x optic
why do they insist on doing stupid things

Isn’t that just a AR-C from far cry 5?

Attached: 414A173B-4934-4071-A577-792A0771CDCD.jpg (956x538, 121K)

What is the barrel life for a round like that? It sounds like it could burn out a barrel really quick.


Yes it is. Look at the AR-c by compassions

>not even white like Europe
okay muhammed


Attached: m17-ms-right_1.jpg (599x412, 31K)

When used like an infantry fighting rifle, certainly less than 2500. To get that velocity out of a 13" barrell, the cartridge must develope extremely high pressure.

>an AR derivative looks vaguely like an AR derivative
>looks like the fat boy Cobalt Kinetics came up with

This is why we should be using barrels made of 17-4 stainless steel.
It’s not that much more expensive, gun manufacturers are just Jews. Stellite liniing is also good.

>not in common use, since didn't exist yesterday
>banned before it can even be born
>this scenario brought to you by DC v Heller until the heat death of the universe

Stainless steel has less barrel life, not more.

Why is it tan? Are they implicitly admitting our next war is going to be in the middle east again?

>Isn't that (AR derivative) just a (generic AR15)
this is your brain on bideo james.

I don't think they read the article, I think they just looked at the pictures. If it can deliver what they say, I'm fucking hyped.

>long recoil action
>AR with a piston

Attached: 1297473419838.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Looks like an airsoft toy

>Why is everyone hating on this?
They aren't, its just that we've done this every 5 years since the 70s and the M16/M4 is still firmly here.

NGSW will likely be issued with an LVPO.

Setting aside that the Army has not tried to replace the M16/M4 every 5 years, it's the Army who wants a new rifle this time.

This. Manufacturers need to stop projecting their hatred for the Middle East. What a bunch of bigots. We need to go back to woodland camo or use OD green to fight the white man in Europe.

The Army wanted the XM8, SPIW, Steyr ACR, G11 and OICW too, until they got bored and distracted by a passing beetle.

Wait, is that just a stock 6.8 cartridge, made out of metal?

Boo. Hiss.

>mfw the u.s. military knows we'll be in the middle east forever so they get all their shit for the next war in tan.

Attached: 1560430613929.gif (352x240, 987K)

Don’t forget the Textron cased telescoping rifles that they’ve been showcasing last year.

Isn’t long Recoil action just a meme? If it work. Wouldn’t it be more popular?

Is there a legit reason to hate Bolton beyond muh jews? He the real life senator Armstrong. He even wants the United nation gone for being a sex offender army.

The rifle completely ignores current western infantry doctrine.

Western infantry doctrine is to use soldiers and small arms to prevent the enemy from moving once encountered. From there a force multiplier like rotor wing, artillery, or fast air, are used to employ ordnance against the enemy to finish them. Any casualties caused by the small arms are just s bonus. It’s a very low risk and casualty-efficient way to fight but it’s extremely expensive due to the amount of ammunition, ordnance, and materiel required. It’s why western nations fight that way. They can afford it.

With that being said, the infantry are required to carry a lot of ammunition. The more ammunition the longer the enemy can be contained/prevented from adequately maneuvering. This rifle concept flies in the face of that with heavy ammunition.

You aren't getting 3,200 from a .270 out of a sub 24" barrel. There is not enough area for expansion. Without reading it you are looking at a case that is Wilder than the 308 case that is probably similar in volume to the '06.
On a positive note this single round would be amazing for the army. Rifles, machine guns and snipers could all benefit from this round. The .270 was the go to long range hunting round for quite some time.
You are probably looking at something like 2800- out of an 18 inch barrel. 3200-3400 is probably out of a 24" barrel. 20 inches would put you in that 3000 butter zone of speed, light weight manuverability.
When you start doing the math on SDs, expansion area and all other factors .270 and .338 are head and shoulders above anything close to them.


not impossible if you drop 0.2mm from the diameter.

lrn2spell kid.

seethe more, yuropoor

>>der de der
Test barrels are 24"....
Those velocities are the same as the old 270. That's an o6 case necked down.
There simply isnt enough area in a short barrel of that caliber to hit those speeds.

6.8=.277=270 Winchester.

>At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see them with it in the mid 2040s

If it's not broken...

A little history lesson for the confused. Way back when the 6.5mm was very popular and effective both hunting and military. At one point the military was shown a round close to what you would describe as a 270-08. That was the original M1 Garand intended round. But America does not like MM or at the time anything less than a 30 cal for rifles.
Winchester came out with a 6.8, or .277 and named it the .270. A writer named Jack O'connor proceeded to use it on damn near everything from every distance on multiple continents and wrote about it to the point that his name and the 270 are still intertwined.

>same as the old 270
false. ~250fps faster.
false. .277=7.0358mm

We need caseless or at the very least, telescoped. Textron's rifle is the only impressive entry so far.

Attached: 2OsNOan.jpg (1216x912, 155K)

maybe if it were brass. the plastic just melts. that's why we don't use it.

i'm gay

If that's the case, smaller yet powerful calibers are used solely for being able to carry more ammo, therefore being able to hold for longer the enemy? Wouldn't go lower than 22LR, what would be another reliable round?

6.5 Grendel > 6.8

Yeah that's the doctrine for asymmetric warfare. Doctrine has changed the last few years on our training rotations. Everything is now against near-peer adversaries. You don't have unchallenged air support so now you need infantry to be able to kill infantry without relying on CAS. Every training rotation I've done recently has the enemy equipped with drones, artillery, and air support.

More ammo is more important in near-peer not less, because infantry have to close with the enemy, which means suppression is more important. Longer range is less important in near-peer because wiping out a force, or ignoring it, are preferred to giving away your position by sniping one or two guys while the rest take cover and report a contact.

>what was the SCHV program

Literally 5.56. It's the minimum size that still does enough damage and reaches out 300m.

The 6.8 uses the same bullets as the .270
I know you are trying to come off as intelligent, it's not working.
fps faster
No, closer. Try around 100fps difference when actually tested and hand loaded. Not factory claims.

>the most infantile understanding of doctrine ever

Combat arms practice maneuver warfare. Those force multipliers you're talking about are great, but limited assets and there's no way a commander is going to lose initiative because he doesn't have big booms when he can defeat the threat at his level.

Also keep in mind the army is looking at the next war, where idf and the air domain are contested so self reliance will be moe important than your current perspective of GWOT battles.

This guy knows what's up.
So hot right now.

> 6.8mm (.277 caliber) cartridge that launches 140gr projectiles at a muzzle velocity of 3,200 fps out of a 13" barrel
God. Damn. Where's the fucking compensator on this thing then?

This is just for the auto-gunners and their ammo carriers to pop dudes with rigle plates, correct? Because how the fuck are you supposed to do follow up shots with a fucking .270 WSSM out of a 13" barrel inside a room?

i can't wait for the future when 100 lb female frontline infantry are shooting .338 LM on full auto out of 7" carbines

Milley and his bros didn't even think about that. A long action could reduce recoil, but imagine trying to carry a combat load when 20 rounds are bigger and longer than a 30 rnd mag. 60 rounds on your chest lmao.

Popping plates makes some sense as a DMR linked to a smart sight but for the other 99% of infantry shit (not to mention supply running logpacks, engineers, etc) it's retarded.

Wait, one big question. Where's the fucking belt fed version? GPMGs are already the infantry dropping allstars in the platoon, so what does that look like?

They didn't think that far ahead, or at all. There's no understanding of combined arms at the platoon level (any company or lower level desu) among O7-O9 pay grades.

Wont need it anymore, its like a bigger caliber M27 for everyone ;^)

hey buddy, did you get lost on your way to 9gag?

I thought it was that damned as gun from arma 3

Are you expecting the fucking ARMY of all groups to cut redundancy and inefficiency?

Wanna know how I know you’re fat?

>long recoil action
not happening

dark earth works better in the jungle/snow/urban environments than black

>more ammunition is more important

>with that being said, infantry are required to carry more ammunition. The more ammunition the better.

So you’re agree.

up your butt and around the corner, through the tube and out your boob

Attached: 1566963784840.png (745x559, 302K)

Your conclusions are right; but the path you took to get them () bespeaks ignorance.


Attached: F67C1FD2-C4A5-4349-9B3A-BC52DB57A81B.jpg (228x320, 21K)

>3200 fps from a 13 inch barrel? Big if true.

The fucking case is wider than a 7.62x51.
If you put enough propellant behind anything, i'll go fast.

And burn your barrel up at a horrendous rate.

Retarded idea unless they invent barrels that can stand up to that...

Also, long recoil may mitigate the biggest punch, but it's worse for everything else?

>hurr durr an ar18 with a long recoil gas system is totally different and revolutionary

The joos have done this since the first Tavor.

You're not nearly as funny as you think you are.

not that guy, but wheres the attempt at humor?

This already existed and it was way better

Attached: svd6mm.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

6.5x43 IWK (labeled) and 6mm SAW (far left) already developed but forgotten.

Would have been ideal.

Attached: 2CE126B5-6C2C-4888-876E-2740C89420F9.jpg (816x551, 46K)

that's just for shooting sandniggers in ME
a proper army ought to be capable of more than that

6mm SAW isn't even close to what's in this thread. It's 33% lighter and 500 fps slower...

Im not trying to be funny, im calling you a retard, retard.

boomer fuddlore

The new cartridge isn't trying to be an intermediate option between 5.56 and 7.62. It is supposed to be outright more powerful than 7.62.

Cunt wants us in constant retarded proxy wars.

Proxy wars are superior to full blown regional warfare bruv.

Some has played arma3 i see, til bad they didnt manage caseless