Did gunpowder ruin warfare? Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage...

Did gunpowder ruin warfare? Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage. Now people are encouraged to be cowards, hiding miles away and blowing up their enemies with IEDs, and you can't even send the nobility unto the field anymore lest some child solder sniper with a rusty AK-47 blow their head off with a lucky shot.

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Fuck, I wish there was more boy's frontline.

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>Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage
No, it was a complete and utter clusterfuck of hoping your tightly packed group of guys with long pokey sticks was large and had longer sticks than the other guys.

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No, you’re a nigger

>nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage
Hardly. That shit was just the marine-fights-volcano-demon ad of the medieval period.
>Now people are encouraged to be cowards, hiding miles away and blowing up their enemies with IEDs
Cowards win, no matter the era. A small group of Romans hiding behind their shields could butcher a significantly larger opponent easily, while a few dark age incels with a Ballista could cut down even the most courageous shining-armor chad with impunity. Its about fighting smarter, and cowards have a vested interest in being smart.

>Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage
You realize bows and crossbows exists, right?

They were hardly capable of piercing medieval plate armor.

English longbows with bodkin arrows and crossbows were designed specifically to pierce armor, including plate.

>crossbow bolts
>hardly capable of piercing plate armor
so you're stupid.

One, yes they could.
Two, only a tiny handful of people could actually afford plate armour, the vast majority of Medieval armies were barely armed peasant conscripts who didn't have any idea of what the fuck they were doing other than "stab that dude before he stabs me"

>the vast majority of Medieval armies were barely armed peasant conscripts
False, this is a common misconception but the vast majority of medieval armies would be made up mostly of knights, mercenaries, men-at-arms, and various gentry and yeomens (often taking up the role of archers). Very rarely were peasants conscripted en masse.

>push of pike
>infantry squares
>archer formations
>knights pissy that some peasant with a crossbow could drop them in one shot even with armor

Yeah, basically.

Agriculture ruined warfare

Here's your individual skill and honor bro

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This. Backshooting and backstabbing are as old as they are marvelous

What do you think the friendly-kill rate was in this big clusterfuck "bunch of dudes charging each other and just swinging weapons around in a field trying to kill and not die" medieval shit was? Maybe if they were fighting an enemy from a very different country that looked very different, but half the time it seems like European peasants fighting European peasants, all of them dressed like peasants. I know modern combat is a clusterfuck but you generally have an idea of who is on your side.

Trap thread? Trap thread.
Post em “””boys””””

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actual medieval warfare was 90% raids on unarmed peasants, and this was the real purpose of warfare back then, taking loot
the last 10% were what you think of, conventional warfare, but it wasn't really any different from today, other than the fact it was largely melee combat

people used standard tactics like defensive feints, using cavalry to ride down retreating enemies, and using massed missile weapons to soften up enemy formations
while knights generally preferred to act civilly when they could, mostly to ensure their own safety when captured, it would be a lie to say all combat consisted of 2 sides agreeing to meet at a certain time, in actuality it was mostly lightning raids on unsuspecting targets to secure stuff like livestock or trade goods

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Found the no guns fag

fuck off faggot

>he actually believes everyone was a shining glorious Chad before someone figured out how to stuff explosives down a pipe and then stick a rock down it

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Pretty intense, desu

Better question:what do you think warfare would look like if the economic collapse didnt destroy the knightly era? Would heavily armored superchads maintained relevance?

Ruined society. Caused an inverse winnowing where the weak survived and the strong died on the field.

Ah yes, I also dream of dying to disease after a sick cow is launched over the wall of my city by a trebuchet from hundreds of yards away as we all starve.

Awe, true to Caesar.

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>Did gunpowder ruin warfare? Before war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage.

Read "The Art of War"

War is as war has always been.

No, knighthood ain't shit when you get pulled by 10 dudes and stabbed in a crow or blasted by a siege machine.

That's why you use bright colors. Easier to see shit, represent your crib and easier for the boss to make decisions

Go back to /v/ or wherever

>Before war was all about individual skill,
No it wasn’t

>war was all about individual skill, nobility, honor, chivalry, and courage

you have an extremely unrealistic and romanticized impression of war. you honestly think armies and fighting forces didn't practice mass battle tactics, maneuvers and techniques?
example - archers. dozens of them. firing wall after wall of arrows, hundreds and hundreds of arrows raining down on the other group of lots of men across the other side of the battlefield, taking out lots of them from afar.

which leads into the next point:
>Now people are encouraged to be cowards, hiding miles away and blowing up their enemies with IEDs
trebuchets/catapults were a thing. even absolutely massive ones, that could 100% launch either plain boulders or ones covered in burning oil, a mile.
also, again - archers. crossbows. and not just crossbows wielded by individual soldiers, but emplaced ones, like on castle and fortress walls to repel attackers.

there were also similar ambush weapons employed back then, like traps involving balanced boulders on a hillside, sent tumbling down onto enemies walking/marching below.
as well as spike pits and animal pits (like tigers) - vietnam was not the first place such things originated.
no need to be anywhere nearby for those to work against an enemy.

>you can't even send the nobility unto the field anymore
"nobility" ie rich elites very rarely if ever, went into battle. generals etc were not nobility. kings - it was extremely rare for such persons to go into battle. they had people to do that shit for them while they sat on their asses back home, fucking the12 year olds in their harem and stuffing their faces at banquets while being entertained by jesters and minstrels.

you're an idiot

you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about

before gunpowder: 98% of the west lived in daily fear of their overlord or a rival overlord looking to slaughter the peasants over a feud, sending heavy horse from an invincible castle, zero chance of self-defense, the equivalent of air strikes.
your "honor" was invented by the literate court of the western warrior caste to rationalize and cement their position, and to ritualize peer-level conflict as to minimize casualties and disruption among their own caste.
don't romanticize the medieval warrior caste. they wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.

You realize that even back in the days, the folks in charge had goals and objectives to achieve in battle, right? And they had all kinds of try-hard play-to-win tactics to accomplish their goals like everyone in this thread has already mentioned? You talk hot shit about honor and nobility and likely have no respect for group tactics or groups in general, clueless scrubs like you have been slammed by the military discipline stick, or the enemies' stick in the past, present and future, save for some of the the lucky class stomping unarmed peasants for their whole lives thinking they are invincible.
>hurr nobody asked but can we post feminine boys to make my pee pee feel good
Not like this thread was going anywhere but what a fucking shitshow.