>What you're eating right now.
>Your favorite gun
chicken flavored noodles
Arisaka type 38

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A cheese Sandwich.

That man in the picture most likely didn't make it.

There's a good chance he lived well into the 1970s, that pic is not from the Eastern Front or even Stalingrad iirc

At least he died happy.

A mug of Twinning's Earl Grey (teabag pleb at this time of day; pot of tea, loose leaf and cup & saucer only at tea time) and my No4 Mk1 because I am Bong as fuck. Although she's actually a Canadian.

Breakfast was a while ago, porridge and scrambled eggs.

What cheese? This is important.

Attached: No4 MkI f401 001.jpg (2272x1704, 1018K)

fucking yogurt
Leader T2

Those mango ice cream bars from Trader Joes.
M1 Garand

Im eating a can of white claw sadly, my favorite gun right now is cz527 in 7.62x39

my AR

Dutch Gouda, aged. My favorite cheese, right before Irish/British Cheddar.

I had some ham earlier
my M1

Water and a slice of Pizza
Marlin Model 95

Shin ramen
Aks74, bakelite or plum mag.

A man of class and breeding stands before us

Russians fucking hate the AKS. They say it's complete trash, I have heard lots of veterans and soldiers saying that.

I never understood why, though. It's just the AK-74 with a short barrell, right?

Good taste, Dutch cheese is great and Gouda is one of my favourite. I've only really had shitty Cheddars which I need to rectify. I like Stilton, Stichelton, Sussex Farmhouse and Old Winchester, which you should try if you ever see it; it's like an English homage to Gouda.

Salmon patties, brown rice, and lettuce.

Too bad you usually don't get English cheese anywhere else in Europe. Always thought about ordering some online


Greek Yogurt

Chockolate milk + bread
My e tool

Salt and vinegar?

Mosin Nagant

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Freedom loadout

Egg sandwich
M1 Garand

Thin veal schnitzel battered and fried perfectly with parsley butter potatoes

Prototype AR10

Glock 17

Dried beer sausages, and the Colt Model 715.
For a pistol, the Smith & Wesson 5906

Attached: 715 Clone.jpg (3264x1836, 2.88M)

Good rifle.

>italian casserole


Scrambled eggs
>favorite gun I own
My Sako M39
>favorite gun period
G3 or G3 pattern rifles.

You're thinking the AKs-74U, specifically, the AKs-74 is just an AK-74 with a folding stock.
S for Skladnoy/Skladnaya (folding), U would be ukorochenniy (shortened).

Basically, it's because the 5.45x39mm cartridge is just like the 5.56x45mm cartridge, they're in fact very similar in performance, they use a really lightweight bullet at a really high speed. However, to actually get real good performance out of these cartridges, you will need a decent length of barrel for the powder gasses to burn in and for the bullet to be propelled in, as the projectile leaves the muzzle it has reached its top speed, and if the barrel is really short, what you get is much less speed.

Compare to REALLY short barreled 5.56mm carbines giving icepick wounds with certain loads, that same phenomenon manifests itself with short 5.45mm carbines, additionally you will get FAR shorter range, and the powder that doesn't get to burn propelling the bullet will instead blow out the muzzle, and make a particularly loud, bright, and concussive fireball, which makes these kinds of weapons particularly visible and audible, and makes them pretty difficult to shoot with in more confined spaces (even with excellent earpro, the concussive blast itself makes itself known and you feel it against your body.)

A minor detail is that cartridges like these, due to their light projectile weight in relation to high velocity, introduce some reliability problems in really short barrels like these, where not enough pressure comes back and the action often short-strokes.
On the AKs-74U, they solved this by adding a booster as a muzzle device, it redirects gas back into the bore, you can see this on some other short AK carbines (and they all cycle reliably), as well as some particularly short AR15 builds. US Armed Forces opted to not just bother with barrels these short and opted for 14.5" as standard for carbines, ala the M4A1.
H&K's 5.56mm HK53 had similar issues.

Attached: aks74u galil.jpg (1024x768, 291K)

Earlier AR15 carbines had devices called Moderators, which were essentially a thin length of blast chambers like on a silencer, capped with a birdcage flash-hider shape on the end, these added a bit of length, but they radically reduced noise and flash, making a 10.5" 5.56mm carbine make a report similar to a 18" 5.56mm rifle.
Ultimately these devices were difficult to actually clean, as they were solid pieces and you couldn't disassemble them, and as more and more carbon fouling gathered in the blast chambers, the less effective they became at reigning in blast and noise.

I think that the idea of Moderators still have some merit, better designs could be devised, but I think their primary appeal would be with the civilian market, where they don't really get anywhere because the ATF decided a 3db noise reduction makes them silencers legally.

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ah, fellow enfield bro

a bullet
Danuvia 43M

>eating a can of white claw

Maybe he means it as a figurative meal? Like he's an alcoholic, they'll eventually be able to partially live on the booze (as it also fucks them up inside at the same time).

I like you.

I’m eating a Banana and drinking an Ensure drink.
My favourite fun is a Galil but I’ve never shot one ;_;

Toblerone. SLR.

>Italian baguette

If 3db reduction makes a suppressor how is the noveske flaming pig non NFA, or even the omega manufacturing krink that's pinned in a way to have a single baffle expansion chamber.

You're right and I know you're right, I just can't wrap my head around how krinkov style brakes and forward redirect blast cans exist off NFA but that doesn't

>chink takeout: beef and broccoli
>10 in barrel deagle in .357

based banana+ensure. that’s my breakfast in college

Chicken wings
Glock 19x

I bet that thing shoots like a laser.

Just 2 fistfuls of sugar

Neapolitan ice cream
>favorite gun
I can't decide.

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