Post Apocalyptic Gat Aesthetic Thread

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>Because fuck sights

Attached: post-apocalyptic-ar-15-_-Rws0laX.jpg (900x506, 167K)

and fuck your forward assist

how would an AR ever work without the forward assist, this is madness

>how would an AR ever work without the forward assist, this is madness.

Well it would work as Eugene Stoner Intended. The man who fucking designed it did'nt want a forward assist, saw no reason to have one in the original design and was forced to put it on the rifle.

Forward assist. Just incase the rifle wasn't fucked enough the soldier can extra fuck it up.

Chamber the AR in .50 AE/Beowulf, and we'll talk.

Legitimately Fallout 4-tier garbage. I'm impressed.

noen of this is realistic. the supply of ARs and modern semi autos would last hundreds of years before people had to resort to stupid fuckery like that. you know how many millions of magpul stock furniture kits there are? with how cheap ARs are? you thikn people are going to be ghetto rigging some wooden paddle as a AR stock and have a fucked up upper with no FA or sights when theres a billion plastic stocks in circulation on hundreds of millions of ARs?

What if it's some europoor shithole?

I don't think even the Soviet AKM manual recommends smashing the charging handle to the the bolt into battery.

Well then you don't have an AR to slap stupid furniture on to begin with.

>no fun! not real not real not real not real!!!
heres your (you)

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>Legitimately Fallout 4-tier garbage. I'm impressed
It looks like it could work though.

something like this should pop up before too long, people will have to get creative once ammunation begins to run out, so perhaps blackpowder guns will become popular again

Attached: projectedimprovisedgrenadelauncher2.jpg (791x637, 40K)

Obviously there will be some AR variants over there, because they're all over the world. Especially if we assume the US attempted to help them before abandoning them to their downfall.

A proper orky weapon

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I hope he took that leg bone as a trophy from a fallen enemy

Me too.

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People generally don't die in airsoft, nor are their bodies made of Halloween decorations.

Handguards like that are the best shit ever.

Attached: Homemade Single Barrel Shotgun.jpg (1600x927, 391K)

Attached: Portuguese Homemade Firearms.jpg (1024x716, 250K)

Wat. Thats a pretty dope AK, like, today.

Attached: Eoka Beretta Model 38.jpg (1920x1280, 239K)

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If I pull it out will I be crowned Marshall of the Soviet Union?

Imagine that spikey gun as a shotgun

Attached: Warsaw Uprising Bergmann 1910 21.jpg (1875x839, 1.15M)

Now dats a shoota I kood kary to da waagh an’ krump sum gits wit.

for you

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Based Poles

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The inventor wishes anyway.

Attached: P&R Medusa Model 47.jpg (800x604, 197K)

>spine as a foregrip

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>bolt action

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>Inforce light on garbage post-apo AR
Nigga tell me what's wrong

Attached: Croatian Homemade Grenade Launcher.jpg (800x528, 60K)

holy shit that's badass, the level of Fallout 4 in this is astounding. What the hell is that rear sight it almost looks like a bent up can opener

Are you not aware of the Khyber pass, south America or all of Africa? People rig together all sorts of dangerous shit like this all the time.

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Manual action weapons (break, bolt, slide, lever) will work with BP / cast boolit reloads, possibly recoil operated or blowbacks, but gas operated actions like the AR or AK will gum up pretty badly.

Hey! watch this-here little movie about that:

what was that originally?

Attached: 1chechen.jpg (520x390, 49K)

If I recall correctly, a pressure washer.

Attached: Spear Gun Converted.jpg (1200x900, 136K)

>Pistol sized bolt action rifle that's just a bubba'd mosin
what shit taste and what a garbage gun. Literally a musket pistol would be better than that piece of shit.

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we wuz nazis n sheit

>Believing that either are designed to be effective and not just look (subjectively) cool.

“Mosin” get off this board

>obrez isn’t the best gun ever designed
you a fuckin’ tard or somethin’?

Not quite sure that taking a saw to a rifle constitutes 'designing', user.

there is a different AR under it, take a closer look

Just airshit, but I want to make a real one.

Attached: falloutglock.jpg (920x518, 56K)

your new is showing

You heard of elf on a shelf, now there's Glock in a stock!

thas breddy brudal

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it looks like a subjective turd


>wood AR furniture

Muh dick

>wood AR furniture

Muh dick


Well there are, but there are enough furniture from guns and airshit to outlast the little supply of ARs there is.

Nice bullets

Seized from a poacher in Africa.

Attached: african_ak.jpg (736x489, 90K)

Pull trigger it fires freeing itself

>How to get a leg up on the competition boyz

Is it still there?

Is that a goddamn bloodborne reference?

Anyone see that YouTube video of some Pakistan people making their own homemade guns and one dude made a benillie knock off?

Now your on the wrong foot.

Mosins are objectively shitty but great for a 99 dollars rifle.

That's a Mauser 98 you uncultured swine

Do you know what that is because it seems like you don't

Does it work?

They took it from a Walgreens Halloween display

Kicks like a bitch.

I’m always curious about what the logistics of making ammo potentially from scratch is. What is it like?

this man is hunting droids

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ITT how to lose your hands 101

That's a Lee Enfield


This is my choice weapon. A magazine would take a lot of work, it might have to go on the top or side or modified to the original. These are made to take those little aluminum nails

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Kekkd and chekkd

took me over a day to get this joke

I'm getting tetanus just from staring at that ungodly bolt holy Christ.

>The Angolan Chieftain variant

>this image again

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I actually really like that buffer tube cap

Achilles AK

That worn metal texture reminds me of the forged locks from the 1700s

why the hell am I seriously attracted to this?

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That's kinda hot

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Look up P. Luty