What do Jow Forums?

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Shoot it with an RPG or try to detonated an IED close to its legs
Also try to find if it has an anus and rape it user

Fuck off and eat worms and dirt when you're dead in the ground you off-topic board-killing magpulling nap-violating germigrant cross-posting cross-contaminating with HIV /m/otherfucker.

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It has vents that spew lactic acid occasionally, but I don't think they'd be plesent to fuck

>/ak/ is okay
>posts about Jow Forums approved movies are too
>metal gear isn't okay
Fuck you nigger, mgs4 is full of Jow Forums shit

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c-can i have milkies?

shoot the legs with a sleeping dart and wait for it to fall asleep

>/ak/ is okay
Nice to know your standards lie where Osama's body does.

If you don't like anime you don't belong on Jow Forums

then where?

Try a grave.

arfcom and gay Boomer Facebook groups

I zandatsu it, naturally.

Ow, the edge.

Why does it go MOO tho, i dont think it was ever explained in the game or by the creators


It was explained that they Moo, and make noises like cicadas to confuse local populations into thinking they safe, as cows aren't really threatening, you can see in the first chapter where the militia are confused by the mooing because gekko hadn't been deployed their yet.


summer's nearly over faggot

Every other board besides the weeb boards was made to escape permavirgin manchild cartoons. If you like anime so much, why not go to those boards? Oh, right, they're full of insufferable faggots like you. Lie in your bed or assimilate, buster. This is a weapons board first.

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Is this thing a metal gear? I often see them posted. I’m not memeing I’ve only played V for like two missions.

Election tourists like you get the rope first

They're sort of a baby metal gear. If a metal gear is walking tank then the Gekkos are more like a walking armored car.

>telling lies on the internet
fuck off you stupid nigger, back to l*ddit or f*cebook. Literally go to Opr8r-Chan, it was made to be Jow Forums without anime.

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okay retard

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it cant launch nukes so its not a metal gear, its like a walking IFV, it was used as a tank replacement by PMCs because its """better""" at isometric warfare

Thanks guys! I’m still pissed my mom never bought me Sony a console so I missed out on MGS, GOW, J&D, R&C, TMetal etcetera

Das one cute boi

Literal bug people

Punch kojima in the face if i see him

>my mom never bought me Sony a console so I missed out on MGS, GOW, J&D, R&C, TMetal etcetera
I am actually sad for you. That sucks

/ak/ isn't anime, its just image dumps of garbage with almost no discussion. Which is a shame because there's decent Jow Forums related anime out there, but the general thread is absolutely horrible, though that isn't very surprising.

it was explained. the increasing cicada noises are to cause a feeling of ratcheting tension and dread, to demoralize adversaries. the bull noise is to intimidate in battle


I think the real problem wit /ak/ is there's only so muchb/k/ anime
So everyone recommends the same shows that are years old and have been discussed to death.
Titty, however, is always getting new material

It really just comes down to general threads being a horrible idea.

Destroy it to power my nanomachines obviously

Shoot it with an FAL.

sometimes the guys from the /ak/ scantalation group post manga dumps in the threads

*unzips dick*

Serious question, why don't those faggots take it to /a/? Do the /a/ jannies really hate it that much there? From the way jannies on here defend /ak/ threads, I'd be willing to bet /a/ posters probably just got janitor positions to let them slide.

You try too hard

>Do the /a/ jannies really hate it that much there?
Yes, they're /a/ rejects.

/a/s pretty high-traffic, and niche threads that aren't "latest generic pandering show" get killed fast, so those who like weapons or operator aesthetics lean more towards Jow Forums. That thread is mostly just to keep most of that stuff out of other threads on Jow Forums by giving them a local safe space. "Anime website" and all that jazz.

>keep most of that stuff out of other threads on Jow Forums by giving them a local safe space
Uh huh

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Most of those threads aren't about anime, they're just using an anime girl to lure in the discussion.