What is your opinion on Navy Seal and BJJ blackbelt Jocko Willink?

What is your opinion on Navy Seal and BJJ blackbelt Jocko Willink?

Attached: jocko-willink-jiu-jitsu.jpg (720x489, 82K)

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He looks dumb and a dumber name

>implying James Bond isn't an even dumber name

His parents listened to Devo.


pretty cool. mistook him for henry rollins (I think thats his name) and thought he was antigun and therefor a faggot. but hes cool

BJJ is one of the lamer grappling styles though

If being proficient at strangling opponents unconscious and snapping bones is "lame" then I guess we are lame. Try and fight us though bud, you'd die :)

It’s like Muay Thai. On paper is cool, but unless the guy teaching it is from the area it’s more like fancy CrossFit rather than actual fighting skills. That’s why learning to box is better since it’s simple to learn and teach, this making all boxing gyms effective at actually teaching you to fight rather than just rolling around and sweating

Can someone tell me why he has that co-host on his podcast? 3/4th of the time, it feels like Jocko is either talking to himself because his co-host has nothing really productive to add, and other times it feels like that pothead guy who only got half of what you're saying or can't articulate his message back to you.