Do you run your cans until they are dirty as this one? Or are you a nocanz?

Do you run your cans until they are dirty as this one? Or are you a nocanz?

Attached: MAG-nach-700-Schuss-2.jpg (375x500, 163K)

When mine gets dirty I just pick up another one at NAPA

Nocanz. I lost all of my oil filters in an unfortunate boating accident.

This. Based and redpilled

The state is gonna have to sue you for contamination of public water ways with oil/oil based products/oil contaminated products. Please post your dog, its breed and current location.

>Please post your dog, its breed and current location.
He went down with the boat.

Attached: SwimmingDog.jpg (1100x736, 163K)


Nocanz and nodogz fren

nocan. and nopan.

Based and Know-How-pilled

i shoot centerfire cans so i dont have that poorfag problem

.22lr cans are best cans.

Centerfire suppressors are self-cleaning, like vaginas.

What is different about them please?

That’s what my cock looks like after banging your mom

He is one with 12,000 rounds of .308

Attached: 67611388_10216932556240894_4447155725512212480_n.jpg (960x960, 362K)

Another with 12,000 rounds

Attached: 67423479_10216907882144057_5472312952474304512_o.jpg (1794x1783, 438K)

My non expert guess is that .22 doesnt have the pressure required to blow out the excess carbon

God damn that’s a lot of gunk in there.

Just soak it in kerosene

Its a bit late for that.

>Or are you a nocanz?
Why would I have a can if I don't even have a gun? Really activates those almonds.