ITT: Gun You Don't Lock Up

What gun does Jow Forums keep outside the safe for home defense, random midnight sweeps, etc. For me it's the Stoeger Coach Gun.
>intimidation factor
>nice short barrel for corners
>sounds like a cannon
What do you keep close at hand and why?

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All of them

If you own anything else then you're needlessly handicapping yourself. Would be mighty unfortunate if some melanin-enriched youth busted into your house and caught you lacking a proper Glock .40

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Welp... that's /thread I guess

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>Glock .40

>Glock .40
here user, better put these on...

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This. Spending money on a safe means I have less money to spend on guns and ammo.

A 92fs, an 870, and a Nugget for memes if it comes to that.

>not owning a problem solver for the hell of it

Your loss.

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whatever I was carrying that day

>spending money on a safe when you could have spent nore money on guns

This. I just hide my guns around the house

>coming home and finding niggers stole all your funs

>not saving up for a house so you can not live in an apartment that gets burgled every Thursday afternoon.

In other words, you put them in the closets.

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suck me sanny

>being this poor

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What's a decent, large-ish safe that could be brought through standard doors? Only goal is stopping niggers, not people who know how to use tools, so pls no crying about angle grinders.

DD AR pistol. It's a weapon I'm familiar with and it's compact so I can move through doorways and such without it getting hung up on anything.

don't have any kids and i live in a nice neighborhood so i don't lock mine up

cheap locking cabinet. if a dindu doesnt see a key and cant danky kang his way in, he will move on to easier prey.

i keep a chink knockoff 870 loaded with 00 buck in the bedroom, my AR out (when i'm home) in my home office, the rest of my guns locked in a safe in my home office, and always have a 92fs on my hip, even at home.

town i live in is one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, had a pizza guy murdered for like 20 bucks recently

Yugo AK

...uhh pfft y-ya right like that’s w-where I’d hide em ha heh..

are u me
is it a hawk 981

Thats why you keep the nice stuff in the safe. I wouldn't be too devastated if some urban youths yeeted my beater sks

>implying they could navigate my house in minecraft safely

My Mossberg 500 Tacticool with 00 Buck
And a nugget

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10.5" AR pistol from palmetto with the fixed a2 post and a UTG rear sight. Four mags of 77gr OTM and another two of just 55gr ball.

Have you ever heard of niggers? They like to break into houses and steal everything that is not bolted down.

Nice neighborhoods are more likely to be targeted. Why would you rob your neighbor in the hood who doesn’t have anything when you could drive a few miles away and rob a house that you know will have good shit in it?

put funs in safe when u not home so niggers have a hard time stealing. otherwise leave them in ur bed and have sex with them like a normal person

You say that now. But in due time, you'd come to find you miss that beater rifle.

maybe. hawk is norinco, right? i've got a norinco badged as H&R

I've got 2 AKs sitting on my bed/piles of clothes. A 226 on the floor and a Makarov on the desk lol.


M2 HB with a 100 round box, 3 more beside it

>Leaving the house
>Not living on 24/7 lockdown in case the niggers decided to invade your property
Where do you think you are?

I leave a pistol on the kitchen table, one next to my bed, one on the other side of the bed, one in the bathroom, one in each of the 3 vehicles I might be driving in a given week, and one in my desk at work. I also have Psak in the living room. The rest I just put in cases in the closet.

I have several that are never locked up.

>$50 used asi pasimax 12 gauge in the umbrella stand by front door in the living room
>cheap Taurus m82 in the kitchen in the towel drawer with a spare speedloader
>cheap RIA gi 1911 in the bathroom under the towel rack between the shower and toilet
>S&W 5904 on bedroom night stand
>.300 blackout AR pistol beneath bed for quick discreet interventions

Everything else is locked up.

Do you fuckers not have homeowners insurance? I'd be more worried about someone stealing my cameras than stealing my guns considering I would get enough cash money to just buy new guns

>always keep that mf thang on me

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>Have you ever heard of niggers?
>living in trash neighborhoods
>not having decent insurance to cover theft

user from California or NY
>just leave faggot
user from nogville

Statistically there's a VASTLY greater chance that unsecured guns will be stolen rather than be needed in a moment's notice.

Everyone here understands that right?

Which is why when you're not home, they're all locked up nice and secure (except the one on your person).

Looks it’s the guy who doesn’t own antique or hard to find guns

I know my choice is fudd tier, but Mossberg 500. It's cheap enough that if somebody steals it, I won't cry about it and good enough for me to feel safe.

>"yea officers, that is my martini henry some niggers stole and decided to do a drive by with"

There are billboards in my city that bitch about kids being able to access guns in the home that are loaded. Funny as hell.

>grandpop's carbine he dropped into Normandy with

>distant uncle's rifle he defended Bosnia with

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That's certainly true.

But another important detail is that when you store your guns in a "safe" you better make sure it's actually secure. When you put all your guns in one spot (and maybe throw some other valuables in there too, like extra cash, your fancy watch, your lady's jewelry, your high-end DSLR, etc.) it suddenly becomes much easier for thieves to find it all. If your "safe" is a cheapo that's easily pried open, or simply able to be carried off by a couple dudes (or one with a skateboard or a dolly) then your better option is hiding your valuables individually. A flimsy cabinet is a false sense of security. If you are going to lock up your gun then get a proper safe and bolt the fucker down.

Keep a Mavrick 88 loaded with 1 birdshot and the rest in 00 buck.
I call her Bedside Manners, BM for short because every time I hear footsteps outside I shit myself.

Onky gun I have right now.. what else should I get, I'm liking Ithaca 37 right now, i also been looking at high standard riot 12ga. Higher budgets I'm looking at are colt sp1 and m1 garand, id probably get a garand first before an sp1.

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No need for a safe, I have a thing called a locked door and a no go zong I'm my house. Nobody's allowed in my bedrooms

Also aggressive dog.

Have a model 37 featherlight. Great gun but you cant shoot 3". Dont really matter considering the slam fire ability

My neighbors have guns too, we make sure our houses are safe

I cab make my dog watch you like a hawk. If you move you get bit up

>using a firearm that can't accept a flash light for home defense
user, that's not wise

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Fuck everyone

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Stoeger Coach moves room to room with me, Sig MPX Copperhead w/ 30 rd.mag discretely available. I really don't worry about much. 2 large dogs will tell me if a squirrel farts in the yard next door, let alone someone stupid enough to try to come in uninvited.

Bolt action rifles killed more than tacticool things ever killed
I also have working lights in my house. If I'm really desperate I can tape my flashlight to the barrel
To me, tacticool rales are just things to snag onto clothing. And how much special gun attachments do you need to feel like your competent? You can have your $5000 AR rifle and I'll outshoot you with my 30 year old Winchester model 94

>muh 1911
Bad gun for pretentious faggots. Low capacity and known to be very inaccurate.
.357 magnum revolver. Sure it's only 6 shots but I'm dead accurate and have a fast draw

stick kill more than fancy boom stick ever kill.



>muh .357
You absolute fuck. If you don't use .218 bee you're a seething faggot

The only fun not in the safe is my CCW. Makes it easy to put on and off, but is also accessible for HD.

>it'd be more difficult to replace soulless cameras than milsurp funs

Lol what a faggot

Just get a cheap locking cabinet and bolt it to the floor, wall, or a 2by so someone can't easily dolly it out.

none of them. I've got a 4 year old and 2 year old.

You mean artillery and machine gun fire.

If my gf's son ever got ahold of my guns I know he's stupid enough to shoot himself in the face. I have to lock everything up. But I have a little safe that fits in my night stand for quick access to my g19.
>inb4 teehee gf's son teehee
Used goods was the best I could do, but it's better than most of Jow Forums could do.

My insurance covers the whole cost of my guns but not the entire cost of all my camera stuff and half of my camera stuff is film from the 80s

What is it like raising a half black kid? What is it like dating a woman who has aids?

>but it’s better than most of Jow Forums could do

Be careful with those harsh truths, user, you’re going to wind up upsetting people.

Like this guy right here

I have (had) a virgin wife.
Just because someone had to settle doesn't mean we all do.
Keep in mind, I hold no ill will towards user and his girlfriends son, but you must accept that half the responsibility of settling is on you.

I shouldn't be falling for this bait but it's fucking delicious

>Low cap
For a modern full size handgun, I can't really disagree.
Sure, if you buy one of the taurus 1911 clones or some other piece of shit

>.357 Magnum revolver
Didn't you literally just bitch about capacity, you assclown?
I'd go over the accuracy meme but since you didn't even bother to mention length or make, or any other pertinent information, I'll leave that one up to you.

You probably aren’t even white

AR in my office, glocks/1911 in the drawers of the kitchen, few Mossbergs in corners

Anyone else put thier guns in the vents?

AK-74 on the bedside P-07 on my desk.

sup connor

Being neurotypical is truly suffering. Can't imagine being afraid of dying alone and having to settle

Freezer, behind painting, inside computer case, and book are my spots

If my gf's son ever got ahold of my guns I know he's stupid enough to shoot himself in the face. I have to lock everything up. But I have a little safe that fits in my night stand for quick access to my g19.
>inb4 teehee gf's son teehee
Used goods was the best I could do, but it's better than most of Jow Forums could do.