Trade, create, and sell your patches here.
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>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?
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Trade, create, and sell your patches here.
>Previous thread
>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?
>Thread theme
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w2c AK Coke patch
PK maybe?
A51, Tyke, and cryptid patches are fully in production lads. I should have them in 10 days or so. Also I'm just now boarding the plane back so I'll get to shipping out the backlog if orders tomorrow. Thanks for your patience
Don't bother buying it form some tacticool patch shop when the normie patch is $1.50 straight from the chinese.
Went to my local burger town, no russians in sight.
I know, but I had to get it to rep the local burger town, please be of understandings
fuck PK and fuck all his shills
If anyone's going to dragon con, I'll be dressed as confederate infantry. Holler at me.
Cringe thread
Thank you for your input
Ugh. You posted cringe, bruh. Bruh, you posted cringe. Cringe City, bruh.
this is ACTUALLY cringe
You forgot Redpilled, Schizo user.
Don't let it die it's only just begun
Patch when?
Wheres the it aint me from?
They haven't posted in a while, though.
Lub u 2 bb
Make more patches Apricot please!!
Anyone making angel beats patches?
Lads, what would be the best way to transform a iron or "standard" patch in a velcro patch ? Received a bunch from etsy and they don't feature velcro on some of them.
I think some people use a fabric glue, I suppose you could sew it to the velcro as well? others will know better than I
Too dumb. Glue seems a nice solution.
yeah sewing seemed fairly redundant but I'd be dumb enough to try it personally
Black Mesa and Americaball arrived yesterday
Still lurk every now and then, maybe i should restock the It Aint Me since i lost my computer to make any new ones
Who’s got the best kube patch
Good shit, dude.
She does for pk bacon and some other non-chan vendors.
I like kommando stores's red version but it's out of stock.
Is skinwalker ded?
I like kommando stores's red version but it's out of stock.
Is skinwalker ded?
That's the shit
Labor day coupon is active through next Tuesday, the 3rd. Patch thread gets first dibs. Use code "Haymarket" to get 25% off your order.
Pic is the embroidered logo on a new shirt in the shop.
I'm not ded, I was out of town and have been trying to post, I keep getting errors tho.
Sadly, therefore we have to keep hearing about her and seeing her mug posted in every single thread. God forbid more women get into the patch game or do art for patches.
Well fellas, closed my shop. It was a good run, turned a profit at least. But I'll come back in a few months bigger than ever! I have grand dreams for my shop, and will either soar OR die horribly on the jagged rocks below. You've all been fucking great to me, and I love all of you! With school and shit going on, I won't be around to lurk threads or sell patches, though if anyone is selling cryptid patches, I'm sure to cop! Signing off for now, I'll see you all this december or january!
Best of luck to you guys!
Love ya, no homo!
P.S. I'll be announcing my new store the next time I post, if someone uses this name they're an impersonator or a shill or something. Tell them to eat skinwalker cock.
Well fellas, closed my shop. It was a good run, turned a profit at least. But I'll come back in a few months bigger than ever! I have grand dreams for my shop, and will either soar OR die horribly on the jagged rocks below. You've all been fucking great to me, and I love all of you! With school and shit going on, I won't be around to lurk threads or sell patches, though if anyone is selling cryptid patches, I'm sure to cop! Signing off for now, I'll see you all this december or january!
Best of luck to you guys!
Love ya, no homo!
P.S. I'll be announcing my new store the next time I post, if someone uses this name they're an impersonator or a shill or something. Tell them to eat skinwalker cock.
Still waiting on those feet pics in those blue flip flops patchcraft
im still waiting for sticky tummy pics
still waiting for sticky tummy
New stuff. 3 restocks all from a newer company so have some bugs to work out.
I cant see well on no step but I think the green is just too dark
Wrong name, dumbass.
>try to help skinny out earlier because of connection errors
>make my own post
>connection error
>with skinny's name
You're alive!
Thank god for that hazard suit!
fucking connection errors constantly
Skinny! How could you betray NEET like this?!
looks great skin, glad to see you finally infiltrated neet's store. Looking forward to purchasing your wares in the future
But realtalk, HECU font might be illegible. I know it's the accurate font to the game hud, but at that current size, it's too small in some places. I'd either increase the patch size an inch, or reslect to a different half-life font.
The mask-helm looks really damn good, though.
it worked! This is the pic I was talking about here:
I made an edgy version of the SSS patch awhile back.
And here's a normal logo as well.
Holy shit we're back again?
Got the rest of the patches in this morning, both from Upotte we gotM16A4 USAandT91: No Stock No Problem. With these patches the rest of the restock from last week will go up. Also I found some Little Witch Sucy DEA patches so they'll go up too. They'll go live August 31st 12pm MST.
Lol wrong name, dumby
>HECU font might be illegible
Agreed. Either needs more spacing or just different font altogether
its 7AM dummy aren't you supposed to be asleep? :^
I wish
>posts at least 60 seconds apart
Have NEET and Skinny actually been the same person all this time?
>Ai absorbs several stores
>as does NEET
>NEET "buys" Ai
>Skinny is specializing in pinups while NEET does obscure
it would be the most spectacular schitzoposting I have ever seen and I would buy neetwalker a beer
>NEET gone for 3 months winter 2017
>Ai disappears February 2018 right after NEET came back
oh fuck
Don't believe me?
It's all in the numbers.
One: That's Terror.
NEETs taking all the heat as NEETpatchguy so he can run all the other stores from behind the scenes. He had to "buy" Ais stock so he could stop shipping it from Canada. Post when Skins stuff starts coming from Minnesota.
Sticker I followed you on instagay. You have cute doggers.
kek I just watched the episode of tfbtv that features our very own yuropoor that he posted on insta, good shit. here's the link if anyone cares, the part starts around 10:40
>tfb tv
>Surprised that some youtubefag shows off shit he gets for free in the mail
never said i was surprised, i know how their mailroom episodes work, anyone can send anything, i just liked the besh segment
no u
if you unironically watch tvb tv you are either brand new to guns or a fag
>why not both
i don't watch it for information, but for fun. if you don't like it you don't have to watch it, i just thought i'd share
where did you get that Florida patch
that's entertainment for me, but valuable information for you :^)
sure thing Alex
>Agreed. Either needs more spacing or just different font altogether
I REALLY want to have that font work, though, because it's from the game.
Even if it might be illegible in places, I'd prefer it myself- but I think I'm in the minority saying that.
I hope everyone's have a great and productive day.
Work canceled, so no!
What are you doing with your day?
If yall are some good boys, maybe.
Sticky's tummy is cute.
Collating yesterdays data from the /v/ halo thread
posting in the /a/ buyfag general
getting this month's patches together for a shot of what I picked up in August
and a quick reference for the marine designs:
So much shitposting
>people actually like 4 and 5's ODSTs
Sounds relaxing.
Thanks user, it is.
Power went out, though, so now I'm just working on adding loop backing to my backlog of patches that don't have it yet.
Give 'em hell for me, user.
She's in my frens! And my expectations have been blown away! She looks AMAZING and is 100% embroidered!
...Buns & Guns will be available as a patch and sticker in a couple of weeks! :3
Uncensored pic here:
>not merrowed
But I agree
Dicks. A large bag of them. Eat them.
It looks fucking great and I love it.
I like it