Is this tacticool?
Is this tacticool?
Her butt is slapacool
made for Arab cock
Quintessentially American post
Dont care, I'd suck a fart out of her ass though
>low test nerd thinks he's cool for not being attracted to women
lmao what the fuck is going on with western "men"?
I'll have you know I dream of pillaging and breeding with female specimens such as this
I just don't go to Jow Forums to validate my sexuality and especially don't make pointless threads baiting fapposters
Was this post supposed to make me think you weren't a faggot?
Because it didn't work.
hating things that are enjoyed by most people is a common hobby for 4channers. its also a good way to disguise their fox and grapes complex
cool senpai, you want to live in a reality where you're a strong alpha male who only has to worry about fighting because the modern world is too hard for you to succeed it.
then bend over baby, I'll show you how gay I can get
Lmao faggot haha
Mein gott
god i wish i was those pants
With pants like those, imagine how tight their groups must be.
Someone give these girls a proper rimming, ASAP!