Redpill me on pistol carbines

Redpill me on pistol carbines

Attached: outdoorhub-kel-tec-introduces-sub-2000-gen-2-plans-summer-release-rdb-2015-01-26_13-40-37.jpg (1000x583, 65K)

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And here's the text version for actual copy/pasta
I have lots of thoughts about things I just need the outlet to express the things I hate the most. as of recently I started a new hobby. I've been pretending to be retarded. I've created a persona to make stangers uncomfortable and embarrass my friends. some have chastised me for pretending to be retarded but like any good hobby I don't give up on it so easy. maybe as of right now I am merely a novice at being retarded but with practice I will easily be able to visit a retard camp or the special Olympics and be indistinguishable from the other retards. so far I've been getting my practice from leaving voicemails on this guy's phone and mailing him my finger paintings. he doesn't like it and doesn't understand it. maybe his wife will think he cheated on him and the woman he hypothetically cheated with got pregnant and tried to have an abortion but just got a retard kid out of it and he's been hiding it for decades. that's not my plan at any rate that's just what it might look like to his wife. I just need the practice. but obviously he doesn't like me but I think I'm decently good at being retarded because he hasn't retaliated yet too severely, probably because he thinks I'm actually retarded. but eventually I will progress to the point that maybe I could live that lie and see if I can destroy that marriage simply by being retarded. that's real power there. where being a retard has a real world impact. most normal people don't even have any impact on the world around them. and here I am being retarded, and changing the world.

Only blackpills and denial for PCCs

Just as good gone way too far.

What the fuck just happened

Attached: 1561392467437m.jpg (819x1024, 80K)

Meth, schizophrenia, psychosis, maybe all 3 or combinations thereof

Objectively worst than an actual rifle caliber rifle.
Does it really matter? Probably not unless you are getting into "self defense" situations at 300 yards against people wearing body armor.

em oh oh en
That spells

They're good for plinking and CQB.


I have lots of thoughts about things I just need the outlet to express the things I hate the most. as of recently I started a new hobby. I've been pretending to be retarded. I've created a persona to make stangers uncomfortable and embarrass my friends. some have chastised me for pretending to be retarded but like any good hobby I don't give up on it so easy. maybe as of right now I am merely a novice at being retarded but with practice I will easily be able to visit a retard camp or the special Olympics and be indistinguishable from the other retards. so far I've been getting my practice from leaving voicemails on this guy's phone and mailing him my finger paintings. he doesn't like it and doesn't understand it. maybe his wife will think he cheated on him and the woman he hypothetically cheated with got pregnant and tried to have an abortion but just got a retard kid out of it and he's been hiding it for decades. that's not my plan at any rate that's just what it might look like to his wife. I just need the practice. but obviously he doesn't like me but I think I'm decently good at being retarded because he hasn't retaliated yet too severely, probably because he thinks I'm actually retarded. but eventually I will progress to the point that maybe I could live that lie and see if I can destroy that marriage simply by being retarded. that's real power there. where being a retard has a real world impact. most normal people don't even have any impact on the world around them. and here I am being retarded, and changing the world.

I've made many many memes. you've likely seen many of them. some might be more familiar than you realize. being retarded however, I take seriously it is a real hobby just like anything else like guns or whittling. I have completely immersed myself into being retarded at will. I dawn two shoes of two different colors, one red and one blue, jeans with crayon marks on them, a Mickey mouse shirt with a hole where my belly button is, I religiously wear socks that do not match, one of which I wear knee high and the other no higher than the ankle. I have perfected the retard gait and stare, never making eye contact. and if eye contact is forced upon me I set myself into a fit of rage. I chant my retard nonsense like a mantra to myself, oblivious to anyone in earshot, and there are many. I am a retard, and it is my life.

Is this boymoding?

Very cost effective at the range compared to proper rifles and lots of fun and interesting designs from a collection/safe queen perspective

Attached: 20180102_184506.jpg (2560x1440, 1.06M)

This dude sums it up pretty nicely

Fun for plinking
>but not as quiet or cheap as .22s
Acceptable for defense
>but not as good as a rifle

the sub2000 is so fucking sexy but i heard some complaints about the disagreeable trigger

Unironically want this stamped steel brick, some one stop me.

Attached: jard 9mm pcc.jpg (750x400, 70K)

Mcarbo upgrades are highly recommended. Trigger is fantastic, metal rear sight, extended mag release and charging handle. Kinda sucks putting money into it right after buying, but the difference is insane.

Attached: Screenshot_20190823-230336.png (841x358, 267K)

I have the 9mm and second this. Mcarbo merch is a must for the sub 2k. I love this fun so much though.

you can use the stock as a scooper for kitty's litter box! Wow!

they're fun an cheap

sub2000 or Ruger PCC?
I like Kel-Tec in general, but the Ruger just seems slightly better value if I don't care about the fact that the sub2k can fold.

Pretty much sums it up

They're fun OP. No recoil, usually cheap to shoot, super fun. Great to shoot with the gf or newbies

i heard that all of those were absolute jam machines

In the sense you can pound fruit into jam with it?

Ruger all the way. Better quality build.

They piss of the ditch bitch buck angel good enough for me

hold both your arms out at shoulder height pls