I have a lot of surps on my list but I'm currently looking for Swedish Mausers, Type 38s, WW1 1903s, or M1 Garands. I'm strongly leaning towards a 1903 or a M1 Garand since I have no US surp. What are you looking for now?
My Swede M96 longboi is in the mail, should arrive Saturday. I'd want a M94 carbine next, or a Steyr M95 longboi in 8x56. Maybe a short Berthier with the sleek 3 round mag
Jack Bailey
>What's next on your list edition. I only have two Central Powers rifles in my WW1 collection. Unless a good deal on a Lebel crosses my path I think that will be my next direction.
Or putting my sporterized 1937 ERMA Kar.98k back in a military stock.
I’d really like a Krag, Luger, G98, or a MAS 49 or 49/56, but I need to stock back up on reloading supplies and various ammunition. So unfortunately that’s where most of my spare cash flow is going right now.
CZ-82, $200 on JG. Basically a czech makarov that is improved over a regular makarov in pretty much every way.
Andrew Gutierrez
I think i should pick up a nugget, for some reason i chose the steyr m95 as my first milsurp. are there any other old bolt actions or semi-auto rifles out there that are a pretty good price? ill be starting a new job soon and will start getting an actual collection going.
>what are you looking for now A job. Luckily, I'm financially secure and can make it 6 months easily, and a handful of years if I bust into the money I've put away for retirement. But still, that means I can't spend on guns. The bad news is all the jobs I want have ~4 month hiring processes and no one wants to hire a guy for only that amount of time, and I'm fucking bored. But after that, steyr Hahn and swiss luger. I'll be getting matching pistols for all my rifles.
Ethan Howard
P64 makarov. Updated license, forgot I have to wait 30 days. So I paid for it in full and will do the 4473 once I can. Even got a holster for it