Conceal carry thread

Hey, I'm talking my concealed carry class in two days, what am I in for?

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prepare for some punisher skulled faggot in some low rent place to give you a bunch of idiot fuddlore like "if you have a squib, bang the gun on the ground a few times" and "don't carry reloads because the cops will look at you funny" (actually heard at my CCW test)

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extra magazines, not reloads as in handloads, my bad

Infinitely based, drug dealing murderers, narcos and their gungrabber allies on suicide watch.

Several hours of classroom boredom covering basic shit and state law followed by a shooting test on the range a blind person could pass assuming you got them facing the right direction.

Pretty much this.

Got a new job where I have to tuck my shirt in. Are there any decent holsters for cc'ing with a tucked shirt?

Nope, do an ankle holster.

This was mine.

I used to work a job where I needed to deep conceal a gun with my shirt tucked in. I went for both a G26 on the inside of my strong side ankle, grip facing 1:00, and a .357 jframe in my weak side pocket pocket to maximize accessibility to one or the other depending on the scenario. No one even came close to finding out.

One alternative you could look at if you want to keep it on your waistline is a good belly band, but you'll have to have a tiny gun to make it work. I haven't seen a tuckable iwb holster that wouldn't eventually raise suspicion. Maybe something with an ulticlip would work with a belt over the top of the clip

>not having a Lee Loader, mallet, primers, powder and bullets as part of your EDC
lad, wtf are you doing with your life?

>tfw most knowledgeable person in my cc class
>table neighbors copied off my test
>teacher was former cop and impressed with my shooting
The most useful I've ever been in my life. I'd gladly take the class again.

What state?

is phillipines the only "pro" gun asian country?
except maybe hk people who are getting redpilled right now


Im leaning towards a pocket 380 if I can't make waistline work I'm a skinny fuck hard to pull off an ankle holster without wearing baggy pants

>instructor was a cop
>constantly telling us never to draw on anybody while also telling us how he draws on people all the time
>spent half the class trying to sell us a "tactical self defense" keychain
>told us that if a bunch of "gangbangers" are menacing you, you should wave your keys at them to scare them off
>every time the topic of rape or sexual assault came up, he'd point at the one woman in the class
>slideshow was stolen from the Utah conceal carry course, so half the shit didn't even apply
>slideshow was also full of gifs from The Matrix
>whole thing lasted five hours

This and maybe some helping some people who are completely unfamiliar with firearms who don't even know how to load a magazine/cylinder.
And have fun dodging people flagging you.

Ask about RIP rounds. No CC class is complete without one dumbfuck doing so.

>a cop
>>constantly telling us never to draw on anybody while also telling us how he draws on people all the time
and this is why it's important everyone cc

Roof phillippinos?

Sit in class bored, find out all the places you're not allowed to carry, wonder why you bothered doing it, pass easy peasy test

Hopefully a cake walk of you get a good instructor and don't have a class full of smart ass kids bragging about how they're getting a Glock after they pass the class.
My class was small, 9 people. The last two to walk in were these smug ass early 20's guys that looked like troublemakers to begin with. Constantly asking questions that you could tell they just wanted to be able to pull out a firearm and start shooting like they were in a action movie. The instructor would slightly scowl at some of their questions but answer them to the best of his ability, though as time went on you could see he was becoming irritated with the moron twins.
Words words words, everyone shoot two rounds, a few more words, congratulations you now have a certificate and the ability to conceal carry when you get fingerprinted and I.D.'d. I waited 96 days(I counted, should be 90 or less here in FL), been carrying ever since.
The experience was ok. It was cold in the room and I had dinner beforehand, so all I had to do was fight falling asleep due to the monotone instructor. Don't come off as a smart ass and take good notes, you'll be fine.

Depends on the state. In Missouri, it used to be that half the participants were black women. Now that we've gone Constitutional carry, you might be the only one in your class.

Mongolia literally has no gun laws

Not living inside an ammunition plant and never going outside. You wanna get your self killed boy?

Cc permits are for bootlicker faggots

wrong, you have to be a citizen by birth or naturalized for more than 6 years with a permanent residence and go through licensing and a mental health screening plus state a valid reason for owning it, self defense is not considered a valid reason unless you can prove beyond doubt your life is being threatened

>>told us that if a bunch of "gangbangers" are menacing you, you should wave your keys at them to scare them off

>be david attenborough
>doing documentary about niggers
>"little do people know, ignoble apes, such as dindus nuffinus, are easily frightened by shaking shiny objects"
>"watch as the group of dindus runs away from the man shaking his keys"
>chimp sounds
>"it should be noted that dindus nuffinus will steal any small shiny object they can, should they be left unattended"

Based retard.

Based retard.

Based retard.

Lots of reasons why you can’t carry everywhere you want to carry, why you’re fucked if you ever have to perforate a disenfranchised youth, and how you should keep a bankruptcy attorney on retainer

Our instructor told us they’re basically a fucking meme, as if anyone with a brain didnt know that

What state?

Mine was pretty sobering. Even if you are obviously in the right and you cap someone, the prosecutors will do everything they can to put you away because they want a feather in their cap.
2/3rds of mine was on the legal stuff, which IMHO is more important, because you should learn how to shoot on your own time.
I also signed up for US Law Shield. They and USCCA have legal insurance programs that will hook you up with an attorney in case you have to defend yourself. Your membership will pay for all your legal fees (which could be north of $50K otherwise). I have no shame shilling for this, because it's nice to have a Saul Goodman in my contact list.

I was thinking about 2nd call defense but need to research some more services


Holy shit flips are based

I'm dating a flip and her family are all p based Catholics other than her sjw sister. I gave her step dad a shotgun as a thank you gift for helping us out during some hard times and he has become one of my favorite people to drink with. As well I got her dad into guns and he just recently bought his first pistol because of me


I wish we could get galil "sniper" models.
Though I do wonder how you charge that thing due to bizarre charging handle and possible scope interference.

A true prophet of Jow Forums ladies (female) and gentlemen (male)