Board Discussion

What do you hate the most about current year Jow Forums?

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How absolutely fucking cucked it is and how 90% of the fags on here suck boot while shitting on the other 10%

Anybody posting ducks and perpetuating the tired schizo script

This is a F O R U M a place to pit ideas against each other not a place for unified opinion

But also this

Mentally ill motherfuckers randomly posting 3d or 2d "traps" or themselves in women's clothing for no reason, and gets a bunch of cock chaser (you)s, possibly from themselves samefagging, convincing themselves how welcomed and numbered they are.

Why not? We need a echochamber where we isolate ourselves away from the world and the rest of the internet.

That's why leftists dont do debates they get 100% BTFOd if they leave their hug box.
Strife is necessary

AR and Glock reductionism.

Off topic political shitposting regardless of ideology its all so tiresome


Anons can't resist political bait anymore, no matter how blatantly ridiculous it is. Jow Forumsacks fled their own board after the election and seem to be trying to turn every other major board into Jow Forums as well.

I mean I don't like the ghetto black communities in this country, and how our media defends their willful ignorance. But I don't want to systematically genocide them, and I don't think any reasonable person thinks it's a good thing that Mosque got shot up in New Zealand. But you still see obvious bait regarding that and dozens of Anons replying to it. If Jow Forums keeps this shit up we're going to get 2+2chan'd.

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4+Jow Forums'd, rather.

also, communists and other leftist trash like this faggot right here

Based and checked

Is Double Chan ever coming back?

>mean I don't like the ghetto black communities in this country, and how our media defends their willful ignorance. But I don't want to systematically genocide them, and I don't think any reasonable person thinks it's a good thing that Mosque got shot up in New Zealand. But you still see obvious bait regarding that and dozens of Anons replying to it. If Jow Forums keeps this shit up we're going to get 2+2chan'd.
Its the cowards way out to be an extremist, instead of compromising and coming up with a real way to make a situation better it's just "fuck 'em destroy it all"

Faggy anime only threads

SeeIt's even happening in this thread for fucks sake.

this fag

No one makes original memes anymore, literally everything in the past few years has been a fucking wojak or pepe edit.

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I want to go back to pre-2016 Jow Forums.

Pls, it was fun back then.

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Probably how ridiculously easy this board is to bait. It encourages people to pretend to be China/Russia shills and make talking about nearly any military equipment impossible.

>Trap threads/posts
>The never ending /ARG/ & /AKG/ circle jerk that hogs up at least 4 threads a day
>The general slowness of the board. It's the same tired old shitty bait threads and topics that's been done to death.
>people screaming MUH Jow Forums when politics come up

Idk, Jow Forums has just seemed to change for the worse last 3-4 years. I long for the days pre 2012. YOU DAMNED KIDS RUINED EVERYTHING

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WAAAAAH ITS ALL Jow ForumsS FAULT. Jesus Christ the dynamic between the two boards hasn't changed in almost 10 years

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>MUH Jow Forums when politics come up
How about bringing up politics at all? I was accused of being a scheming hebrew for recommending a flea treatment to an user ffs. The political shitposting is out of control.

I hate the commies and antifa losers that have been coming here lately. They don't even try to hide it.

>Weed grabbers

>everyone who isn't full 1488 pro-genocide is a communist
>[insert stale meme]
like pottery

Sick of tripfags, off topic shit like write fag and fantasy generals, trap/tranny threads and posting and this in denial regarding discord trannies and tranny jannies.

why are you so afraid to admit that you're a commie? it's obvious to everyone.

>Probably how ridiculously easy this board is to bait.
is it "bait" if you enjoy replying to it and derive something beneficial from it. i reply to bait all the time. i know it's bait. i don't care. i get some practice articulating and examining my opinions.

>obvious to everyone
I'm not seeing it

>Everyone who isn't a commie is 1488

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Those in denial*

AR general and gear queer being the most faggy tripfaggot circle jerks of any board, i mean at least they're contained but still i wish they could all be gassed

Interacting with you retards has convinced me red flag laws aren't such a bad thing. Go share boogaloo memes on facebook and get flagged, mouthbreather.

At this point they exist for our safety

>Not liking POCs
Pol get out

Don't forget Literally everything wrong with /gq/ with even less guns and legitimate leftist ideology. They belong on /fa/ but they were so autistic they were thrown out of there too.

The fact that anons seems to see everything as compleatly black and white. Either you fully hate something to the point that you are almost boiling or you love it so much want to fuck it.
The result of this is that anons still fall for the same shitty, obvious bait that has been posted here for 10 years.

That and Armatard.

the following posts and the conversation after it
>you are a commie/facist/antifa/bootlicker/cuck/jew because I said so blahblahblah can't hear you you dirty commie/facist/antifa/bootlicker/cuck/jew dilate have sex

this is what i hate most about current year Jow Forums

dial eight and have seconds

The disturbing seriousness with which people take the "trap" memes.
Posters calling "GB2pol" any time there's a mildly off-topic jab at [insert ethnic group here], which fucks the thread more than the thing itself, to the point where I have to wonder if it's not the usual BS and more a concerted effort to sow discontent.
Wildly off-topic Jow Forums shit. Come on, there's a whole board for talking about how much you dislike Juden.
>cope seethe seethe cope hurr durr cope seethe
The fact that moderation is seemingly random at best and punitive at worst. I've seen rational, reasonable threads re: law, court cases, gun control, etc. go on for hours and hours, then get moved to Jow Forums and thus get instantly rendered ridiculous.
Leftist bait threads, both the people who post them, and the people who dive into the deep end of the retard pool so fast they crack their skulls replying to them.
Authoritarian/cop/law enforcement threads, which just seem to bring out the worst in this board.
Using the word "meme" to mean "bad or dislikable thing," christ.

I actually like the Chinese subversion/propaganda threads. It's hilarious because they clearly think they are subtle infiltrators, but they stick out like a penis in a bowl full of nipples, and generally get rekt by Jow Forums.

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>Leftist bait threads

more likely its just people pretending to be libs to strawman so they can point and say "look, the enemy is among us!". everything is so fucking agenda-driven anymore on here

Obviously biased moderation. You can now get b& for less than PREMIUM QUALITY POSTING for replying with the chicom repellent WINNIE THE POOH copypasta to an obvious chicom shill pushing wish links all over a thread.
And I know political discussion is b& (this rule should be loosened since there's some developments that now represent an existential threat to the hobby and community, and everything associated with it), but it's very obvious the mods are giving higher priority to suppressing discussion of red flag laws compared to other forms of political discussion. I've seen them leave entire threads of Bigalow: Male Gigolo posts and and threads about proposed gun control bills that cite the text and number alone, but they will 404 actual intelligent discussion on red flag laws and their implications within minutes. Why are some forms of political discussion worse than others?

You, you fake schizo. You're always fagging up the place with your stupid duck pictures.
>INB4 I get told to dilate.

this is the work of tranny commies who are constantly shitposting on Jow Forums.

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The geese pics and schizoposting isn't a single user. It just became a running joke. I'm p sure the original schizoposter is long gone.

I'm sure sometimes it is.
Far as I'm concerned, that shit falls into three categories:
a) actual leftists trying to stir up shit, usually after someone gets shot on the news.
b) someone pretending to be a leftist in order to piss people off/bait
c) someone pretending to be a leftist, to refute the points they raised, as you mentioned.

This board takes the bait, every time.
You could probably start a thread right now with one sentence "gun control is good," no follow-up, and you'd get hundreds of replies.

Only way those Jow Forums refugees know how to argue is "I was only pretending to be retarded".

They say ridiculous shit as bait and argue with retards the entire thread, it's like spam.

You can't talk about fucking anything anymore without someone crying about unrelated or political bullshit to completely derail the thread.
>Mention anything related to Finland
Vatniks absolutely flood the thread with old photos of dead Finns scream about how the lost the war
>Mention anything related to Forgotten Weapons
Jow Forumsfags flood the thread posting shitty wojak edits screaming about leftists and satanism
>Mention anything related to Rhodesia
Leftists flood the thread screaming that Rhodesia was racist and evil and how we're not allowed to like a single thing they did.

It's all so tiresome, I just want to talk about guns and military shit and occasionally have some fun discussing ridiculous scenarios like how to shoot a hurricane to death.

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>t. Seething leftist

Flea treatment?!
I've had it up to here with all your Hebrositous Jewtograpy!

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oof why am i even here?

>Leftists flood the thread screaming that Rhodesia was racist and evil

lol what? i barely see any of this in rhodesia threads.

And of course there's another cock gremlin to take the original's place. Any thread that's even remotely civil with have a niggerlicious geeseposter ooze into it and start shitting everywhere.

Where the fuck have you been for the past three years?

*will have

I never see any concentrated leftist opinions on this board. Unless you count "I dont want to kill all gay and black people" a leftist opinion

I'm tired of all the glow-fags. I expected gov funded trolls to be higher quality.

i think you're overreacting to posters who talk about rhodesia in anything but a positive light.

Here's the latest Rhodesia OP in the archive, enjoy:

>Fergitted Weppins
Christ, the whole 'commie' thing still pops up every time. We just can't have nice things. The satanism thing is admittedly silly, but what effect does it have on the gun content?

Well, I guess we still have Steve threads, until someone decides to orchestrate a campaign to shit on him, too.

I've noticed that, too. But the other half is dick-riding by the Jow Forums crowd who seem to think that the reason Jow Forums likes Rhodesia is because their political stance on race/etc, instead of the fact that they used wits and tactics to undermine superior forces or when faced with outrageous odds. Rhodesia threads used to be a saving grace of this board, and now they're like boxed macaroni.

We do still get some good hypotheticals, though.
Weaponizing retards, how to arm Chinese dissidents on the cheap, how can we defeat the Italian Army with six dudes and a kiddie pool full of wet sand.

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posters like this are also a huge annoyance. glowposting is basically just self-induced schizophrenia.

call me a glownigger and prove me right

Happens quite regularly. Instead of aethetic photos getting posted it devolves into people refuting leftist nonsense about rhodies and then instead of the posts get pruned the thread gets deleted.

Leftist shill detected

Rhodesia had a political stance on race? It’s quite simple if you don’t like rhodie aesthetics then don’t enter the thread

I've actually seen people trying to start shit in Steve1989 threads, thankful right now it never goes anywhere but at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if even Steve becomes a forbidden topic.

>if you aren't here to post the same hundred odd photos over and over again then git out

>t. Glownigger

Yeah, correct. If you don’t like it don’t post in the thread. What was this Rhodesian race stance then?

Current? I dunno, but I hate the trap/tranny posting.
Also, give us one fucking general for all gun rights discussion, I don't care if it's gonna be a chaotic mess due to the nature of individual states law and then there's the federal, but holy hell this board is primally about guns and that shit should be allowed to be discussed on here.

Part of discord tranny d&c tactics.

Y'know, I chalked up most of the whining about glowposting as paranoia (double check your copy of the DSM) but the last couple of weeks have been brazenly stupid glow posting. Not even up to /k's standard of retardation with occasional interesting thread.

whats easier to believe, 4channers trolling eachother or a coordinated psyop by outside groups?

feel free to post the two who discord chat screencaps as if thats evidence.

to suffer

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We had a literal discord tranny thread on here yesterday with faggots posting their social media handles. Don't tell me there isn't a bunch of /lgbt/ subhumans fixated on appropriating this board as their faggot shithole.

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>feel free to post evidence
>as if evidence is evidence though
It’s a mix of both, though mostly shitposting when it comes to Ian and Karl.
People who deny the possibility of raids at all are naive or retarded. Or of course raiding themselves.

I hate the leftists more than the niggers because they're doing far more damage to country than Jamal shooting pookie

>Don't tell me there isn't a bunch of /lgbt/ subhumans fixated on appropriating this board as their faggot shithole.

this isn't a bunch of lgbt subhumans fixated on appropriating this board. literally to what end?

Because looking at New Jearsy and Califiornia and their laws has taught as anything is if that we Compromise they won't take (all***) of our guns away.
*They will try
**And will take anything to make guns
***And will make it illegal to think about guns.

We get it you hate anyone not white

These faggots are delusional and will try it because they see anything now sucking tranny dick 24/7 as literally Hitler.
They have been astroturfing communities since the early 00s. Most don't even do it for the agenda but just because they feel a perverted kick from getting the most amount of power they will ever get in their life.

This. Plus all the real extremists and federal agents moved here after 8ch got nuked. It won't be long now until either the same happens here or gookmoot dumps the archived posts with IP addresses and locations attached to them to save his ass.

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The use of "boogaloo"
even if it originated here it became a reddit abortion.
also we have the term "happening" which is much less cringe

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>boogaloo bad because i don't recognize it
>happening good because i recognize it

The fact that guns are discussed as being solely political accessories and not something that can be fun.

Because even the people that "shoot" guns don't do it for fun. Gear Queers only shoot a few mags to show how tacticool they are with their overpriced mags, pistol fags are mostly limp wristed so are ashamed to show their paper, and AK fags don't want to admit to lower mechanical accuracy.

imagine missing the point this much
go back to plebbit to post your "epic memes"

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You had no real point. You don't like the way one sounds compared to the other.
Boo hoo.

We get it, you hate anyone who is white

>I want Jow Forums to be reddit, maybe theyll implement upvotes so I can get internet points here
Summers almost gone you faggot, you can use the rest of it better than defending reddit to me

Jow Forums summer is more noguns than ever.

As video games become more realistic kids come here to talk about guns in those video games.

We should go back to the Halo days where "rifle" and "pistol" were unlicensed so kids couldn't come in here to feign expertise.

Geeks, especially college geeks. They don't get a lot of pussy, they don't have a lot of money so do stupid shit like buy a 3d printer to print a bunch of literal junk and claim it has anything to do with weapons and equipment

>Jow Forums summer is more noguns than ever.
There is literally no summer. Traffic doesn't change. The very idea that you think kids wouldn't access this site until it was summer is retarded as your stupid ass was probably here underage year round. You don't even know what the summer meme actually refers to without googling it. Jow Forums's eternal summer happened in 2007 and it's never going back to the days when it was obscure and new.