That was fast. Rumor has it that their LHDs are somehow cheaper and easier to build than their 054a frigates?? They have about 30 of those frigates. So we are expecting 30 LHDs too?
compared to what? they have x4 the shipyards capable of building ANYTHING they also have x6 the population this isnt fast this is natural progression
Michael Edwards
>building the entire amphibious assault capacity of the 3rd largest navy in the world (Japan) within a year >nothing to see here gwailo
Kevin Sanchez
Jow Forums 3 years ago >China can't build anything because reasons, USA NUMBA WAN
Jow Forums today >they have x4 the shipyards capable of building ANYTHING
That's some next level cope. Absolutely impressive in a pathetic way.
John Nguyen
>they have x4 the shipyards capable of building ANYTHING How is that cope? It's literally the current state of the Chinese shipbuilding industry relative to the US.
Jaxson Nelson
It is cope because for years you claimed that China can't build something and now instead of saying "I was wrong", you go "yeah but that's normal they have more shipyards and more people".
Textbook cope.
Matthew Baker
literally nothing to see only a fool that doesnt know about shipbuilding would think that china building military ships as fast as they build commercial one is weird.. i never stated anything like that infact i was being trolled over and over again for stating the obvious yes Jow Forums claims a lot of stuff when it comes to russian and china and 99% of the time they are wrong
china has surpassed south korea on ship building rates since 2015 like literally they get three times more contracts because they simply can built 2-3 ships at the same time
Leo Kelly
>If you want an image of the future, it is the prow of a chinese communist assault carrier stomping right onto your face, forever.
An evil carrier that assaults innocent people, compared to freedom carriers that spread freedom etc.
Brody Gomez
I'm not sure how much ASW optimized the 075 will be (i.e. the Japanese ASW carriers have gas turbines and 30+ knot speed, but no well deck for amphibious assault).
I think the 075 will be much more traditional in role, with Diesel engines giving it some 27+ knot speed and large well deck.
I feel like ASW is China's biggest weakness at the moment compared to the other navies in the region. My completely uneducated guess is that they're putting at least some emphasis on it in their design.
Leo Barnes
Actually, surface and subsurface ASW isnt so deficient anymore, China has a lot of ASW optimized corvettes (like 60+ Type 056s and 30+ AIP/SSKs), as well as some unique SWATH-hulled SURTASS catamarans that are literally the AWACS in the ASW world (pic related, the Type 927 ASW ship).
But in terms of airborne ASW, China is indeed far behind, with mere 20+ Y-8Q MPAs vs Japan's 100+ P-3s
Ach, so the l stands for landing then not littoral or whatever. Every day learning something.
Julian Brown
So much bugman samefagging here, why do any of you even TRY to act like you aren't chinks desperately trying to bignote your second rate shit that's decades behind the shit western nations don't talk about
i fully expect china to outclass russia in the next few years, if only for the fact that russia's tonnage is made up of mostly rust and crushed dreams.
Jace Butler
I still wonder why Russia is ranked so high in tonnage. They are hardly building anything over 4000 ton these days, and even when, it takes 10 years. Might be all those nuclear subs.
Brandon Roberts
mostly because the refuse to retired their stuff from the cold war days. just look at the kuz, that thing's become more of a barge than a ship these days and theyre still refusing to scrap it.
That's quite surprising, but I'm pretty certain it's also a bit inaccurate. Is this counting logistics vessels? A lot don't for some reason, despite them being crucial. I'm fairly certain once you add in all the support vessels China would be ahead.
Also remember Russia lost their carrier. They took a big hit on tonnage lately. Here's the linked source for the image. Looks like it doesn't include merchant shipping/logistics, and it does count the Kuznetsov as a commissioned ship.