FARC are back

FARC are back, who do you think will win jungle war 2 electric boogaloo, here’s hoping for some more jungle combat footage.

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Colombian commie hunt when?

all the money they made from the cocaine trafficking must have dried up
lol stupid fucking spic communists

Good! Peace is for pussies.

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That, and their communist patron to the east probably can't fund them anymore.

i thought they signed a peace treaty with the govermenent

bros what if FART and MILF were to join forces? just think of all the BRAAAAAP they could unease. terrifying

only answer could be Russia invading from alaska

Motherfucker. People didn't even bother doing anything about the next country over to the East of them, a proper state-level fuck-a-loo, and now you expect to get anything done about a fucking insurgency that's been going on for decades?

Never, that's fucking when. Even though I fucking hope impotent fucks like you would actually man up and get their asses over there, to end up dead and rotting within a week.

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I mean, the Colombians, CIA, and Bolsonaro all hate communists. I doubt we'd see overt US involvement, but I'm sure there's already been support behind the scenes.