I just got a job at a gun shop but I don't know much about guns, can I get a quick run down?

I just got a job at a gun shop but I don't know much about guns, can I get a quick run down?

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>got a job at a gun shop but I don't know much about guns
That's every gun shop employee, user

Just bullshit ur way through it.

I'm an honest man user

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Sounds like normal gun store employee. Be sure to call magazines clips, and clips are magazines. AR15 is assault rifle 15. AK47 is assault kolishnikov 47. Refuse to sell to anybody that argues with you and threaten to red flag them for having anger issues in gunshop.

>look at names of inventory
>memorize at least the common ones
>dont be afraid to ask questions to your superiors
>memorize ammunition compatibility
>if they ask your opinion, "I dont like to tell people what to buy because theres a lot of good options and varying opinions. Heres what people interested in _____ commonly ask to look at and compare it with"

Lmao It's not like your coworkers know anything either. This is like expecting a car salesman to be autistic about cars. Just sell the merchandise and you'll be fine.

I'm going to be more in the warehouse shipping out guns, I'm just trying to be able to talk about guns with co workers

Shotguns generally fire a spread of pellets and become more powerful as the gauge number goes down (12 Gauge > 20 Gauge) they generally use tube magazines that have to load every shell individually and are commonly pump action or semi automatic. They are valued for their spread which makes them very easy to aim and hit a target (moving or static) at close range.
Rifles generally fire one large and pointed projectile and are valued for their range and/or volume of fire. They are usually semi automatic or bolt action.
Pistols generally fire a small and round projectile and are generally valued for their concealability and portability. They are usually semi automatic or revolvers.
Pistol caliber carbines are rifles that fire pistol bullets. The upside is cheaper, quieter ammunition that won't go through as many walls, but the downside is a weaker projectile.
Lever action rifles fire magnum (more powerful) pistol rounds and have a tube magazine. They are valued for hunting and reliability, and are also associated with the cowboy image.
A .357 gun can fire a .38 bullet but not the other way around.
Bullpup is when the magazine is located behind the trigger. These are more compact weapons but they are usually not ambidextrous, more awkward to reload, and keep the action close to the face.
Look up companies and ammunition compatibility, but those are the basics.
Buy a gun yourself and start asking around for tips. The more you shoot, the more you'll know about firearms.
Hope your job goes well!

how does someone that's a noob get a job at a gun shop ?

What r ur hours ? , how much they pay u ? wat state ? Gimme ur job !

And to answer your questions just watch all paul harrel videos

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the most important thing to learn is firearm safety start with the 4 rules


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>I just got a job at a gun shop
>I don't know much about guns
Nice to hear you've found your home OP

If it's old or cool you have an obligation to sell it cheap as fuck to Jow Forumsommandoes

Just ask their opinion and stuff
Everyone is new at some point
I remember getting basic knowledge from complete fudd and expanding and making my own thoughts from there, surprisingly basics he told me are 98% correct.

This explains many of my gun shop experiences

Jow Forumsindness

You're probably going to get fired desu

Let me see the DDm4 v7 right there

> Hands you a Maverick 88

Fuck it I'll just go online

bumping on a real note.
Been working in the same restuarant for 2 years now with a year of experience before that. Still only making 75 cents above the minimum wage with an avg $2/hr tip out on top of that.
3 years of experience and 2 years seniority and the restuarant only thinks im worth 75 cents more than a hire off the street?
I need to find a gun shop job that I can work at on weekends during the school year.

>can I get a quick run down?
