At least they didnt shoot the dog

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Other urls found in this thread:

What are you doing and why isn't it rigging the door to tannerite

Sorry, mate, just fell in the lake by accident.
>yes, thats the lake, you can search it of course im not hiding it you can search whatever you like
Didn't realize they even made a semi-auto version in the first place.

>Although the firearm you purchased was semi auto we're calling it a machine gun anyways

The absolute audacity of these cunts

Attached: Percy.png (250x210, 55K)

If you turn it in you should turn in all your guns because you are a pussy

So what happens if you ignore the letter and say you no longer have said shotgun if they show up? Anybody ever had them visit with a warrant for something similar to this?

I mean, yeah, if you go that route, you're probably not keeping the gun in the safe where the rest of the normal stuff is, but just how hard does the ATF really want to pursue this? Like going through all the bullshit in your garage bad?


Its fun to tear up peoples property, not work. Especially if you dont need to clean up afterwards.

This can't be legal, right? OP if they sent this letter to you please update

>No reverse search results
Uh boys

it was hand delivered to me by a courier when i was out getting lunch. signature required

Tell them to C O M E A N D T A K E I T

Attached: Screenshot_20190829-155341~2.png (489x326, 20K)

>when i was out getting lunch
They knew what reataurant you'd be in?

go talk to a lawyer who specializes in firearm law. Not /k

It was advertised as semi, but my guess is it wasn't when he received it. It's a problem between 2 private parties I guess?

yeah ive been wondering that too. like what the fuck, did he follow me or something?

From what I've read on the forum where this was originally posted, it's apparently not about this thing firing full auto or w/e but about the serial no. and markings not being easy enough to read

How would the ATF know if the serial number is hard to read?

I would take the AA12 and hide in a big igloo and wait.

So, aside from difficulty with sheer numbers and representative butthurt, what prevents the ATF from issuing one of these letters to every AR owner because of coat hangers?

where did he get an aa12

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It's funny that everyone acts so tough and say that they refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws. But if they got this letter in the mail, or if they got a knock on the door, they would just turn their guns over. This is why nothing in this country will ever change, everyone is too much of a pussy to fight back.

>everyone's a gangsta til the alphabet bois kick in the door

Coat hanger isn't as easy as say, modifying an open bolt 'semi-auto' MAC 11.

ok really though i yanked it from that one boomer rifle enthusiast forum

Hell if I know, but it seems they're calling/visiting/raiding everyone and their mom to get these, dealers included
Post-samples are also getting confiscated

So did you receive a real machine gun ir not? This is retarded.

Is there any video on this?

I forget the name of the company, but I'm pretty sure there's someone making and selling them. I recall having seen an ad on some site.

This popped up on gunboards yesterday

>Search for "AA-12 ATF" to find more info and look if there's an official statement or anything
>Arf is the first hit
>Post more info in thread
>HURDUR Arfcomfag XD

Of course you don't go full armed reaistence, you dork. Only way that works out is if you have a wide base of support.

Damn near a centruy of prohibited substances in this country and people still haven't learned to stop flapping their gums. It's bonkers. It would be like rum runners posting flyers with their names and addresses along with all their stock.

“ATF has determined that the markings on the AA-12 are not accurate, and the manner in which the marking were placed is not in compliance with federal law.”

Your partner's asshole

And how did they determine this with out a physical inspection of the weapon in question???

hello blackpilled bong, according to they have lawyers helping them out right now. reminder that your country has and will never be free

They will turn your property inside out I'm not kidding. That's the bare minimum.
If they really want to fuck you I'm sure they can find it in their budget to have some dudes sweep your ground with metal detectors.

Will I get a letter like this if I order a m16 lower parts kit?

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>they have lawyers helping them out right now.
Another lawsuit that is going to go NOWHERE.
That'll show those ATF guys.

>yfw our government has become tyrannical
>mfw we're not doing anything about it, but letting them rape us whenever they want
Boys...come on

>wastes time browsing obscure message board, doesn't waste time posting link

They get a search warrant and rip up all your shit.

hey, it's something for now. this will get enough coverage and support from gun owners around the country (something you bongs never had and will never have). americans also have the assurance to fight back when a nation wide confiscation is executed (something you bongs never had and will never have)

Bruv, it has always been tyranical, since day 1. Shay's rebellion, whiskey rebellion, broken treaty after broken treaty with the Cherokee nation, strike breaking with federal troops.

I think it might be the very nature of government itself.

I think issue here is that it is open bolt, so they are right that it can be readily restored to machinegun capacity.

Whoch is the reason ours put the 1st and 2nd amendment in.

Converted to closed-bolt for civilian sales, also it's not about the thing shooting full auto when they're not supposed to. Full-Auto post samples, which are registered as such, are also getting seized

Hope you get a refund

Attached: atf full letter.jpg (675x900, 77K)

>significant legal restriction
>strict control
Hey now, I thought common sense gun reform was supposed to be unobtrusive to a law-abiding citizen.

it would be a shame if someone send unsolicited emails to those addresses

>signing for any document

do yo worst cracka

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It would be a Crim.

They come back with a warrant

Keep in mind as a tax payer YOU pay for the ATF to fight your court case.

You find them and pay to fight them

And the only reason they exist isnto make sure that citizens don't have full access to firearms because it makes the second amendment a real threat

What is this shit?

If the AA12 fires one shot per pull of the trigger then its NOT a machine gun.

>Especially if you dont need to clean up afterwards.
Why is that legal?
What would happen if you sent them a bill for unfucking all the shit they fucked/broke looking for something you don't have/they never found?

You dont need to tell us how much of a pussy you are user.

>shay's rebellion
>occurred under the articles of retardation
>"huur, let's just show up at the armory and take the guns to overthrow the government lol"
>"wtf, why is the local militia shooting at us?"
>whiskey rebellion
>illiterate bootleggers don't understand what representation is
>riot because they don't want to pay taxes
>army shows up
>everyone already went home
>the few people arrested are let go
So tyrannical, I'm literally shaking and crying right now

>what's a dragon dild-
>oh my god

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You can't. Agents of the states are immune from torts when legally enforcing a lawful order (in this case a warrant)
Rex non potest pecare.


Why are post samples being grabbed?

Theoretically no person owns them, legally the corporate entity that is legally considered a person owns them

But for the purposes of securing sales to legal channels

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>what are bumpstocks
>what are binary triggers (depending on state)
It's not like the words actually mean anything. They get to change the definition on the fly.

RIP in peace puppers

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What are the limits though?
Surely they can't just wreck your shit for fun, or drive a bulldozer through your house.

>let's just show up at the armory
And why were they showing up there, so upset, user?

> illiterate bootleggers don't understand what representation is
Bootleggers who had what as their primary occupation, and what were they being taxed on exactly, that proved nearly impossible to enforce?

> literally shaking right now
Essential tremor is no joke user. Get that looked at.

Fuck them

We're not talking about bump stocks or binary triggers

We're talking about a remake of a popular shotgun that fires ONE shell per trigger pull.

They can do anything and everything necessary to carry out the lawful order. In user's case that means, if they get a warrant to search for a gun in his house, they have the legal right to search every nook and cranny large enough to hide a gun or pieces of a gun (so pretty much everywhere and everything). They can tear up your floorboards and cut open all your furniture if they wanted to and you can't do shit about it from a legal perspective.
Isn't sovereign immunity fun? :^)

Those devices also fire one shot per trigger pull though.
That's depressing, to say the least.

Actually they just about can.
Look at the cars suspected drug mules use and how thoroughly torn apart they become. Do you think the driver gets reimbursed for the police disconnecting the transmission and cutting open their upholstery? Fuck no.
Those devices manipulate the existing action of the firearm to increase fire rate.
This is the equivalent to saying all ARs are now machineguns, just cause.

It's like having an AR lower with the third hole drilled. Can be readily converted.

>Do you think the driver gets reimbursed
Depends on the driver, his nationality, and how easily the PD can smear his reputation before he gets the locals all hopped up on injustice if he was innocent.

>Do you think the driver gets reimbursed
I suspect that has a lot to do with the driver's nationality, his appearance, and how much the PD can shit on his reputation before the locals get hopped up on injustice in the media if he was innocent.

What's funny is ATF has to approve it in the first place. Isn't it a little strange how they have a habit of happily letting civilians own certain items only to turn around and prosecute them for said ownership? Almost a little coincidental, no?

>why were they showing up there
Probably because the governing document at the time literally did not work, to the point that the government was actually unable to fend against Shays rebels themselves, it was stopped by private forces and the local militia
>their primary occupation
Most of them did it for side money, they were primarily farmers
>what were they being taxed on exactly
A luxury item, as many luxury items are
>that proved nearly impossible to enforce?
If it was nearly impossible to enforce (which it was even after the whiskey "rebellion", to the point that Jefferson just got rid of the tax during his presidency), why did they flip their shit and begin rioting? Why not just not pay the tax instead of reverting to autistic screeching over an unenforceable tax?

All 12Ga shotguns are Large Bore Destructive Devices, with administrative Sporting Use exemptions.
Such exemptions can be pulled at any time, with neither notice nor recourse.

The ATF can do whatever the fuck they want with shotguns, because they are already technically an NFA violation.

Ignore and prepare to kill them.

>right side-plate as the firearm receiver and a machinegun receiver.
Okay, so pop off the plate, send the plate, job done?
Optional: manufacture a new, possibly compliant plate.
What exactly constitutes the side-plate of an AA12?

It was a full auto on a demo letter.

>with neither notice nor recourse.
even the ATF can bite off more than they can chew if they piss off a bazillion boomer fudds.

That's not how it would play out. They already delegitimized the street sweeper, striker 12, and usas by name. They would then slowly move down the list name by name, rather than all at once. And no one will bat an eye.

No, they're saying it is full auto because it has the same receiver, would be like getting a semi auto AK with the third hole drilled

Why are the full auto ones getting taken then?

I could fucking care less. Take that shit and bury it 10 feet deep and kek loudly while agent boomers sweat their ass digging it up, and them calmly lament "Oh THAT'S where it went!"

All day everyday

And then you go to jail after they find it in 30 minutes after sweeping your land.

how is a semi-auto only weapon legally defined as a machine gun? Is this the fallout of the bumpstock rule change? Since you COULD bumpfire it it is a machinegun?

They won't need to sweep your ground to fuck you. They'll get a search warrant and tear the place apart until they find evidence you violated Title 127 US Code section 833, subsection 44 part (c) (iii) or some other such horseshit and haul you off to prison for it. Or they'll drop a bag of weed somewhere on your property and fuck you for that.

The only way they aren't fucking you is if you're some some of saint with literally nothing to hide, and nothing that can be taken to be illegal, and nothing that can be spun to be illegal, and your conduct throughout the entire process is perfectly blameless, etc.

Turning in the right "sideplate" (half of the gun?) would be your best bet.

I'm mildly shocked this company didn't submit a sample to ATF for classification before starting full production. After all, they went after other "evil" shotguns like the Street Sweeper and ruled them to be DDs.

Troll the ATF by burying a bunch of metal underground. In the meantime give your AA12 to a buddy to hide off your property.

I'm guessing you've never met anyone who's been raided by cops before? Even if it was a mistake or they found nothing and the person was innocent, they will fuck up all your shit. Cops, feds, could be about drugs or guns or computers or anything, they will destroy all your shit with no repercussions. God Bless America.

The one that was selling the closed bolt ones was Sol Invictus, but they haven't shipped anything to my knowledge. The letter said, BC Engineering, so different company. My guess as to why it's labelled a machinegun are either it is built on an original pattern receiver or it was open bolt.

I'm reminded of that old joke about the Mafia guy in prison, who told the cops that there was a body in his mama's backyard so they'd dig her flowerbed for her.

The one that was selling the closed bolt ones was Sol Invictus, but they haven't shipped anything to my knowledge. The letter said, BC Engineering, so probably different people. My guess as to why it's labelled a machinegun is probably it was built using an original pattern receiver sideplate.

1. >barfcom
2. sue the MFG for stealing your money
3. if needed let them sue the ATF for not providing clear instructions

Look I'm not going to defend the HA but if you're buying a semiauto version of a full auto rifle you have to make ABSOLUTELY sure it has no interchangable bolts or fire control groups. This is a big enough pain in the ass for anyone who owns a cmp m1 or m2, and a bigger pain for early milspec AR owners which is why most people buy .223 instead of real nato 5.56.