How do you survive jumping on a grenade?

How do you survive jumping on a grenade?

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Cuckime plot armor
asdafasfaf aie aie butterfly green black and blue makes domestic calls to take your fucking guns where's my samurai
Pic related is Jow Forums too look at the gun!

Attached: akthreadsyeahaaaayyy.jpg (513x800, 205K)

Based schizo poster

Have a big backpack, plates and luck.
There is at least one who managed to survive

Based schizo poster

You don't.

Luck and the availability of medevac or casvac (luck again) it's possible just rare

Who was this artist again?
Been forever since I read that shit

You can
>For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the First Battalion, Twenty-sixth Marines, Fifth Marine Division, during action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands 20 February 1945. While creeping through a treacherous, twisting ravine which ran in close proximity to a fluid and uncertain front line on D-plus+1 Day, Private First Class Lucas and three other men were suddenly ambushed by a hostile patrol which savagely attacked with rifle fire and grenades. Quick to act when the lives of the small group were endangered by two grenades which landed directly in front of them, Private First Class Lucas unhesitatingly hurled himself over his comrades upon one grenade and pulled the other one under him, absorbing the whole blasting force of the explosions in his own body in order to shield his companions from the concussion and murderous flying fragments. By his inspiring action and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice, he not only protected his comrades from certain injury or possible death, but also enabled them to rout the Japanese patrol and continue the advance. His exceptionally courageous initiative and loyalty reflect the highest credit upon Private First Class Lucas and the United States Naval Service.
Dude received the Medal of Honor and their building a destroyed named after him

by throwing someone else over it

Based schizo poster

Yea but did he survive?

you don't really jump on one if your main goal is survival

>Moving through a compound at night he felt a trip-wire against his leg and saw that he had activated a grenade. He threw himself to the ground, and used his rucksack to pin the grenade to the floor, and tucked his legs up to his body. He was thrown some distance by the explosion, but due to the protection offered by his rucksack and body-armour, suffered only a nose-bleed, perforated ear drums and some disorientation.

Yep, recovered fully, went on join the Army(82nd Airborne) after he left the Marines. He wrote a book(Indestructible) about his life, it’s a good read. He died in 2008, I met him in February that year and got a signed copy.

it's not the act of jumping on the grenade that's hard to survive, it's the explosion that's the real killer.

so if there's no explosion, there shouldn't be any reason you wouldn't survive jumping on a grenade


Nothing he did was intentional.

Damn. What a beast


>He survived a training jump in which neither of his two parachutes opened.

Basically luck

>survived 2 grenades exploding under his torso
>recovered fully

that is absolutely fucking insane.


grenades tend to explode though

Irrelevant, he survived a grenade. Q.E.D.

"Mr. Grenade is No Longer your Friend"

Based Yeah.poster

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Don't pull the pin

How do you survive stepping on a landmine and then later on
>seven major gunshot wounds, 28 fragmentation holes, and both his arms were slashed by a bayonet. He had fragments in his head, scalp, shoulder, buttocks, feet, and legs, his right lung was destroyed, and he had injuries to his mouth and back of his head from being clubbed with a rifle butt. A bullet shot from an AK-47 entered his back and exited just beneath his heart.
Was this man even human?

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Explosive of a grenade isn't that big. If the plates and backpack holds together, it stops the shrapnel.
Then its just a matter of not getting maimed or die from being launched.