What do my fellow Jow Forumsommandos carry in regards to an IFAK. Are there any pre-packed ones you guys like or do you build your own?
Lots of gauze and airplane bottles of Jameson.
Small alcohol bottles are underrated, they're both a disinfectant and painkiller. The morale support is just an added bonus. I'd advise clear alcohol though, not whiskey.
2 chest seals, tourniquet, NPA, z fold gauze, sharpie, TC3 CARD
Probably forgetting something off the top of my head
a fucking TQ. Tons of them .
Combat gauze is useful too. I'm assuming you're in the military and can swipe shit from work.
>t. an unattended layout's worst nightmare
I use a Ferro Concepts Dangler and the contents of the IFAK I was issued while I was in the Marines. I also keep an extra Tourniquet in my plate carrier
I make my own and get rid of the prepacked stuff, mainly have a bunch of band aids, moth balls and ear cleaners. Anything else is just extra bullshit you dont need and stuff thats shilled. They rarely ever use anything other than that on the battle field too
lbt 9022
My entire issued medbag. 2 IVs, TQs out the ass, chest seals out the ass, minor wound stuff, a bunch of combat gauze, minor surgery kit, splint stuff, burn dressings, you name it.
He said IFAK, not trauma bag, your 68W is showing
Why clear?
It mixes better
>mixes better
With blood?
Brown liquors have more sugar in them.
After you sterilize affected areas the alcohol evaporates and bacteria can feed on the left over sugar.
>sterilizes initially
>fucks your shit up harder if you don't get proper med attention
These are garbage. It doesnt hold very much, the velcro doesn't hold it in place when its empty, and when its full you can’t shut the damn thing.
Will the knowledge & experience I gain as a Hospital Corpsman prove to be valuable in a societal collapse/boogaloo?
Build my own, keep a light trauma pac on my kit which includes 4 chest seals, some hemostat, clotting gauze, gloves, chest decomp needle, NPA, some other shit im forgetting, then 4 tourniquets in various spots on my kit. Buit it myself.
I keep more comprehensive kits in my car and at home, but just that trauma pak does me good on kit
Build my own, keep a light trauma pac on my kit which includes 4 chest seals, some hemostat, clotting gauze, gloves, chest decomp needle, NPA, some other shit im forgetting, then 4 tourniquets in various spots on my kit. Buit it myself.
I keep more comprehensive kits in my car and at home, but just that trauma pak does me good on kit
do anyone in this thread hold a valid first aid cert or have plan to work on one?
I do. I work construction, it’s mandatory.
Holy shit.
Do neither of these things.
Booze will absolutely not sterilize a wound. Even if it did, that's not how you should be sterilizing. Irrigate thoroughly with sterile water. Most importantly however, an IFAK is not worried about sterilization. If you have time to worry about that, you should be passing them up the chain to someone much more capable and equipped than you are.
ABSOLUTELY DO NOT GIVE A BLEEDING PERSON BOOZE. Alcohol is a blood thinner. It will increase the bleeding, and decrease clotting factor.
Jesus Christ. This isn't the wild fucking west. There is nothing cool about bleeding to death because you were too stupid to educate yourself.
I'm an EMT
The booze is not for the one who is bleeding.
More than that.
My IFAK is usually pretty beefed up.
>CAT TQ (2)
>QuickClot Z Fold(1-2)
>HyfinVent Chest Seals
>Pen Light
>Chem Light (for nightime IFAK use)
>2x NPA (28fr and 32fr)
>2 Triangle Bandages
>2 pairs of Nitrile gloves
>Roll of clear medical tape
>Roll of coban
>2x2 Gauze (3)
>4x4 Gauze (2)
>Misc Bandaids
>Rolled Bandage
>10cc Saline Flush (2)
>IV Lock Set (2)
>IV Catheter (18g and 20g)
>Venous TQ (1-2)
>Alcohol Prep (2)
>Trauma Shears
This all fits in a pouch like the one in the OP pic. Pic related is my set up. If anyone is curious what certain things are for I can answer in replies.
I put together kits for me and friends,used 200 round saw packs to hold the stuff.I have in each 3 cat 7's/chest seals/gauze/clotting gauze/bandage roll and pressure rolls/regular boo boo band aids/mylar blankets/antibiotic gel tube/8 disposable gloves/mylar blankets.
This is small/molle compatible if wanted/can easily be carried from truck to where working ect.I have a few and made others for gifts,about 80 bucks a setup but got good quality name brand cat 7's which cost about 18 a piece themselves.Each kit contains a small pouch with shears/tweezers/light ect.
These are just buy some time/hopefully stop bleedout kits till folks with more gear and traing arrive/can be located.
I feel all should have one at minimum in vehicle and one at home.
Why do you have shit for an IV in your med kit.
For IV access to treat for shock following extreme bloodloss. The more blood someone loses, the harder it will be to get an IV later on, so getting one early can help with treatment further down the line, and allows for you to give fluids. I don't keep those in my belt kit though.
I gave this a bit more thought(& morning coffee!)and actually feel probably cost me more like 130 a piece setting em up,cats 18 a piece/pair of chest seals 15 I believe/tool kit pouch 15/,yep adds up quicly even buying multiples of stuff.
Any posters here have any sources for bulk buying that tis not junk would appreciate the info.
You mean to tell me, you ain’t never been so hungover that you would willingly take an IV? What, are you a pissy?
I got first aid/cpr certified online and the main lesson was "alert authorities, perform cpr/aed as necessary"
While valid, I was hoping for more in-depth trauma care. What's a good resource to learn these skills?
I just larp for fun, but I do have.
>Critical Care Paramedic
>Flight Paramedic
>I get sent to a Tactical Medical Provider course once a year (2 week long) and renew my TCCC-MP during that time.
>15 years of field experience
Still fun to larp.
To poster asking about training you live in smaller town with volunteer fire/rescue they might pick up emt cost and hope you will volunteer a bit.
FEMA does offer some citizen courses for free online and sometimes more actual hands on.
You have the time(about a month full time) and the monies(about 4 grand) you could take a WEMT course(wilderness emt).You would get some basics of first aid in austere conditions which would certainly apply to a man made/natural disaster of epic proportions,good luck with whatever you find.
Yep, I'm a pussy
Yes and no
>In Navy
>Get food poisoning
>Up all night shitting and vommiting
>Have security training the next morning
>HM gives me an IV first thing in the morning
>Brings me from dead to walking dead
>Get my ass kicked while practicing knee elbow and baton strikes
Never go to on base tacobells
Or any tacobells
My IFAK is a work in progress, currently have
2 rolls of gauze
Pressure bandage
Large self adhesive bandages
Antiseptic cream
Antifungal cream
Foreign object removal kit
Trauma shears
Plan on getting combat gauze, chest seals, triangle bandage and assortment of meds in single use packages
It's not strictly a trauma kit, want it to have supplies for more common less serious medical issues
which pouch is that
as insurable as I think emt's are for constantly reminding every one they're emt's, are any of you even qualified to use these thing?
I hate you all, as individuals.
>hurr durr CLS BAAAAD
You should; start now if you haven’t
Actually attend a class; STOP THE BLEED, wilderness first aid at your local ranger station, volunteer for FD etc.
Did you compete in the TSSI best TacMed this year?
Do yourself a favor and figure-8 a ranger band through the elastic instead of 2 strips of duct tape.
No idea what that is. I enjoy the tac world stuff, but I have to balance my time between structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, instructing paramedic school, straight up urban EMS and tac med stuff.
It’s fun put its mostly LEO guys and the token fucks like me they invite to have at least a couple teams that didn’t have to buy their own cammies loitering around.
Haha, the SWAT team I'm working with is provided gear. We are in the process of putting a medic on, hence my interest. I am crossing fingers I get to be the fool in a jumpsuit, but I doubt they will get me one.
The jump suit is the way to go though.
Some cheap shit on Amazon. I think Orca Tactical
What do you want to know?
This USGI kit plus some booboo stuff
Since we have you, care to supplement the info you gave us from your screencap? Stories and such would be rad as well
Can't you just give them caffeine to balance out the alcohol?
Your best learning will always come from experience so I strongly advocate for getting some certifications and putting yourself where you’re most likely to learn. If you have a specific topic you want expounded on, I’ll do my best.
As far as stories go, it’ll be a minute before I’m back in front of a computer but I’ll let you pick:
>the diabetic defense contractor
>the Kurd with 4 brown eyes
>black man blacker thumb
>circumferential is too big a word
Short answer: no
Any civvie-tier provider you'd recommend? I'd be getting certs mostly for jollies.
Hit us with >black man blacker thumb
Bugs like that sugar, too.
No thanks to waking up to maggots
Been using one on my hiking pack for 2years now. Holds all it needs to. Why would you give a fuck what it does when it's empty(who carries an empty IFAK)? Stays closed just fine when full even when I fucking fall down like 100ft of steep trail.
Wherever you are: there’s an EMS program. If you’ve got money to drop and an education to pursue: go for it. Get Nationally Registered and volunteer or work if you don’t hate it. Branch out to ACLS, PALS, PHTLS, NRParamedic, CCT, the list goes on.
If you just want to LARP and have the money to do so, you can take a TCCC course and get spoken at too fast by a guy who works for a company that claims it’s staffed by “former Special Operations Community Members”
Those classes aren’t bad and they’re ok for people who don’t do that shit every day but it doesn’t really extend past basic CLS which I’m fairly confident you could teach over Skype with properly motivated students.
Yeah but most guys just have experience with it through RFI and it does suck in country when you’re a muddy mess half the time and a dusty mess the other half.
Yeah my opinion of it might change if I was living outside. When I bought mine it came with 2 TQs and 2 TQ pouches so it was a breddy good value. The TQ pouches are probably my favorite thing about the setup you can get a staged TQ out of one fast as fuck.
Depends on the program. When I go to the TMP/TCCC course annually its 8+ days depending on how they schedule it and students are picked based on resumes. No joe blow can go apply. It's a private school as are most.
Why yes, why no?
I guess he could take a TECC class wherever it’s offered. I’ve never seen a TCCC-AC course that was particularly exclusive. If you’re doing BCT3 or some kind of culminating event, maybe. What company does your outfit contract that it screens classes by resumé?
Yes if you learn and retain everything and try and learn more.
No if you’re a vitals monkey
Requires an active working Paramedic and above. Agency sponsored. I wont go into details so as to not DOX myself.
The issue I have with ACLS and other merit badge courses is that its supplementary and more a refresh/update to guidelines. Without clinical care experience and or ongoing training/work the information is easy enough, but useless.
Got it. How do you like it coming from the .civ side?
I’ll take devil’s advocate: it keeps hobbyists under a ticking clock, thereby hopefully fostering some sense of urgency in continuing education. I agree they’re a pain in the dick when you actually work for a living but thems the digs.
I have no complaints while working, shit maintaining FP-C and CCP-C and all those additional certs like NRP and the ASTNA stuff along with NAEMT is just good review. It's the fact that I also have to do the fire certs and task books. I'm not complaining though.
The issue I have with hobbyists, is it comes to a level, I believe anything after basic, that requires you make it a career and not a hobby to stay proficient. I instruct paramedic school and work at a university. What is considered entry level is abysmal at best and all the schooling and all the classroom time cant fix that, its experience based. You cant have a hobbyist neurosurgeon, I strongly believe you cant have hobbyist pre-hospital providers once you pass the basic threshold.
TCCC Is boringly basic. The program I go through focuses on team work, tactical movement and MCI management. It's why I do the 8+ day program as opposed to the three day classroom essentially refresher. Alot of the topics and scenarios we run are flavored civilian tactical. Hotel lobby with multiple hostages, office building bombing, etc. Its good in that regards as it's something very real that could happen.
Have you done CONTOMS?
First and foremost, If you have to ask other people about what to get, then what you need to "GET" is training
but once you do, figure out what you want/need this is where i shop
It always has to be something else to keep life interesting. WTBT all the way up to SFUAC. It’s just more information and more reps.
I do think you can have a ‘hobbyist’ first responder, though. Plenty of loggers in S&R etc. so long as they can make sure air goes in and out and blood goes round and round.
I’ve only ever done the EMT-T and CONTOMS as part of pipeline and pre-deployment training. Most of the time when my teams or I do civ courses we just go through the motions while different jobs stand aghast at our SOP’s. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. The trauma team one was the best. I legitimately didn’t think about obtaining consent or confirmation, I just assumed the PT was an HIV-free Adult Male aged 18-35 with a resting heart rate of 40 and NKDA like most of my patients in that environment.
The civilian side is whack. Just the overall differences. I was sitting in a TCCC program where the scope and knowledge was all over the board and we all carried the same credential. Going over surgical airways and I'm thinking to myself, "I did one last week". Many of the guys blew it off as there was no way in hell they would be allowed to ever do one. It is a different animal for sure.
Ok. I signed my contract...putting all my faith into going FMF
I’ve noticed. Opinions and heuristics are pretty Helter Skelter too. Are you one of those dudes who considers a cric a “failed tube”?
nothing. my partner is a medic
Yes, If only for the civilian perception and our culture/protocols.
We perform RSI, I have video layngoscopy. Going from least invasive to most, we have options. I get the cric first combat sentiment, but that's austere environment, usually less equipment and manpower, higher acuity patients by the time someone with that skillset gets to them and less liability + more experience in that skill.
I believe we take airways earlier on and more aggressively because we have the resources and the space (nice well lit ambulance, paralytics, sedatives, narcotics, hypnotics, dissasociatives) so attempting oral or (nasal intubation when indicated and appropriate on medical) is preferred. In the case of trauma I believe with the manpower and the right tools there are very very few patients you cant orally intubate, but having said that there have been some and i have performed a cric.
I have only ever opted to cric a guy right off the bat once, and as he went into traumatic arrest it didn't matter. I had enough other stuff to do and an EMT was able to use a king which worked.
Nice. I agree it’s all situational. I’d love to be able to carry all manner of PFC equipment but that’s all mission dependent.
About the neatest thing I got to lug around was an ultrasound/12-lead/multp that was essentially a windows tablet with different attachments.
Now, if I’m recce/lrrp/raid-ing I’m absolutely opting for whatever I can carry 2 of for the weight of 1. EZIO/FAST-1 instead of the humdrill, hextend instead of blood products, pre-drawing suspensions, etc. Wasteful when you don’t use them but fucking awesome when you do.
Good on you, making the EMT’s day.
Nothing better than training and giving folks opportunity.
>if I'm good on intubations for cert cycle letting the EMTs use an alternative.
>if I'm good on IVs for cert cycle letting the qualified EMTs start my lines.
>letting my EMTs waste drugs for me to practice drawing meds (they can use narcan and epi drawn up but dont get much opportunity)
>letting my EMTs run my ALS calls (with supervision) and give the trauma/medical team the report.
Essentially every day for them is like Paramedic school. It makes stronger, more confident EMTs.
That the Philips product? I got to play with one. Nice! Sure makes the LP15 look like a brick.
Dubs of defining the next generation. I love training up junior medics.
It was basically a ruggedized “Army-er” lumify with some kind of proprietary/encrypted/dontletisisseeyourinsides tablet.
This is a great way to do it. I worked full time on a first out 911 ALS and Critical Care Transfer rig. Ran a lot of good calls in that time. That gave me the experience to where I'm super comfortable running lead on critical calls as an EMT-IV Tech w/ Supraglottic Endorsement while we wait for medics. We just added DuoNeb and ODT Zofran into our BLS protocols as well.
Black Man - Blacker Thumb
>be doc
>chemical weapons are apparently still an issue
Correct: that means every 18 year old douchenozzle with a GT of 33 gets to hold two magical pain-pens that will totally save their life when the terrifying visions of the CBRNE slideshow attack.
Keiwan Majurkaderk, most recent graduate of the "fellow white person" Fritz Haber school of chemistry has just watched MacGuyver, Season 1 Episode 3 and has himself a fantastic idea
>be bombmaker
>make extremely crude chlorine gas
>how to kill infidels with it
>bow to the prophet Al-Richard Dean Anders'Son
Our patr...what am I saying, our movement to contact was textbook, as always, until the fox notes a small, yellow object.
>be janitor bucket
>but today, my smelly brown owner has sold me off to an equally smelly and brown man
>his hands feel disgusting
>if only he would fill me with some caustic substance and be done with it
>he still left his disgusting snot-rag on me
>what's it full of?
>i-i don't feel so good
>be PL
>leading from the front but petrified of chemical warfare because I've been in the Army all of a minute and just got another powerpoint about CBRNE before I came to this platoon.
>hear fox call out object
>stare at my Rite n' the Rain trying to decide if I should send up a UXO report and wake EOD up for the 50th time today
>wait, what was that?!
Everyone has donned their masks and has a brief moment of, "guess it's really happening, huh?"
>be PV2 Token
>consider my life over
>everyone told me this would happen
>I'm sorry, momma, I didn't mean to get 'et up by gas
>Did I get my mask on fast enough?
>better reach for my...ow, what the fuck?
>I-I don't feel so good
Sorry not following this?
Did he 2pam his thumb with the autoinjector?
The "device" was gently spilling smoke like a Halloween decoration more that 50m out in an open courtyard.
PV2 Token has stumble-fucked his way into stabbing himself in the thumb with the business end of his atropine pen.
>be PV2 Token
>my midnight-nigerian thumb has a vantablack bump growing on it
>better hide it, don't want anyone knowing i pulled my reserve with that pen
>get the sweats
>get over it
>conspicuously hide my hand whenever anyone addresses me
>get caught
He was actually pretty lucky. At first I was worried he had nicked or stuck the bone. He only wound up with a nice chunk of necrotic tissue.
>be doc
>angry I have to use 20mg of Ketamine on dumbass private because his leadership can't deal with just holding him down
>have to hold him down anyway because I'm not blowing any paralytics on this fucker
>excise until the good blood flows
>scrub the fuck out of the tissue
>after the second time, switch to digital block
>repeat and monitor for the better part of three months
>get resupply that includes betadine scrub brushes
>stay angry
Through the miracle that is the human body, granulation continued for months and months to the point that he had a normal, albeit scarred thumb to continue playing 2K with to his little heart's content.
the 2-pam is the Pralidoxime, but yeah, basically
Auto injectors are the worst. I work with a guy who has a booze problem and was in a position he should not have been as an instructor. Great resume, underlying issues. Anyways, teaching some lay public first responder class drunk as a skunk after we had gone out for after shift beers, he stuck his middle finger with an epi pen. He no longer has half of his epi pen and he no longer drinks, mandatory rehab.
Phone typing fuck up. "Had a drinking issue" no longer has "half his finger"
Fuck, it hit me just now that I'd be a "hobbyists". I really want to learn how to help someone that's injured, to whatever degree, but there's no way in fuck I'm giving up my 45 dollar an hour IT job to do that.
What courses should a chode like me take? My wife and I are looking to have kids soon, so I know I need some pediatric shit.
The same ones, it’s just up to you to stay current. It’s doable to an extent. Maybe not to a brain surgeon or even CCT extent but even knowing when something is fucked up enoigh to pass higher is an important skill not not everyone possesses. Simple shit like knowing where the hospital you prefer is and how long it takes to get there along with having basic first aid supplies handy, even when you’re out and about.
Your average mommy/daddy Classes will go over how to not kill your baby and anything above and beyond that is on you.
I'd recommend a first responder course. Every state differs. There used to be a red cross first responder but it's my understanding that ended a decade ago. Where I am there is a state curriculum and registered credential for first responder. Its 3/4 of an EMT-Basic course but far easier to maintain and heavily utilized by rural volunteer fire districts that must have medical but dont want the hassle of EMT.
I instruct laypeople CPR and work through an ASHI training center. ASHI have a first aid course primarily for employment (school teachers, industrial workers). We do it in 8 hours and it includes CPR.
It really depends on where you are and what is available.
I don’t know how it is in other states, but to get even a basic level EMS cert in my state you have to be a FD member to be trained.
So I am planning to go on extended bicycle tours of around 30 miles and partly at night and decided that I needed a small but efficient one man trauma kit. This is what I got so far, please rate:
Cat 7 TQ, T3 Israeli bandage, S gauze, gloves, Uriel bandage and a rescue cutter.
What purpose does that fulfill from a TCCC standpoint?
Bandaids, gauze, tape, antiseptic ointment or iodine.
That's major trauma stuff, but you are more likely going to get cuts/scrapes.
Judging by the size of that vial and knowing common concentrations, respiratory.
In huge dosages it was used for TBI, but that has gone by the way side as the data was bullshit and proven falsified.
It has other uses, but I'm guessing in the field, respiratory.
Second guess would be complications of blood transfusion, but that's not enough. I'm sure he has more.
Oh yeah I have got 4 bandaids and 3 anti septic wipes stuffed in the outer packaging of the Uriel bandage, forgot to mention that.
Tape I don't think I need since all of the bandages are self adhesive/fixating. But I might put some duct tape or medical tape on a small piece of cardboard anyways, good idea.
Friend of my father just had a bat fly in his face on last Sunday while biking, panicked, used the front instead of back brake, flew over the handlebar and had one end of it pushed in his stomack, fracturing his liver and breaking his hand.
>had a bat fly in his face
He must have been going like a sonfabitch in 10th gear downhill or something, because bats don't do that. They don't even give a fuck about cars.
Yeah he was going downhill right after dusk set in in some rather remote area with old and abandoned barns very close.