From today's police blotter

from today's police blotter

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>if you're drunk they can take your guns
Jow Forums btfo

post source now please, and tell me this is fake

It could be fake, but I've seen this kind of thing happen before

Once he sobers up he can probably get them back

>the enternal roasty strikes again.

It's believable and honestly, I'm ambivalent and you probably would be too if you ever had to live next to alcoholic/junky shitheads who routinely get police visits for domestic disputes. I have no problem with that sort losing their guns.

As you wish.

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t. magatard
hopefully once you realize that this is Patriot Act 2.0 and 95% of people having their shit seized through ERPOs will never get their guns back you will oppose this stupidity

Fuck off, bootlicking faggot. Shall not be infringed.

On the bright side, if he was suicidal, he is probably homicidal now instead.

Jesus Christ if I woke up from a blackout and my guns where gone ide dig up my solvent trap gun armor and hidden cache of tannerites and 37mm launcher.

Jesus Christ these people be playing with fire.

Woah there, user. Sounds like your mentally unstable and a threat to yourself and/or other. Don't worry, i submitted a red flag order with the local judge. The police should be at your door to collect your guns in a few hours :^)

Stop doing meth and getting drunk and yelling at your skank wife, Cletus.

>letting fucking roastie whores into your life
>letting fat shitting from their nigger asshole your fucking life pussy drama cocksuckers who can't stop guzzling nigger tadpoles and shitting out aminos get your guns taken away with their word over yours in the age of medical puckerfaced asian nurses trying to claim i'm suicidal when I just mirror society and their shit-tier humor
YOU IDIOT!!! ::D YOU, IDIOT!!! And no fucking traps either. All you homos try and plug your faggot fetish, claiming cluster B psychological disorder hairless twinks that stink like men are better than women. Have you seen a custard mouthed arab girl who isn't donning a hijab? Fuck your mercy!!! When I asked my father about the rabbit cruelty at the Swap Meet, he told me their lives don't matter because they fucking stink. What did I just say about traps? Hmmm???
When I hear dank meme roasties merge the reference of the John Wick 3 Andy Williams "The Quest" song usage with honkler memes, in the composition of "honk the impossible honk I'm the honkler", I blow up and burst, and not in the sexually submissive way. They think I'm gonna pop and make their tits dart around like a mad bumblebee? They're wrong, and my society.
You can't stop me beta male jannies, my quad stack MPX magazines are quad stack because of the structurally weak transparent plastic they use to appeal to COD kiddies causing the walls of the mag to be so thick.

I'm not keen on thick thighs since obese goblina face fat called the police on me when I went on a cuckime rant, and I had to see those FAGGOTS in black ask me to step outside. No I haven't gotten the fuck over it, and I have infinite power.

It's a real critical eyeballs war out there. Watch out. I might be dead, since I'm heating the fuck up and dying.

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Except the guy didn't do any of that, all that happened was he was "suicidal" whatever that means. This easily could have been an innocuous comment he made to his wife who took it the wrong way.

That's it. I'm gay now. Woman have officially proven that they're not worth it.

I'm willing to bet there's more to the story and the cops know this couple well.


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You're not gonna do shit cause you ain't shit pussy

based schizoposter

You could easily be right, but there just isn't enough info to make either assumption

>man is drunk, has fights with wife, but no domestic abuse
>wife willingly lies about suicidal tendencies
>cops see through this but cops take guns anyway

Please user, not again.

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So fucking what? It's not illegal to be drunk in your house and it's a violation of the 4th amendment to take someone's shit for no reason.
All you fucking bootlicing apologists always swarm these threads and say shit like this.
>uh but da cops probly knew somethin we don't
Then they should have put that in the fucking blotter because this makes it seem like they're anticonstitutional shitheels who steal people's property without due process.

I want those tits in my face

He'll get his guns back once he sobers up. Hopefully this helps him realize that he's made some bad choices and that he needs to stop drinking and get a divorce.

>man commits no crime
>cops steal his property
Oh that makes it so much better

wait until you see this

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SeeHow's the boot taste?

Stop opposing open borders and and donate to dems and maybe you can keep your guns.

ok boomer, tell me when he'll get his guns back? Wait, they were "lost" in evidence? Too bad.
read again moron

If you have your guns anywhere police can find them you deserve what comes to you.


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I guess my shitpost hit a little close to home. Fix yourself.

>for safety

The stormtroopers have taken your blasters in the name of safety you rebel scum

Oh it's from Canada
That explains it
Our country is shit

>it's okay for agents of the state to steal your property without due process so long as you learn something from it

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gib bob

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>leaving the keys to your safe out, or where your wife can find
>letting your wife know the code
leave her a piece for protection, then keep the good shit locked.

No I don't think I will