What is the best weapon for home defense in a hurricane?

What is the best weapon for home defense in a hurricane?

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The best weapon is the one you have.

a nuke

Hurricane, become the stormlord

a hand gun of your choice in your budget or an ar 15 or AK



22lr. It bounces around the eye of the storm, destroying everything

A bunch of signs saying free Nike shoes directed at the houses of people you hate

This. Just about anything that goes pew pew pew will get looters to remember they have very urgent appointments somewhere else.

Mosin Nagant w/bayonet to gut the "URBAN" horde coming after your goods. 1911 A1FS for close quarters.

There was a great thread on pol a few years ago about hurricane katrina. Plenty of boogaloo stories with home defense weapons. One of the few non-shit threads over there in recent memory.


If it's just in your home, AR. If you're going to carry it, get a ccw pistol. Also, seal off your place as much as you can and avoid low ground unless you have a boat.

A mop so you can mop up the water


>the myth of asians liking guns


I have never had to defend my home during or after a hurricane.

What are you talking about?

A broom with a knife at the end of it.

If only you could somehow generate large amounts of wind and rain to keep people away from your house...

THE BEST weapon is probably the same weapon for any situation you might need to shoot people, a semi-automatic rifle with a magazine that holds 20-30 rounds. However if your main concern is criminals and looters any gun will probably suffice. The roof koreans held off the fucking apex chimp out with hunting rifles and shotguns.

That's worth it if you can hit the mother fucker. Otherwise, it's a gamble.

A broadsword

some battlerifle.
>puts holes in niggers
>puts holes in your walls so the water can drain

i'll rig up traps around the outside of my house. basically a series of tethers hooked to large tarps. If you step into the trap the tether makes you and the tarp one. Then the tarp is released into the winds carrying your screaming flopping frame into the wild yonder.

A car with enough gas in it to take you at least an hour from the coast.

One that you wont let the local PD confiscate.

LMAO @ nogunz lives

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10 kt tactical nuke

The hurricane.


AR or AK any scary black rifle will do.
Or some plywood with a picture of a scary black rife on it.
Even anything that looks like a scary black rife will do.
Failing all of this, an old truck and an engine hanging from a tree.


That was from the LA riots u tard

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