Did Prince Harry kill anybody during his service?

Did Prince Harry kill anybody during his service?

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Yes. He killed many.

His anal virginity. Hardly a person.

Doubt it, he was a chinook pilot.


My mistake, in that case he might have but most likely his gunner did all the actual killing.

Yeah. He killed his genetics when he married snooki.

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If flying around the guy doing the killing counts, yes.

Plot twist. He was gunner because he wasn't that good pilot. Had to do qualification flights several times to pass, possibly more attempts than would be accepted from regular people in pilot training.

In that case I would be amazed if he didn't kill people.
Must be legitimatly disheartening to know you only got the seat because of your family, but then again if he gave a shit about that he would have turned it down.

>This was confirmed in February of the following year, when the British Ministry of Defence revealed that Harry had been secretly deployed as aForward Air ControllertoHelmand Provincein Afghanistan for the previous ten weeks.[35][36]The revelation came after the media– notably, German newspaperBildand Australian magazineNew Idea[37][38]– breached the blackout placed over the information by the Canadian and British authorities.[39]It was later reported that Harry helpedGurkhatroops repel an attack fromTalibaninsurgents,[40]and performed patrol duty in hostile areas while in Afghanistan.[41][42][43]

Dose calling in JADMs on ragheads count?

Almost certainly, since his second tour of duty was twenty weeks as a co-pilot/gunner in an Apache AH1.

Kill assist x10 [+100exp]

He became pilot to avoid the mess it caused when he was on the ground on his first deployment, being constantly guarded a SAS detachment bigger than his own platoon. It is bit simpler if SAS guys just follow him on Chinooks or Merlins.

While inPerth, he trained with Special Air Service Regiment (SASR), participating in the SASR selection course, including a fitness test and a physical training session with SASR selection candidates. He also joined SASR members in Perth for live-fire shooting exercises with numerous Special Forces weapons at a variety of ranges. Harry completed an insertion training exercise using a rigid-hull inflatable boat. In Sydney, he undertook urban operations training with the 2nd Commando Regiment. Training activities included remotely detonating an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) andrappellingfrom a building. He also spent time flying over Sydney as co-pilot of an ArmyBlack Hawkhelicopter and participated in counter-terrorism training in Sydney Harbour withRoyal Australian Navyclearance divers.[84]

About as operator as a member of the royal family can get.

>killing inbred genetics
but nah, hes not killing any genetics anytime soon

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Everyone thinks he served in Afghanistan, but during this time Prince harry was secretly gettin butt fucked in Africa. Prior to this he was gettin butt fucked by the ram ranch boys but the US marines caught on and wanted to get a little piece of that royal arsehole for themselves. Harry is a smart man and caught on to thier plans, so he fled to Africa to avoid those buff, cool, US Marine cocks. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Prince Harrrys gay shenanigans.

The gunner is the most junior one in the aircraft, retard

This is so fucking creepy.

Based and grantpilled

This shit is so retarded. I don't give a fuck if he wants to play soldier and fuck around but for the love of God don't deploy and eat up resources that could be used much better.

Are those fucking robots?

Spotted the globalist nigger lover


Why are you so stupid as to believe a sourceless Jow Forums post? Are you happy being so gullible?

Yes I am. But you would be an idiot to think that there isn't a security detail around him.

He was pretty much indistinct during his first couple of deployments in a CVRT, and he definitely didn't have too much of a detail during that time.

spotted the deformed low chromosome sister fucker

Whether or not he had security wasn't your point.

This, unironically. He was an apache gunner, those were very busy during that time in Afghanistan.

I remember seeing an interview where he said that he flew combat missions and that it was very much like playing playstation.

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>Yes I am.
Said without a shred of irony.

Good goy

Yeah, he killed the Royal Family

No, but his dad and grandma killed his mom

One of my instructors in UAV school swears he lased for him once

How does that change the fact the gunner pulls the trigger 99% of the time?
The only time a pilot will be shooting in a Apache is when he uses HMD gun control for some reason or deploys dumb-fire rockets.

only thing he killed was his family tree and his genetic lineage and now has a bix nood mufuggha kid.

Considering how much of a disaster the queen has been, his kid doesn't have a whole lot of room to be worse.

nothing is worse than marrying and impregnating a black prostitute

this genuinely scares me

Arma 2 buildings are so fucking heavily engrained into my memory that I could recognize them even by just smelling the monitor.

I can't get upset about kikes mixing with niggers.

Wtf is this? If this is real footage I think Alex Jones might have been right about Reptilians

i think he had 30 confirmed kill when he was a combat controller, not sure how many he killed as a apache pilot

he's so cool

Blink damnit

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nothing to her being black but she kind of comes from a bad family. Her mother seems like a respectable and nobel person helping kids but her dad's an embarrasement and the rest of them are just trailer trash

it's good harry married a woman he loves rather then some one they chose

Whaaaat? She's a fucking robot?

Literally nothing wrong with dicking your sister you incel


Bong royals always serve
It's actually pretty fucking based, I do agree but then royalty served in both world wars, fought actively on the front, and payed in blood
It must be inspiring to the layman

>Genetic lineage
What, inbreeding?

What's his callsign?

Has anyone ever seen Harry and Gosling in the same room?

Attached: LarsPlusWaifu.jpg (276x183, 8K)

Purest form of love

silly nanny

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How is he being retarded? Then ask yourself how you are being retarded.

Attached: 24 AH-64D Longbow Apache attack helicopters with the 4th Aerial Reconnaissance Battalion South Korea (960x845, 41K)

Because Harry would be the junior one and therefore the gunner.

Sorry but hating niggers is by no means exclusive to rednecks you fucking estrogen ladden faggot

The British Royal family is German than English. The inbreeding claim is pure fallacy

That's fucking stupid on two accounts
For one, everyone fucking knows their German (and Greek) lineage, so fucking what?
And two, how at all does that disprove the inbreeding of nobility
You know you and I are related right?
How do you think nobility, especially royalty works (or rather always used to)?

Aren’t Phillip and Elizabeth distant cousins

Third cousins, so a DNA share of 0.78125%

For comparison it's 50% for parents.

But you must consider how many common ancestors all of their descendants have, and how closely they are related
Which makes Charles more inbred than suggests

No, that is their relation, third cousins, their closest related descendent is a great-great-grandparent, so there's two generations of genetics between any relation at all.

if you guys don't know, those are animatronics from Madam Tussaud's. still fucking terrifying.

>Did Prince Harry kill anybody during his service?
Think about it, hard in your case.

Attached: army_apache_helicopters_vehicles_ah-64_desktop_1920x1080_hd-wallpaper-1256959.jpg (1920x1080, 954K)

Relax guys those look creepy because they are literally just super realistic masks.

For what purpose