I drive for my job, a lot. IWB, pad, and other options aren't cutting it for me for my daily CC. I also wear a shit ton of blazers/sports coats, so I'd still be pretty fine for out of car stuff if I go for shoulder rigs. Yes, I am aware that I have to either do meme arm lifts or sweep my own arm every time I draw.
My real question is in regards to reloads. If I'm wearing a full rig anyways, doesn't it make more sense to just carry a loaded gun on each side instead of a loaded gun on one side and a bunch of reloads on the other?
Shoulder rigs are fine. Who gives a fuck about arm sweeps? Yeah, you could do the second gun I guess.
Cooper Hall
You would be amazed at the amount of reee'ing people do over shoulder holster setups.
Dominic Sullivan
>You'd be amazed at the amount reeeeing No. No I wouldn't man. This is, after all Jow Forums. Dudes go full REEEEEE over the dumbest shit on this board! >Palmetto State armory >Milled Arsenal AK's >Anything vaguely resembling something someone may post on Reddit >Da Jews >Anything other than a perfect clone correct rifle >Any optic that is less than 600 bucks >Etc Shoulder holsters are cool and don't let anyone else on a Peruvian tire balancing forum convince you without trying one out.
Michael Flores
Only if you dual wield them like the Klobb.
Wyatt Watson
there's a reason shoulder rigs usually have have 1 gun, a couple mags but if you can think you can outsmart a hundred plus years of experience, nobody is stopping you
Kayden Stewart
There's dozens of two gun rigs. Revolvertards used to run two revolvers all the time because it was way faster than reloading.
Regardless of what anyone on this fucking board says, leather shoulder rigs are freaking aesthetic.
Carter Mitchell
Two guns will be somewhat annoying. I EDC with a shoulder setup and can safely say that it's much nicer having the mag/clip pouches on the other side. Your gun may rub against your arm sometimes and get uncomfortable. On a one-gun setup, you can put a hand in your pocket and walk around normally without swinging one arm, but you look like a creeper with both hands in your pockets. It's also actually better to reload the gun you currently have a grip on than it is to try and draw your second gun with your weak hand, then switch it over and get your grip right again. With a single gun, your strong hand stays firmly on the optimal grip and only requires you to move your left hand at all. You would also have to consider the loss of accuracy while adjusting to switching to a different trigger pull or sight picture. It's better to stay on one gun and only switch in an absolute emergency such as severe malfunctions or a total loss of ammo in your primary, the later of which would be much more likely if you forego the 2-3 mag pouches.
Brody Jenkins
Switching to your secondary really is faster than reloading
Wyatt Cook
AIWB with a short muzzle like a glock 26 works great for me sitting. I did try a shoulder holster for awhile, found it to be kind of annoying. Also if you have to run it will bang into your side uncomfortably even with tie-downs. Unless you are fat maybe. Don't care about the sweeping, not gonna shoot my own arm, draw is pretty slow though and you can't really practice with it at the range since you are breaking the 180. So yeh, as cool as it looks I ended up ditching shoulder holsters. Except for the vz.61 anyway.
Parker Butler
Nice foot.
Hunter Moore
Has anyone ever bought from Kingdom Holsters? They’re taking fucking forever to ship
Nolan Perry
What kind of rifle is that next to your foot?
Brayden Young
Looks like a bubba'd SKS
Ayden Jones
Thats the top rifle retard
Jason Mitchell
Nvm Kel-Tec RDB methinks
Matthew Mitchell
How about taking some personal responsibility for once in your adult life and losing a little weight, hows about it? Your gut and muffin top shouldn’t be spilling out over your 35 inch + pants
Two guns is dumb, just have your spare mags or utility items on the other side and one good pistol. If you think you're going to need more than 30 rounds maybe consider getting a PDW to sling from your rig so you can hip fire like an operator.
Sitting with a gun pushed into your sides for 8 hours a day sucks. If you try to appendix it's uncomfortable as hell and you place the seatbelt on a very dangerous location above the holster or in front of it. Crashing with the holster pressed into your pelvis will cause internal injuries.