Lets say your a mid sized nation in northern Europe with a good GDP that currently doesn't have any enemies, but after a time period of 5 years the US will try to invade you. Your goal is to repel this invasion or make it as difficult as possible. What equipment will you be buying? 'planes, tanks, AA, anti ship, rifles etc' what tactics would you employ?
Remember that for the 5 year period the US is not against you so you could potentially buy American. Hard mode no allies allowed, simply US vs you.
Landmines. Good quality EFPs. Lots of small tactical drones. Lots of SAMS. Youd want to "hug the beltbuckle" like the North Vietnamese at the tactical level, and at the strategic level, convince the US public that the war is not worth it.
Isaac Russell
this, especially if you want to cost the US as much as possible. Armor, infantry, airforce, naval is going to get wiped pretty quick. It might even be smart to have soldiers dump their uniforms, start training locals in how to fight and hide equipment short term and long term properly, and begin handing out weapons and MREs to store. A first world country isnt going to genocide a populous. The country would be occupied but at a continuous cost.
Grayson Butler
Use those five years to establish a nuclear program, threaten the US that I'll strip it of its superpower status by slamming a nuclear dong into congress if it doesn't back off.
Easton Hernandez
Create a bunch of incel sleeper cells and start the gamer uprising inside America.
Aiden Diaz
Nathan Rogers
Could a viable nuclear program be developed in 5 years?
Hudson Murphy
A viable dirty bomb/smuggling ring could..
Jonathan Garcia
USA did it during ww2 whilst doing the science behind it at the same time. Any country can build a bomb in 5 years if they have acces to the materials needed.
Oliver Foster
I'd expect so. Pakistan managed it in 12 years back in the 70s and they weren't exactly wealthy or a beacon of scientific progress. Though they did have Eisenhowers Atoms For Peace program to get them started.
Parker James
I would ally with Israel and donate them a bunch of money, that should get me clear on any possible issues with the US, hell I may even win the war
Luis Rodriguez
Allies aren't allowed? We'll just declare war to Russia and they'll occupy the country. A great plan too. The US president either loses his position or life few days before or after announcing the invasion.
I agree with people saying mines, MANPADs and other asymmetric warfare implements. Then do a conscript army and get everyone military training. When your whole fucking population is trained and equipped, you are essentially unconquerable.
Jace Thompson
Get nukes, if not focus on the airforce, submarines and torpedoes.
Juan Wright
In addition to these recommendations: naval mines. Iraq deployed a bunch of mines in the Persian Gulf just before Desert Storm and it took the US Navy TWO YEARS to de-mine the area, and several ships were sunk or damaged during that time period. This directly resulted in the Chinese Navy devoting a significant portion of their naval build-up efforts to mine warfare: they saw a gaping hole in the USN's capabilities and took advantage of it. That gaping hole has only gotten worse over the years, and naval mines are far deadlier now.
Jose Ortiz
Big investment into s-400 systems and maybe some Su-57’s would make America hesitant
Brayden Hall
AA or anything aviation I'd a waste. The US is too good at using it.
I take account of my terrain and strategize on how to utilize it best. Considering Northern Europe I will assume Scandinavia.
I bolster my submarine force. That's about the only thing in my navy that will stand a chance, and their main mission will be to pester and evade.
I will avoid large scale battles and opt for small unit skirmishes and ambushes. I would engage in a large engineering effort to lay mines, blockades, traps, and all sorts of things to hinder their large vehicle progress.
A simultaneous effort to creating mountain bunkers and facilities would be engaged in. I want my equipment and movements concealed from satellite and air surveillance.
I change my training doctrine to geurilla tactics and reorganize my units into companies of no more than 20 men. Batallions will consist of a dozen companies with which the BN commander can move around in mobile teams as needed. A heavy emphasis on self reliance will be implemented and they will be generalists.
I up recruiting for my SF units and hire advisors from other SF units.
I issue unconventional transportation methods like horses and skis.
I do my best to make it a frozen Afghanistan without the camelfucking and pajeet BS. No civvies to be harmed.
Missions will mostly try and skirt main combat forces to hit support units. I know this won't cut off supply but it will stretch defenses to try and cover their bases and hit moral.
This will also keep my hard hitters away from most of the good gun fighters and lengthen their stay in the fight.
I try and drag it out to be expensive and tiresome enough that the EU and America collectively lose their stomach to keep killing caucasians.
Then I write my memoirs and take several wife's after I legalize polygamy.
Luke Brooks
Why fight when US senators are for sale? Just buy 'em up and make them do what i want.
Jaxon Cooper
>AA or anything aviation I'd a waste Based retard has already lost.
>I bolster my submarine force Literally single mission per each? You can't exactly rearm and refuel them on some deserted beach. If the enemy has absolute air superiority then you don't have docking facilities after the first 3 to 6 days. And even those missions are fucked - since air superiority allows for free aerial submarine hunt.
>I will avoid large scale battles You don't really get a choice there. They just streamroll straight for the vital cities and infrastructure, you'll have to stop them somewhere.
>A simultaneous effort to creating mountain bunkers and facilities Yeah. That's how you mobile skirmish force - with massive stationary fortifications.
> I want my equipment and movements concealed from satellite and air surveillance then why do you want bunkers?
>I change my training doctrine to geurilla tactics Literally no point if you plan to go guerilla. Guerilla warfare means that you will take heavy losses all the time at horrendous ratios, and you'll need to continuously replenish your numbers from the populace. The regular army either survives and fights on conventionally at least somewhere (not without any control over air), or it gets annihilated in a matter of weeks, and whatever you invested into it becomes a waste.
>reorganize my units into companies of no more than 20 men. Batallions will consist of a dozen companies with which the BN commander can move around in mobile teams as needed Do you want complete command breakdown? Because that's how you get complete command breakdown. A DUDE CAN'T MANEUVER WITH DOZEN UNITS UNDER HIS DIRECT COMMAND SIMULTANEOUSLY, YOU MALL NINJA!
>I up recruiting for my SF units and hire advisors from other SF units. Your Fedayeen get BTFO'd in less than a week. They have no air, no recon and no mobility - SFs are utterly useless in such circumstances. (cont)
Nigger what is afghanistan and Chechnya Dont bother with your second post.
Joshua Cook
>I issue unconventional transportation methods like horses and skis. Fucking why? That does not make you inconspicuous, it does the opposite, while also making you slower and heavily dependent on horse stock (they die A LOT during warfare) and/or weather. Fucking ISIS and Houthis never went that low - they knew that you can go places with Toyota.
>I do my best to make it a frozen Afghanistan without the camelfucking and pajeet BS. No civvies to be harmed. Literally the dumbest part of the post, and that's saying something. You can't pull an Afghanistan without a completely impoverished and insanely radicalized population - sane and wealthy people don't go hunting invaders indawoods, they become refugees in some safe country. never mind foreign supporp.
>Missions will mostly try and skirt main combat forces to hit support units. I know this won't cut off supply but it will stretch defenses to try and cover their bases and hit moral. Urrrm. You are aware of the fact that this happens to be something that ANY force tries to do first, right?
>I try and drag it out to be expensive and tiresome enough that the EU and America collectively lose their stomach to keep killing caucasians. You get bombed to a close approximation of the stone age and balkanized, without anyone giving half of a fuck about muh caucasians - like IRL Balkans.
Absolutely the most silkysmoothbrain idea in this thread, the apotheosis of the Jow Forums indawoods obirador mallninjaing, kill yourself but not with a gun.
Easton James
>Nigger what is afghanistan A country that was successfully invaded and mostly taken over. There is no more political force that resists the invasion - there are insane goatfuckers that carry on killing the infidels and shaving off
>Chechnya Something that got utterly BTFO'd in conventional combat, but carried on resisting through terrorist acts, until it was strangled to death by NOT US BUT FUCKING SMOULDERING REMAINS OF THE PIECE OF SHIT THAT WAS RUSSIAN ARMY in a matter of a few years? And unlike our guy here, Chechens had the guerilla advantage of going full throatslasher Wahhabi. What's next? Taking Saddam as an example of success?
Asher Jackson
>* and shaving off heroin money because that's literally the only kind of living they know now.
Ian Nguyen
>post tactics that have bamboozled the US and Russia for half a century >some retard comes in thinking all of it is a terrible idea. Why can't Jow Forums get into history?
Ryder Sanders
>You can't pull an Afghanistan without a completely impoverished and insanely radicalized population - sane and wealthy people don't go hunting invaders indawoods, they become refugees in some safe country This is why the big igloo will never happen but this board will claim otherwise
Thomas Morales
Post your plan
Carson Mitchell
best statement
Parker Stewart
Vietnam had the NVA - a massive conventional army that US could not afford to fully take on on the ground, which also happened to enjoy a ceaseless torrent of recruits from indoctrinated commie populace that, after half a century of constant warfare, hated foreigners with the fury that your cuck little soul is not capable of comprehending, and Soviet+Chinese armaments and expertise.
Burgers once again imagine Vietnam War to be a US vs Vietcong affair.
Camden Flores
John Watson
Obtain nukes and delivery means.
Literally the only option that can work.
Ryder Diaz
>post tactics that have bamboozled the US US got bamboozled in Vietnam by a massive conventional army that was the NVA, the two emergent superpowers for which Vietnam was a proxy, and having the absolutely shittiest shit of all shits for it's own local proxy. It gets bamboozeled in the Middle East because it fundamentally seeks the impossible there - gaining stable and loyal satellites without pulling them out of poverty and Middle Age way of life.
And what exactly has bamboozeled Russia this way? Chechens lost. They lost hard - not against the cucked meatwave that was the Soviet Army, but against it's pathetic fragment, manned by 18yo alcoholics paid in potatoes.
Ian Cook
Just pay the tv stations to air anti US propaganda. I mean if we had the tv coverage we had in the 70s during ww2, we would've lost the Pacific. The media is consistantly anti US, and never serveds, who stay home and vote, lap it up. They'll be protesting left and right against anything because the talking head on the screen told them they were special.
John Gutierrez
>Just pay the tv stations to air anti US propaganda Good idea, actually.
> I mean if we had the tv coverage we had in the 70s during ww2, we would've lost the Pacific No.
Carter Smith
The NVA used tunnels and ambushes just the same as haji snd the Chechen folks.
Geurilla tactics have fucked with larger forces over reliant in technology and vast supply lines since the dawn of war.
If you think that shit stopped working suddenly in the last 5 years then you've got a profound case of retardation buckaroo.
Jason Bennett
Wow yeah that's been working so well for Iran and NK. 5 years to do what they're in their 2nd or 3rd decade of attempting?
Jose Martinez
To be fair the US is worried about fucking with Iran and NK because of nukes, not that they could hit the states but rather American allies.
Christian Butler
>Hard mode no allies allowed, simply US vs you. So US can't move their forces through other countries or use bases they already have there? An easy goal would be to block the USN advance up the Baltic Sea. Finland could mine bottle necks and use some kind of small submarines. It could be possible to rent some of those islands and deploy anti ship missiles and aircraft there. They need a good plan to use those effectively and withdraw when the time is right. In 5 years they can dig plenty of tank blockades, artillery positions and fake targets around the country.
develop a nuclear charge with a remote detonator and bury it all over my nation, taunt america into a large conventional assault, then nuke myself and blame america publicly in the UN.
Jordan Foster
Number 1 priority would be getting good AA capabilities. There's probably a host of countries willing to supply me with missiles if it meant possibly fucking America up, along with plenty of bored guards in bumfuck Romania willing to "lose" a few dozen manpads for a couple shekels.
Oliver Reyes
>In terms of equipment: >Planes F-16/Gripen.. The F-35 has thusfar proved to be more expensive to procure and maintain and anything with 2 engines also require more man-hours to maintain which will result in a larger portion of the fleet being unavailable for maintenance. >Tanks Leopard 2 or an M1 Tank modified with an MTU-883 diesel engine. Seeing as the US wants to invade me I'd just stick with the Leopard 2. >Armoured Vehicles CV9030 for mechanized units VAB for motorized units RG-32 for light infantry Cavalry units
>Artillery PzH 2000 for mechanized units GIAT LG1 for motorized and light units
>Logistics MAN Trucks for logistics/troop transport/utility
>AA Long/Medium Range: ASTER 15/30 SAMP/T Short Range: MANPADS/Mounted Starstreak
>Anti-Ship RBS-15 Mk III/IV
>Small Arms ACR FN Minimi FN MAG SIG Sauer P320 Sako TRG-42
>Anti-Tank AT-4 Carl Gustav MAW MMP
>Navy Sa'ar 5-class Corvettes Roussen-class fast attack craft
>Tactics: Defense in depth and guerilla tactics with a mobile reserve First line would be light and motorized infantry equipped with modern anti-tank and anti-air weapons. A Home Guard, Kommando or Territorial guard force would act as local defense units. Depending on how good my economy is and my population, I'd have a mobile reserve consisting of my mechanized forces which will consist of either 1 x mechanized division (if I'm the size of Sweden) to a Mechanized Corps of 2 x Mechanized divisions and 1 x Armoured division (if I'm the size of Germany or Poland). My light infantry forces will be 3-6 times larger than the mechanized force.
Jaxon King
Have food.
Nolan Carter
Electronic warfare equipment, Surface to Air area denial weapons, anti-ship weapons, non-nuclear ballistic missiles. Reliable rifles chambered in 5.56 and lightweight antitank weapons. Interceptor aircraft like MiG-31s, don't bother with air superiority because you will get wiped, only operate against bombing and tactical aircraft. The ground will take care of the rest. Submarines that operate in controlled waters.
idk, the US has been in so many wars that they've learned how to counter all of this by now.
Build robotic fortifications and decoys out the wazoo, You can build up more fortifications for your time and money they you can with any other system. You want too many soft targets for effective PGM strikes, Too many hard targets for safe strategic bombing, With a hardened and redundant C2 to coordinate it all.