All threads on Jow Forums for the next 6 days will be hurricaine/Florida related...

All threads on Jow Forums for the next 6 days will be hurricaine/Florida related. If you plan on making an off topic thread please don’t. Post guns you plan to ride out the storm with.

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>8 of the mags are unloaded

That’s what the ammo can is for. I like the aesthetics of loose 5.56 in a can.

Any house prep or food and water storage work you doing? Boarding up windows covering the car etc?

Not OP but I'm pulling in potted plants/furniture, moving car from under tree, and oiling AK.

352 represent

Stacked on goodies from sams club and will be doing a lot of BBQ.
Also all the LARP rations you see pictured
5x 32 case of Dasani from sams
2x 5 gallon water tanks and dispenser
3x case of Budweiser
Hurricaine windows, all buttoned up with metal shutters.
Generator had been tested yesterday and is ready to power the fridge, the AC, and laptops/phones/Ryobi batteries. Shed has been caulked last week. I moved a palm tree last week that will probably get wrecked tho.

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Good idea moving the car. I've seen even small trees make pancakes out of cars

KYS fucking faggot. You Floridaniggers should know how to ride out a storm by now, otherwise you deserve whatever you get.

Nice supply, I'd also recommend first aid equipment, but I'm sure you have that covered as well

OP here, if for some reason the 4 bottles of propane for the grill runs out, I’ll be able to boil water, make soup or stews with this little combo from the Walmart.
>$6 for the gas
>$3 for the burner/stand
It’s a really sweet camping setup.

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Those civvie mre thingies any good?

It’s fun to actually be able to LARP. Hurricaines are the most comfy event that can happen down here. Normies start prepping like crazy, everyone is nice and excited to have a long family game night instead of working. Getting out right after the hurricaine to see the town destroyed is also fun

Yea they taste great and last upwards of 30 years. A bit pricey tho.

Also installed one of these battery backups for the WiFi. I have no idea how long it will actually last once the power lines go down.

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Going to force my wife to eat nothing but beanie weenie for Braap purposes also.


Closest I've ever gotten to real SHTF is hurricanes; authorized to carry weapons, gas stations empty, no supplies, etc. Plus looters are a semi-real threat depending on where you are

Yea I’m in Martin county about 30 miles north of west palm. Supposedly the hurricaine will make landfall in my town and I’m about 1/4 mile from the beach. My county is red as hell so I expect most people will be adequately prepared. We do have a ton of Mexicans making up our construction/lawn maintenance force. I saw a family of Mexicans unloading a truck full of coconuts yesterday so I imagine they are preparing in their own ways. Not many niggers to worry about.

OP here continuing to dump photos. Here’s a shot of some of my fruit dehydrating. I ate up all my stores of strawberries and kiwis, but I have a mango tree in my backyard that’s allowed me to stock a few pounds of dried mango. $40 at bass pro shop. It’s been a great investment for prepping for camping trips as well. I’ve also done a batch of jerkey in it as a proof of concept and it turned out great.

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People move in all the time with no experience with storms quit being an asshole

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Hanguns I will be riding the storm with. Bersa will be on my waistband, the bulldog will be in the nightstand. No real change from my normal carry habits.

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Can’t forget the sardines in a time of need.

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My choice of silver bullion will be kept safely high up in the middle of the house. Maples are my favorite, but I have a few silver eagles as well. Not much in terms of bullion but it’s something.

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Ew. Gross. Disgusting. You should be ashamed.

Heres my auxiliary stove Incase my grill and my mini propane burner get KOd. It’s a small collapsible wood burning rocket stove that is capable of preparing small meals/coffee. Another excellent piece of gear for camping and prepping.

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They work fine for me.

Here she is put together. A really small and efficient stove.

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Do your worst.

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Sell garbage.
Buy Glock.

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>sell garbage
>buy garbage
What did he mean by this?

Some gear

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Oh man you’re one of those short bus kids aren’t you?

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Some spare ammo. Not much

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Solid plan

Sauce on dehydrator?

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Force the wife to eat your beanie weeny. Wink wink

Thanks fren

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What vest is that?!!

What vest is that?


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Post Bulldog and Brap-Hog

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butthole pls

>shit I need to load another mag

I never said it was practical

>sell okay guns
>buy bland pasta

Is that a real butt?

Not OP but it's a surplus M81 molle vest. Fairly common.

anyone else ever take a road trip to florida just for the hurricane shenanigans?

Literally nothing wrong except the absence of a full sized semi-auto handgun.

Any SHTF scenario (with possible exception of the collapse of the US dollar) where cash is worthless gold and silver are just as if not more worthless. Change my mind.


>jew ammo

Ammo has no ethnicity asshat

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Silver bullets against vampires, wendigos and furries. Gold to put under a basket to trap a brass Jew for shishkebab

>4x40 pack of Walmart water
>4x 6pack of Gatorade
>Enough Corned Beef N' Hash to kill a lesser man
>Yuengling and Beam for days
>trimming limbs tomorrow
>going to fill the tubs day of for toilet water
>.357 Ruger SP101 on night stand
>Mossberg 500 in closet
>Everything else staying in the safe for waterproofing purposes (unless SHTF)

>Flo' grown but my first major storm since moving into a new house.
>1.5 acres on a lake so a little worried about flooding
>house built in '59 and it ain't blowed away yet
>no immediate neighbors but crack stacks are just down the road one way, Mad Max trailer park the other way
>God help the methed out mother fucker who tries to come into my house
>Work for the mouse (407), so I'll have to work the day before and most likely immediately after
>worried about looters when I'm not home
>pics for emphasis

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And Jow Forums is being a faggot and telling me my pic of the beer fridge contains an embedded file. you'll just have to trust me, I have a shit ton of Florida beer and Yuengling.

I may not have internet but I won't be
>in the dark

If I’ve got the scale right not super long, maybe a day at best

maybe an hour and a half depending on the power consumption of your router